Chapter 221 Killer 72 Changes

"Why did Brother Huangfu say that?" Zhuge Zhonghuang asked in surprise, with a very respectful attitude.

The middle-aged man's name is Huangfu Yibiao. Although he is now in charge of protecting Zhuge Zhonghuang, he is a great priest of the Zhuge family.

"You want Yang Lijun to irritate Li Qingyu. No matter whether Li Qingyu fights back or is captured, you can take the opportunity to suppress Li Qingyu, and then suppress his Daniu company. This is a good idea, but you have overlooked one thing..."

"What is it?" Zhuge Zhonghuang interjected subconsciously.

"Li Qingyu is the Grandmaster! The Grandmaster cannot be insulted! So he will never go with Yang Lijun. And with Li Qingyu's wisdom and methods, if he takes action against Yang Lijun, he can find a hundred ways to make Yang Lijun's life worse than death, and he will not fall into the attack The crime of being a police officer! Li Qingyu's violent shout just now was due to the master's unique skill - directional sonic explosion killing, which can kill an ordinary person!" Huangfu Yibiao said with a solemn expression.

"How does this move compare to the legendary Buddhist lion's roar?" Zhuge Zhonghuang asked curiously.

"The lion's roar skill cannot be compared with the directional sonic blast. The lion's roar skill can only attack in a wide range, and anyone who hears the sound will be attacked. It is easy to accidentally injure friendly troops, while the directional sonic blast can not only attack in a wide range, but also in a directional manner. , you can target one or several people in the crowd to kill!" Huangfu Yibiao said.

Zhuge Zhonghuang couldn't help shivering, and said: "So, wouldn't he be able to kill people without knowing it? The police couldn't find any clues afterwards?"

Huangfu nodded and said, "Exactly. That's why I said that you made Yang Lijun deal with Li Qingyu, and you were wrong from the beginning."

"Fuck, this Li Qingyu is really a freak! How old is he, how can he become a master? By the way, Brother Huangfu, you are also a master, and you punched him just now, so who are you two?" More powerful?" Zhuge Zhonghuang asked.

Huangfu Yibiao was silent for a while, and then said: "Although I really don't want to admit it, I still have to admit that I am not his opponent!"

Zhuge Zhonghuang was startled!
Just now he just asked this question, in fact, in his heart, Huangfu is invincible!Li Qingyu couldn't possibly be Huangfu's opponent!

Unexpectedly, Huangfu Yibiao thought he was invincible!
"How come? Brother Huangfu is too modest, right? Just now you and Li Qingyu punched each other and retreated together. I see that your footing is steady and you crushed a page of tiles with every step, while Li Qingyu's steps were vain and didn't step on the tiles at all." He is obviously not as good as you!" Zhuge Zhonghuang said unwillingly.

His biggest reliance was not Li Qingyu's opponent, which made him lose his sense of security.

Huangfu Yibiao gave another wry smile, and said: "My lord doesn't understand martial arts, and I don't know the mysteries of it. Just now, every time I took a step back, I crushed a page of tiles, but there was no trace of what Li Qingyu had passed, which just shows that Li Qingyu is more powerful than me. I'm so skilled!"

"How do you say that?" Zhuge Zhonghuang asked.

"I stepped on the broken tiles because I couldn't bear the strong force Li Qingyu exerted on me. I could only transfer this force to the ground, so I stepped on the broken tiles. But Li Qingyu didn't step on the broken tiles, which means that I have no strength at all." How much harm did it cause him? He didn't need to transfer the force he was enduring. The young master is indeed formidable!" Huangfu Yibiao sighed, his face full of disappointment.

"Oh, it's really a headache to provoke such an enemy!" Zhuge Zhonghuang frowned and sighed.

"Young Master, there is no need to rush to revenge Li Qingyu. Even if you stand still, Li Qingyu will not be able to jump around for a few days. He boldly chose the Shuangying Gate in the capital, and promised to participate in the Martial Arts Conference on the Lantern Festival next year. Not only is Tie Shuangying deeply scheming, And he is the one who will take revenge, he will never let Li Qingyu walk down the platform alive!" Huangfu Yibiao said.

"The relationship is good. Since someone will take action for me, I just need to wait and see what happens! Haha, listen to a piece of music to relax, the rescued "Brothers of Life and Death", it's a popular song for decades. The song of salvation is the most flavorful, that is, this bastard sang "Where is the Conscience", which broke Lao Tzu's arrogance..."

Zhuge Zhonghuang muttered and fiddled with the CD in the car.The deep and passionate melody of "Brothers of Life and Death" sounded in the Rolls-Royce compartment soon...

If this guy knows that salvation is Li Qingyu, I don't know if he will praise his song so much...

When Zhuge Zhonghuang was immersed in Li Qingyu's singing, Li Qingyu's affairs had already been dealt with. He personally sent Sun Yingxue back to school, and then he returned to the hospital, letting Gu Tianxing go back to the hotel to rest. He was responsible for taking care of Ding Hao and Luo Hui. Waiting for news from the police.

At about seven o'clock the next morning, Li Qingyu went to the hospital cafeteria to prepare meals for Ding Hao and Luo Hui. He first bought his own meals, five pies, a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, and a bowl of small pickles. As he ate, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.He felt like he was being targeted by a hunter.

He raised his head slightly, glanced around, and found a young man in his 20s sitting at a table about ten meters away from him.

The young man was eating with his head down. There were two deep-fried dough sticks on the table in front of him, and he was drinking a box of soybean juice leisurely. It seemed that there was nothing unusual, but Li Qingyu keenly felt that this person was spying on him just now!He couldn't hide from himself with his intentionally concealed demeanor!

What interested Li Qingyu the most was that he found that the other party had a plaster cast on his right wrist!

This shows that the opponent's right wrist is broken!

"Huh? Could this person be the killer last night?" Li Qingyu thought for a moment.

Although the person in front of him is a boy with a height of 1.7 meters, and the killer last night was just a dwarf of 1.3 meters. The height difference between the two is too far, the appearance is also too different, and even the gender is wrong, but Li Qingyu knows that for a For a master who is proficient in disguise, these can be disguised!
Only the injury of the wrist and the internal injury of the five internal organs cannot be changed!
It's a pity that it hasn't been 24 hours since Li Qingyu dealt with Wang Feizhuo yesterday, and Li Qingyu can't release his consciousness. Otherwise, Li Qingyu only needs to release his consciousness to scan whether his internal organs are injured, and then he can determine whether the opponent is a killer.

But now, if Li Qingyu wants to determine whether the other party is a killer, he can only have close contact with the other party.

He picked up his eight-treasure porridge and his pie, walked up to the other party, put them on the table, and sat down across from the other party unceremoniously.

The other party looked up at Li Qingyu.

At this glance, Li Qingyu immediately concluded that the other party was the killer last night!
A person's appearance can be changed, and even his height can be changed with some secret techniques, but his inadvertent eyes are hard to change!

(End of this chapter)

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