Chapter 144 Please enter the urn
"Overlord (King of the Undead)" can be said to be a very popular work when Xiao Yun traveled, and as a fan author, Xiao Yun can be said to be very familiar with this work, not only the anime, but even the original novel. Read it several times.

Because of this, Xiao Yun is familiar with the method of "Insect Trainer" in the original book, and can easily identify the killer skill of "Fly Breath", so he directly used the "Blue Rose" card.

However, after eliminating the "fly breath" twice, there is still a third "fly breath", and this time, Xiao Yun no longer has the "Zhenlan Rose" special weapon to restrain this ability.

The sound of "buzzing" kept ringing. This time, there were far fewer black clouds of flies than before, but under the control of the clown, they appeared to be very skillful. The black clouds of flies divided into groups and turned into five black ribbons, attacking from all directions. To Xiao Yun.

The maggots produced by the flies can directly penetrate into the human body, and I am afraid they can also ignore most of the defense methods. Even though Xiao Yun has the "Spartan Devil" blood, he dare not let these things get close to him easily.

The figure moved, and the crimson queen in her hand slashed out with flames, but the flies retreated with the wind, and swarmed up again after Xiao Yun's slash.

Swinging the great sword will inevitably break open the air in the original space and create a wind current. If you want to reach the state of no wind in swinging the sword, you must at least be a "master", and you are still a top "master". At this time, Xiao Yun obviously Not enough.

Constantly entangled with the flies, Xiao Yun is also constantly looking for the traces of the clown, the breath of the flies is not easy to deal with, so he will target the clown who summoned these flies.

However, as if he had guessed that Xiao Yun wanted to implement this strategy, the clown disappeared into the passage.As a slime alien, the clown could completely hide in the gaps between the blocks. Even with mental detection, Xiao Yun couldn't locate the clown in a short time.

Another slash of the sword, forcing back a torrent of flies, another wave of flies, like a rope, bypassed Xiao Yun's vigilance in front of him, and rushed down behind him, trying to fly close to Xiao Yun's neck and give birth to his offspring. down, and as they fly near.

There was a roar, and there was a faint roar of the demon wolf, and a large number of hot projectiles sprayed out, carrying terrifying kinetic energy and bombarding the group of flies. The wide-area attack and the raging demon flames killed most of the flies. .

Shotgun, blood wolf shadow!

"Blood Flame Bullet" + "Demon Flame" can add an additional 400 points of demon fire damage, which is hotter than the Crimson Queen.

However, at the same time as the blood wolf shadow roared, the other 4 flies were also shocked suddenly, and the flies stopped their movements as if they were absent-minded, and then fell.

And after the blink of an eye, the sound of buzzing resounded, and the fly flapped its wings again.

"This is?!"

Seemingly enlightened, the Blood Wolf Shadow twirled in his hand, and then pointed the muzzle at several flies in front of him. Xiao Yun pulled the trigger without hesitation regardless of the problem of hitting.

"Bang——! Bang——!"

There were two more loud bangs, the shocking roar carried a clearer howl of wolves, and the bullets carrying the flames of demons did not hit many flies, but at the moment of the roar of the gunshots, these flies were once again " Stunned!"
Blood Wolf Shadow is equipped with the special skill "Magic Wolf Roaring", which comes with 100 points of mental shock when shooting. The clown adds special slime to these fire-resistant flies to resist the burning of the flames, but it cannot make up for all their weaknesses.


The sound of gunfire roared, and the howling sound of the magic wolf hidden inside it "stunned" the fly that was just about to recover again. At the same time, the Scarlet Queen moved.

This time, instead of igniting the crimson flames, strong winds were set off. Xiao Yun used "breath of the wind" to control the wind, gathering these temporarily unconscious flies.


The dark red wolf pattern lit up on the gun body, adding demon fire to the shotgun that escaped from the chamber, forming a dark red fury, which bombarded the disgusting ball of insects heavily, killing all the flies burn up.


Indistinctly, the same murmur sounded, and at the moment Xiao Yun cracked the "fly breath", a stream of mucus sprang up from Xiao Yun's feet, as if turning into a mouth full of mucus, trying to swallow Xiao Yun.

Amorphous slimes, especially combat slimes, are extremely damaging in their own right.They have the ability to selectively dissolve their prey, burying their entire prey in a liquid body, and then slowly digesting it with an acidic liquid.

Xiao Yun knew this a long time ago. When watching the anime "Overlord (King of the Undead)", the scene where the blond-haired, plump battle maid "Suo Liuxiang" swallowed the robber into her body was still clearly engraved on the screen. In Xiao Yun's memory.

That being the case, why didn't Xiao Yun have such a vigilance towards the clowns who belonged to the "unshaped slime" family?
"I've been waiting for your move, I said, it's over!"

