A master of comprehension will take you to fly

Chapter 181 Desperate Mount Everest

Chapter 181 Desperate Mount Everest

Lin Jingya touched Li Qingyu's cold face, heartbroken, she didn't think much at this moment, she just wanted to accompany Li Qingyu to Huangquan Road!

She stretched out her hand to unzip the one-piece down jacket. Although she did not react to the hypoxia in the mountains, hypothermia would soon kill her. By then, she would be able to accompany Li Qingyu in the underworld and share the prosperity of the underworld.

However, at this moment, she suddenly saw that Li Qingyu's eyelids seemed to move!
She immediately gave up her plan to commit suicide. She was so surprised that she was afraid of hitting Li Qingyu in the face, so she called softly: "Li Qingyu! Li Qingyu! Wake up, wake up!"

Li Qingyu was not actually dead. He just hit his head on the stone wall and fainted. At this moment, he was awakened by Lin Jingya.

"My head hurts! What is this place? What happened? Why are you crying..." Li Qingyu finally opened his eyes completely, and said in a daze.

Lin Jingya didn't hear what Li Qingyu was saying at all. Seeing Li Qingyu resurrected from the dead, she was overjoyed and hugged Li Qingyu tightly, and suddenly pressed her mouth on Li Qingyu's!

Li Qingyu's already confused mind suddenly went completely blank!But this time, I was not hit by a stone, but was blinded by the sudden arrival of happiness!
A long kiss under hypoxic conditions can be fatal!

So Li Qingyu quickly pushed Lin Jingya away reluctantly, looked into her eyes tenderly, and said with a smile: "Can I keep this long kiss? It doesn't seem suitable to do this now."

"Li Qingyu, will you be my boyfriend?" Lin Jingya suddenly looked into Li Qingyu's eyes and said.

Li Qingyu almost fainted again!

Nima, after going through all the hardships in the world, she finally won the hearts of the beauties.The adventure was worth it!

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you! The wind is too strong!" Li Qingyu roared loudly with a laugh.

"I asked you to be my boyfriend!" Lin Jingya put her mouth to Li Qingyu's ear and shouted loudly.

"Don't you blame me for being a big carrot?"

"I thought about it just now, no matter whether you care about it or not in the future, as long as you treat me sincerely, I will be your woman for the rest of my life!"

Excited, Li Qingyu immediately hugged Lin Jingya and kissed her again, and said, "Xiaoya, I swear today that if I play my heart again in the future, I will..."

Lin Jingya covered his mouth with her hand, showing a gentle smile, and said, "Qing Yu, don't make your oath casually, I only want you to treat me well in this life!"

Li Qingyu suddenly seemed to be full of strength all over his body, and he felt that the force suppressing his dantian had weakened again, as if his inner energy was about to break through the seal and rush out!
She held Lin Jingya in her arms with one hand, grabbed the ascender with the other, and said with a long laugh: "Let's go! Let's go up to rescue our dad now! This time, I will definitely succeed!"

The excited Li Qingyu seemed to have had his blood pumped. Not only did he quickly climb up the cliff with Lin Jingya in his arms, but he also climbed up the Hillary Step in one go.After fixing the rope, Lin Jingya also climbed up along the rope.

After Lin Jingya went up, she couldn't help being stunned and said, "Why is there no rope going forward? There should be an extension."

"Maybe it was really blown away by the storm. Fortunately, the terrain is a lot flatter, and the wind is a lot less now. We can find Uncle and the others without the help of ropes." Li Qingyu said, holding Lin Jingya's hand .

Although the wind was much weaker than before, the person who was blowing was still unable to stand firmly. He was afraid that Lin Jingya would be blown away by the wind accidentally!
The Hillary Step is the last obstacle on the south slope of Mount Everest. After climbing up, there is a gentle and slightly wide ridge. The two of them moved forward without encountering any danger.

They walked forward for a short distance, and Li Qingyu suddenly pointed ahead and said in surprise: "Look! No wonder the road rope is gone, it was moved there by them! Uncle, they must be there! Let's go and have a look!" "

Lin Jingya looked up, and with the light of her headlight, she discovered that the rope, which was originally fixed on the regular route, turned around not far ahead and extended under a big rock under the ridge.

She immediately realized that her father and the others must have been unable to go down to the Hillary Step because of the storm, so they found a temporary shelter!

Li Qingyu and Lin Jingya were overjoyed at the same time, and immediately quickened their pace and hurried over, following the rope and descending to the bottom of the rock.

However, when the two reached the bottom of the rock, their hearts were immediately filled with despair!
They only saw two living people, and the others were all covered by snow, only their red and yellow one-piece down jackets were exposed!Obviously, these people have been frozen into ice sculptures!

What made them most desperate was that Lin Tianfeng was not among the two living people!

Both living people are foreigners, one is Li Qingyu's old acquaintance Sanast.Although he was not covered by snow, his condition was also very bad. His lips were purple, his eyes were dull, and he was coughing violently, as if he would die at any time.

Another foreign man was sitting next to Sanast, but his condition was much better than Sanaster's, but his lips had already started to turn purple, and he was breathing heavily. When he saw the four oxygen tanks Li Qingyu was carrying, his eyes suddenly shot out. Jing Guang said hurriedly: "Hurry up! Hua Guo boy, we need oxygen!"

Li Qingyu felt a little upset in his heart, and secretly said: "Paralysis, I risked my life to give you up for adoption, but you not only didn't say half a word of thanks, but also spoke so rudely! You really have no education!"

Although Li Qingyu felt unhappy, he just thought that this bastard's head was damaged due to severe lack of oxygen, so he sent two bottles of oxygen to them.

As soon as he put the oxygen in front of the two foreigners, Lin Jingya's trembling voice came from next to his ear: "Qing Yu, I found my father! Come here quickly! Do you think my father... is dead?"

Li Qingyu immediately walked to Lin Jingya's side in a few steps, released his spiritual consciousness to cover Lin Tianfeng's body, and scanned his whole body.

Lin Tianfeng's situation is indeed not optimistic. His eyes are closed, his face is covered with ice and snow, and his whole body has been frozen to the point that he has almost become an ice sculpture.

But to Li Qingyu's surprise, his internal organs are still working!
Although both heartbeat and breathing are very weak, but there is still after all!
"Uncle still has a heartbeat and breathing, maybe he can still be saved! You give him oxygen, and I will push the uterus to activate his blood!"

As soon as Li Qingyu gave an order, the two immediately got busy. Lin Jingya supplied oxygen to her father, while Li Qingyu clenching both fists, and kept beating the main points of Lin Tianfeng's body, hoping to make Lin Tianfeng's heartbeat stronger and grab a chance of life.

However, with the passage of time, Li Qingyu's heart began to sink gradually.Lin Tianfeng has reached the verge of death, not to mention the death environment at the top of the world, even in the best hospital, I am afraid he will be powerless...

(End of this chapter)

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