Chapter 310 The Age of Firearms
There is no doubt that the bomb tied to Tian Ye is either real or a single-cylinder Kaitian Lei!

Of course, the grenade hanging on the military coat is not real, it is a grenade-shaped water gun he bought from a toy store!

But now the grenade is not filled with water, but with big firecrackers as thick as a thumb!
Tian Ye stuffed four or five cannonballs into each grenade water gun, and the fuzes were screwed together and protruded out of the water gun.At that time, light the fuze and throw it out, it will be an improvised bomb!
It's useless to use this thing in war, but it's quite powerful when used in fighting!
It turned out that this morning, after Tian Ye had breakfast and sent his two younger sisters to school, he went to Xiushui Garden to pick up his battery car, and then went to work in the cement factory. The motorcycle has long been a pile of junk!
The extreme childhood life experience made Tian Ye develop a dual personality. Normally, she is gentle, generous and polite, just like Xiaojiabiyu.She is also very caring, otherwise she would not have picked up two abandoned children and raised them herself!
But she suffered many hardships in her childhood and saw the ugliness of human nature, and there is a devil hidden in her heart!Once someone provokes her and awakens the devil in her heart, she can really fight people desperately!

Also due to the miserable life, she has developed the habit of being extremely frugal. Even if she sees a mineral water bottle while walking, she will pick it up!

Now that someone smashed her battery car, she exploded at that time, and the devil in her heart was resurrected!
Angrily, she broke into the security room of the community and asked who smashed her car.The community security guards knew how powerful she was, and knew that she was not fighting alone. There was an even more terrifying man behind her——Li Qingyu!
When Li Qingyu left yesterday, he had personally told them that he was optimistic about battery cars and motorcycles. If something went wrong, the bald tiger with severed arms and legs would be their role model!

Therefore, when the security guards saw Ye Ye arriving, they didn't dare to hide a word. They immediately poured beans into the bamboo tube and told everything. They also kept asking Ye Ye to forgive him. They were helpless and they were willing to bear their responsibilities!
What are their responsibilities?They actually have no responsibility!Li Qingyu and Tian Ye were not the owners of the community in the first place, so the security guard had no obligation to show them the car.

Li Qingyu let them look at the car, and even threatened to beat him if he didn't like it, mainly because these security guards watched their parents and Tian Ye being beaten by gangsters yesterday, but they didn't do anything!Li Qingyu was so angry that he frightened them.

Tian Ye will not fail to understand this truth.

Although the devil in Tian Ye's heart has been revived, her education is destined that she will not become Wu Erlang, who splattered blood and killed innocent people indiscriminately. Of course, she will not embarrass the security guards, but she has no intention of letting go of the person who smashed her car!

She immediately decided to go to Zhao Yifei for an explanation!However, although she was impulsive, she was not without brains. She knew that if she broke into the enemy camp alone like this, it would be like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

After thinking about it, she went directly to a fireworks shop, bought a lot of firecrackers, opened the sky thunder, and was fully armed, and then went straight to Zhao Yifei's old lair with a murderous look - one shot to the billiard hall!
At the same time, she also called Li Qingyu and asked him to pick her up!

Tian Ye believed that with his own equipment, even if he couldn't fool Zhao Yifei and others, he could still turn the world upside down, so he persisted until Li Qingyu arrived!

At that moment, she saw that Zhao Yifei and others saw that the thing on her body was not a real bomb, and a dozen gangsters rushed towards her. The sharp point of the iron hook lightly poked a "grenade" and sent the "grenade" to the army. He picked it up from the coat, lit the windproof lighter, ignited the fuse, and suddenly threw it at a gangster!

The earth-made "grenade" exploded with a "boom" as soon as it landed on the bastard!

Four or five thumb-thick cannons exploded together, which was quite powerful!
A big hole was blown open in the clothes on the gangster's chest. The fine sand from the tail of the firecracker and the shell of the blown water gun hit the gangster's face, which was immediately covered in blood!


The gangster immediately covered his face with his hands and howled desperately. Blood flowed from the gaps between his fingers. There was a dark red light under the light, which looked particularly scary!
A bunch of gangsters were immediately frightened!
I'm a grass mud horse!Didn't you say that those grenades are all toys?How did it really explode?Is it a real grenade?This time it's over!

But after these guys got over their confusion, they looked at the firecracker skins on the ground, and then thought about how Tian Tian set the grenade on fire just now, and they understood what was going on!It’s true that the grenade is a toy, but the field stuffed it with firecrackers!

Although they figured out what was going on with the "grenade" in Tian Ye's hands, the fear in their hearts didn't ease much!
Firecrackers can also kill people!Every Spring Festival, the hospital does not know how many wounded people whose fingers were blown up by firecrackers!

Seeing that his subordinates were timid, Zhao Yifei immediately hid behind them and yelled desperately: "Go! Go fuck me! Everyone go! Let her have no time to start a firecracker! Be smart, don't let her hit, Everyone will be fine!"

Encouraged by Zhao Yifei, everyone once again rushed to the fields like a tide!

When Tian Tian took a look, something was about to happen!If you are surrounded and pinned to the ground, all your equipment will be useless!You can't really ignite all the firecrackers and thunderbolts on your body at once, right?
That would only kill her and not hurt anyone else!

Firecrackers are not bombs after all!

In desperation, she swept her eyes and found a large ceiling fan hanging not far above her head, so she immediately turned around and took two steps, jumped onto the billiard table under the fan, and then jerked her body and grabbed it. Lifted the fan head of the ceiling fan, with a push of both arms, a pull-up, and easily reached the top of the fan!
She straddled the fan with her legs apart, took out a plate of red earth from the pocket of her military coat, lit it and threw it to the crowd below. A hundred firecrackers landed on the shoulders of a guy, even though he shook off the firecrackers. Quick, half of the face and hands were still injured by the explosion, the skin was torn and the flesh was dripping with blood!

The firecrackers that fell on the ground suddenly flashed and crackled non-stop!

"Get out of the way! Don't get crushed!" Someone shouted.

So everyone immediately ran to the side in a mess, avoiding the firecrackers on the ground, but just as they dodged this one, another one fell from the sky!
The field was quite well prepared, and the pockets of the army coat were full of thumb-thick earth reds, which she threw down plate by plate!After throwing away Dadihong, she took off the single-barreled open sky mine at her waist, bent her left arm to hold the launch tube firmly, lit the lighter with her right hand, ignited the fuze, and fired it at the crowd on the ground like a cannon!

It may be inconvenient for ordinary people to hold things with the left arm, but Tian Ye has no left hand since he was a child, and he is quite proficient in using the left arm!

She felt that the launch speed of the Kaitianlei was too slow, so she actually lit two and launched them at the same time!The rate of fire immediately doubled!And the fan can rotate. She doesn't even have to turn around. She just moves it slightly and as the fan blades rotate, she can launch 360 degrees without blind spots!
(End of this chapter)

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