The moment the mucus covered Xiao Yun's whole body, blood-red lines appeared on the black windbreaker.

"Order of Yan Mo, blood flame form!"

The "Blood Flame" windbreaker enhanced by the special effects of the suit ignited the hottest flame so far.

Slime devouring is also a kind of control effect. The ignited blood flame burns the slime covering Xiao Yun's body, dries it up, and burns it up.


The mucus that was about to devour Xiao Yun fell as if strong acid had been poured on it, and the clown let out a painful wail.

"get out!"

Xiao Yun didn't allow the clown to escape again. Taking advantage of the moment when he was severely injured, the power of the devil gathered under his feet with the greatest force, and then he stomped on it. At the same time as the gravel burst, a large group of mucus was "kicked" out together.

"Bing Jie, Crimson Blade, Level [-] Charge!"

Xiao Yun used his hole card without hesitation. The slime has extremely high physical resistance, pure slashing cannot hurt the clown, so it must be based on energy attacks.

The strengthened Scarlet Queen kept trembling, bursting out with the hottest flames. Xiao Yun tried his best to control the Queen who was trying to break free from his control, and slashed the scarlet sword towards the clown again and again.

One hit, two hits, three hits.
Xiao Yun kept peeling puddles of slime off the clown's body, and then burned it up with scorching flames.

The strengthening time of "Soldier Tribulation" is over, and the energy of the Scarlet Queen is also exhausted, and the Scarlet Blade can no longer be activated.

The clown fell to the ground, but his size did not decrease at all, but Xiao Yun could clearly sense that the clown's aura had dropped a lot.

"Xiao Yun, you can't kill me!"

The clown's face appeared on the puddle of mucus, he glared at Xiao Yun ferociously, and roared angrily.

There will be a special space in the body of the amorphous slime, in which items can be placed, prey to be swallowed can be held, and even the slime itself!

The clown is confident, the shapeless mucus is not small, most of it is placed in that space, Xiao Yun burning part of the mucus can only weaken his strength, if he wants to kill him, he has to burn all of it.

Xiao Yun didn't know this, but it didn't matter
"There is no living thing that is immortal, and it cannot be killed, just because the strength is not enough."

This is Xiao Yun's cognition all along.

The Crimson Queen swung down again, this time, there was no hot crimson flame, only the dark red demonic power covering it.

The blade swept across, cutting off a small puddle of slime, and then gradually turned into a puddle of clear water under the erosion of the remaining demon power.

"it works!"

Xiao Yun smiled slightly. The clown was split in two by Zhan Feng before. The clown did not immediately restore the human form for melee combat, but turned into slime and released the "fly breath". It can be seen that the power of the devil can also cause damage to the slime. .

"So what, you are a level 20 player, how much demonic power do you have in your body?" The clown shouted, with a hint of panic in his tone.

Xiao Yun didn't answer, but just covered the edge of the sword with the power of demons, and slashed at the clown one by one, constantly preventing him from returning to his human form, while cutting off his "flesh and blood"!
The power of demons, Xiao Yun has enough!
The confrontation took a long time and was very uneven. It was impossible for the clown to let Xiao Yun suppress and consume his life like this.Slime can't shape attacks, but the clown has other means, he is not a pure melee player.

He is an "Insect Trainer". Using insects as soldiers and engaging in melee combat with enemies is one of his ways of taming insects; when the slime shape was suppressed by Xiao Yun, he used pure summoning attacks.

Thousand whipworms that can freely twist their bodies like long whips and are almost the same as centipedes; steel bullet insects that cover a wide area like large shotguns; giant monster-like spiders.
Xiao Yun saw all kinds of bugs, but fortunately they didn't have the cooperation of the clown himself, and their strength was limited. Xiao Yun suppressed the clown and solved them one by one.

In the blink of an eye, it was 4 hours later.

"This guy can really survive!"

Cut off part of the clown's slime body again, eroded it with the power of the devil, and turned it into a pool of clear water. The clown's body did not proliferate as rapidly as before.

Xiao Yun quietly breathed a sigh of relief, because of the professional talent of "Devil's Blood", Xiao Yun has almost [-] points of demonic power reserve, but even so, Xiao Yun's demonic power is almost exhausted.

The clown's proliferation rate is too abnormal, Xiao Yun guessed that the clown should store food in a special space in the body.Xiao Yun vigorously peeled the skin and flesh outside, while the clown quickly ate inside to proliferate his own mucus.

But now, the confrontation is finally over, and Xiao Yun has won the final victory in this battle.

"Hehehe, Xiao Yun, you are truly extraordinary. No wonder Li Xinghe died at your hands. There are very few players of your level who can beat you without relying on equipment and props."

