Chapter 311 Heroes
The field occupies a favorable terrain, using advantageous weapons, crackling, booming, killing a lot!

The power of the sky thunder is so powerful that it really explodes on the human body, and the huge sound can break the human eardrum!If it is blown to the point, it is enough to kill people!
Fortunately, Tian Ye didn't hit people directly, but hit people in the cracks.Even so, a bunch of gangsters were blown up crying for their fathers and mothers, wailing, and some timid ones had already rubbed their feet with oil—sneaked!

Zhao Yifei jumped his feet angrily, cursing in his heart: "You are paralyzed! You have traveled south, crossed north, pissed (sui) in Daming Lake, fought, chopped people, slapped girls in brothels, and never I've never seen anything like this! Are you a woman? You are so tough, does your family know?"

Zhao Yifei was in a state of agitation, his heart suddenly moved, he slapped his head suddenly, and said to himself: "Fuck, how did I forget this trouble? I turn on the fan and beat you to death! I think you can still stay on it!"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yifei immediately ran towards the ceiling fan switch in the corner!
Tian Ye was condescending and had a wide field of vision. When he saw Zhao Yifei running towards the fan switch in the corner, he immediately understood what he wanted to do!She grabbed the conductive wire of the fan and yanked it!
The conductive wire of the fan happened to be an ordinary flower wire, which was not very strong. Under the violent pull of the field, it broke into two pieces with a bang!
She just tore off the wire, and Zhao Yifei also turned off the fan speed control switch!
"My grass!"

Zhao Yifei saw that he turned on the speed control switch, but the fan was indifferent, so he punched the fan speed control switch angrily!

This guy is also short of breath and demented. If you want to vent your anger, it's not good to hit something, but hit the switch!

The electric tiger doesn't care if you are Brother Big Fei, or how many younger brothers you have under your command, you didn't discuss it!

The voltage of two hundred and two instantly passed through his fist, passed through his body, and led to the ground, making the whole body of the electrician tremble, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his eyes rolled!
Fortunately, his arm retracted reflexively, and his fist escaped from the switch, otherwise this kid would have been electrocuted to death!

"Damn it, it looks like I can't do without my secret weapon! You bastard, if I don't rub you on the ground today, I won't be Brother Dafei!"

Zhao Yifei cursed angrily, and ran into a single room in the corner, which was his independent office.When he came out of the room again, he was already carrying an imitation May [-]th pistol in his hand!
Zhao Yifei pointed the gun at the field, and shouted hysterically: "You motherfucker, come down to me! Otherwise, I will blow your head off with one shot!"

When Tian Ye saw that Zhao Yifei had a gun, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but she didn't panic, but shouted at Zhao Yifei: "Zhao Yifei, if you dare to hide a gun privately, you are dead! Shoot if you have the guts! When I come , I have already called the police, you shot me to death, and you will die too!"

Zhao Yifei couldn't help hesitating a little, and the hand holding the gun trembled a little.He's a bastard, not a desperado.Come out to hang out, just want to live a better life for yourself, not to kill your own life!
If Tian Ye was shot, he would surely die!It seems that the gain outweighs the gain!
At this moment, there was a roar of a car motor outside the door of the billiard hall, and then the glass door of the billiard hall suddenly burst open with a bang, and broken glass slag rushed into the hall like waves!
Everyone turned their heads and saw that a BJ212 roared and flew into the billiard hall accompanied by countless glass slags!

Yes, BJ212 flew in!It's like traveling through a space-time tunnel and coming from another space!

It is none other than Li Qingyu and Gu Tianxing in BJ212!
It turned out that after Li Qingyu drove the car all the way to Yuyuan County, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the billiard hall, he heard crackling and booming sounds from inside the billiard hall!
Li Qingyu and Gu Tianxing were dumbfounded at the time!

Nima, isn't Tian Ye coming to Zhao Yifei for an explanation?The two sides showed eighteen kinds of weapons in a street fight, and it was fine to fight to the death, why did they still shoot?And the gunfire is still so dense?Seems like there's still gunfire?

This is not a street fight, this is war!
No matter what's going on inside him, even in the hail of bullets, he has to break through!

Facing the two steps in front of the gate, Li Qingyu not only did not stop, but stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!
The old-fashioned BJ212 can’t talk about driving comfort, but it is absolutely solid and durable, and the off-road chassis is extremely passable. The moment the front tire hit the step, the car flew up with a "buzz", and suddenly hit the ground. On the glass door of the pool hall!
"Bang!" First there was a bang, and the glass door burst open instantly, and then there was the sound of glass falling to the ground and splashing everywhere!

When the car crashed into the glass door, it also tore off the cotton curtain inside the glass door to keep warm, so that it was covered on the front windshield glass, blocking the sight of Li Qingyu and Gu Tianxing!

Li Qingyu leaned forward suddenly, blasted the front windshield of BJ212 with one punch, and then tore aside the cotton curtain covering the front windshield, and everything in the billiard hall appeared in his eyes.

When he looked at the firecracker skins all over the floor, he realized that what he heard outside just now was not the sound of gunfire, but the sound of firecrackers!Seeing Tian Ye sitting on the top of the fan again, he seemed to be safe and sound, and a heart hanging in his throat was put in his stomach.

At this time, Tian Ye, Zhao Yifei and the others were all dumbfounded when they saw the car flying in suddenly!

Zhao Yifei was about to cry, and he kept muttering in his heart: "I am a mud horse! Who is this here? A car can be used as an airplane! Who is this father messing with? Why is one more fierce than the other? I knew it would end like this , I'm going to smash the car!"

Tian Ye was full of surprise, and he raised his thumb at Li Qingyu in his heart, saying secretly: "This is a real man. In times of crisis, he shows his true qualities as a hero!"

After the BJ212 landed, Li Qingyu didn't stop the car, but immediately shifted gears and stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, roared and ran towards Zhao Yifei's gangsters!

Zhao Yifei's subordinates immediately howled and ran around, avoiding the crazy car!

Seeing that the scene was completely out of control, Zhao Yifei immediately turned his gun, pointed at Li Qingyu in the car, and shouted loudly: "Stop! Stop immediately, if you don't stop, I will shoot, I will really open—"

This guy was threatening Li Qingyu, but he saw that BJ212 suddenly bumped into a pool table, and the huge pool table flew sideways in an instant, and then covered him like an overwhelming sky!
Before he could react, the pool table suddenly hit him, knocking him to the ground, covering him completely, and the gun in his hand was shot flying!

"Shoot, shoot, fuck you—"

Li Qingyu was still angry, and drove the car on a rampage in the large billiard hall, smashing the billiard tables, bars, booths, and big screens into a mess!A bunch of gangsters were chased and screamed like ghosts and howled like wolves, fuck off!
The entire billiard hall was blown up by Tian Ye to a mess, and now it is even more of a mess, chicken feathers and duck blood!

It wasn't until there was really nothing to hit in the billiard hall that Li Qingyu slammed on the brakes suddenly, the tires rubbing against the ground made a screeching sound, and a long scratch was wiped on the smooth ground.

The car door opened, and Li Qingyu and Gu Tianxing jumped out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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