The clown's face once again appeared on the slime on the ground, his voice was weak and hoarse, but it was full of excitement.

"But you fell for it. I deliberately delayed you here. During this time, the pair of sisters have already approached Asakusa. Soon, they will face one of the strongest ghosts, the second on the string, Tong Mo!"

"But at least I killed you, didn't I?" Xiao Yun didn't care about this, because he had already expected the result of a protracted battle with the clown, so he sent Bella ahead of time.

If Xiao Yun didn't have enough time to rush over, he would notify Bella to take away the Butterfly sisters, so as not to let them encounter Shangxian Er. Without the intervention of the clown, Xiao Yun would face Tong Mo after he was fully prepared.


The Crimson Queen directly inserted into the mucus, and the remaining demon power was poured into the clown's body mucus from the blade of the sword. Under the erosion of this demon power, the mucus gradually lost its original structure and died. , Turned into drops of clear water dripping down.

"It seems that you have other means?" The clown ignored his own death, with a sneer in his tone, "However, you also underestimated me!"

"My talent is called 'soul stitching'. I can split my soul and stitch it on the souls of other beings to achieve the effect of parasitizing and controlling them. As long as the loss of my soul does not exceed 50%, I will not be killed. Judgment as death!"

"——?!" Xiao Yun had a bad premonition, and the clown uttered his last words on the mucus that had [-]% turned into clear water.

"This half of the soul is given to you, and the rest I will wait for you in Asakusa."

【Ding!You have successfully beheaded part of the soul of violator Q-57675, and you are one step closer to completing the trial of judgment. Please continue to work hard! 】

The reminder of the Dimensional Game sounded immediately, which seemed to prove that what the clown said was true.

And in the pool of clear water where the clown's "corpse" melted, a player's coat of arms slowly emerged, then faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared without a trace.


Xiao Yun uttered a rare swear word, does this guy have psoriasis, can't he be killed?

Originally, he thought that by killing the clown here, Xiao Yun could adjust his condition and rush to Asakusa, where he and Kanae would kill the disgusting second string. Now tell Xiao Yun that there is another clown in Asakusa?
No wonder it felt like the clown, as a veteran, was not much stronger than Li Xinghe in combat power, so it was only half?
"Half? No"

Is there really half of the soul self that the clown has divided?

Remember, a clone of the clown was captured by the mage. Xiao Yun learned through Bella's monitoring that the clown used that part of the soul as a medium to launch the soul curse and severely injured Iron Fist.

If what the clown said is true, only 50% of the self-soul can be judged as "alive", then it means-the mage lied!

The so-called soul curse is not a clown's method at all!
"and many more."

If this speculation continues, then the mage and the clown are very likely to be together.

In this way, the clown deliberately sent Wolf Yusuke to attack the new players who had just entered the dimensional copy, and then induced the dimensional game to issue a task to protect the new players, so that the mage could use this to enter the dimensional copy
So what is the mage's goal?Does Dimensional Games know the calculations?How did the clown determine where the new player entered the dimensional copy?
"I'm still a newcomer, and I've been a player for less than a year. Is this judgment trial so perverted?"

Xiao Yun's head hurt, and he found that he couldn't deduce the specific outline with his current knowledge.

Putting aside these thoughts decisively, Xiao Yun focused on the current situation.

The Butterfly sisters are led to Asakusa, and they may encounter the second of the first string. Kanae, who has not turned on the "stripe", has no choice but to lose in the face of Tong Mo.

The clown wanted to use this as bait to lure Xiao Yun to go, and then he, the general and Tong Mo besieged Xiao Yun together.This is a conspiracy, using the life and death of Sister Butterfly as a bargaining chip to invite the king into the urn.

But Xiao Yun still has the hidden trump card of "Bella", and no one except Xiao Yun knows about Bella's existence.

Bella is about to arrive in Asakusa, and it is not impossible to take the Butterfly sisters away before they meet Kami no [-], but the clown who was originally expected to die is still alive, and with him and the general interfering, Bella takes the Butterfly sisters away possibility is greatly reduced.

And even if the clown's game is broken, he may still get the second and third rounds in a short time .

The clown with only half of his soul is not at his peak, Xiao Yun has already seen his strength.In this way, the difference in combat power between the enemy's Clown and Tong Mo, Fang Xiaoyun and Hana Hui is not too big, and the outcome is still uncertain!
The only combat power beyond that is the general, but it's not that there is no way to deal with him!

A piece of information was collected in Xiao Yun's mind, and then analyzed and compared one by one. Soon, Xiao Yun made a decision.

"Go to Asakusa, Zhan Tongmo!"

(End of this chapter)

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