Chapter 763 Why!

Wang Yiqun squinted his eyes wrapped in cigarettes, looked at the three men in front of him with erratic eyes, and didn't speak, until half of the cigarette was gone, he then slowly said: "Who is that person, after I drank too much, look After arriving at him, I lost control of the steering wheel, and then drove to hit him."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded calmly.

Although I had expected it, when I heard him say this in person, my whole body suddenly paused.

Is this really the case?

Will become your lifelong enemy?
Zhong Tianzheng felt a little upset, but he had to accept this reality. Some things, if he didn't wishful thinking that it was over, it would really be over.


Zhong Tianzheng couldn't understand why he would attack Zhang Gonglai instead of Di Ruyun. Zhang Gonglai was just a person who didn't know anything.

Of course.

This does not mean that Zhong Tianzheng hopes that it will be Di Ruyun who gets into trouble. In his heart, he does not want anything to happen to either of them.

"You hit him with your car on purpose."

Zhong Tianzheng tapped his fingers on his thigh rhythmically: "Is it someone with an anonymous electronic voice who called you and instructed you to do this? Your entire crime process was under his instructions." made?"

"'Officer, what are you talking about?'"

Wang Yiqun looked at him angrily, very confused: "I haven't finished talking yet, are you in such a hurry to accuse me of crimes?!"

"Because I was eating at the restaurant tonight and had a conflict with him in the bathroom, I still can't let go of my breath."

"Who knew, I actually saw him on the way back. I was already drunk after drinking too much, so I impulsively turned the steering wheel, and who knew I hit him."

Having said that, he paused, no longer looked at Zhong Tianzheng, but lowered his head and smoked a cigarette.


Zhong Tianzheng's expression changed in an instant, and he stood up from his seat all of a sudden, walked up to Wang Yiqun, stretched out his hand and pulled the half of the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground.

"are you kidding me?!"

Zhong Tianzheng looked at him with squinted eyes and asked coldly: "Do you think you are funny? Do you think you are good at joking?"

"Ha ha."

Wang Yiqun glanced at him with raised eyelids, and laughed tremblingly: "I think you are the one who is joking, right? Why are you so sure that I was ordered to drive into him?"

"Brother, hitting someone with a car on purpose is murder! I've lost my mind and I'm going to hit him!"

Wang Yiqun shook his head, with a very meaningful smile on his face: "I really just turned the steering wheel, and who knew that the car lost control! I have already applied for a car appraisal, there must be something wrong with the car, I can guarantee it! "

"I'm also sorry that this kind of thing happened, but I really didn't mean it. There is definitely something wrong with the car!"

Wang Yiqun's expression then became full of guilt, showing a very regretful look: "I'm really guilty, I'm sorry, but there is really a problem with the car, not mine, really!"

Zhong Tian was looking at Wang Yiqun, who was full of drama, and clenched his fists tightly. He reached out and grabbed Wang Yiqun's collar: "Don't play tricks on me!"

"I'm not playing tricks!"

Wang Yiqun shrugged innocently, not caring at all that Zhong Tianzheng was pulling his collar: "Officer Zhong, in your current state, you seem to want to hit someone! What's the matter? Are you trying to beat someone up?"

"If that's the case, then all I can say is that you're not going to get what you want, I'm going to hire a lawyer, I'm going to file a complaint against you."

Wang Yiqun didn't panic in the slightest, even a little bit reassured. He looked very guilty on the surface, but his words and deeds did not show the slightest guilt.


Zhong Tian was tugging on his collar and staring at him with wide eyes, but after a few seconds, he let go of Wang Yiqun's collar instead, and stretched out his hand to help him tidy up: "You are very good, your performance is very good. old fritters."


Wang Yiqun cupped his hands: "What I said is just the facts. If you insist on thinking that I am committing murder, then please show your evidence."

Speaking of this, Wang Yiqun lowered his voice, leaned into Zhong Tianzheng's ear, and said with a sneer, "There must be something wrong with the car, how can you find out what's wrong with me?!"

"Ha ha.."

Zhong Tianzheng sneered, stretched out his hand to push Wang Yiqun away, and went out expressionlessly. Not long after, Yan Zhaoxing and Yu Cheng also came out from the inside, catching up with Zhong Tianzheng: "What do you say?"

"No solution."

Zhong Tianzheng shook his head, analyzing the conversation just now: "What is certain is that Wang Yiqun's psychological endurance is very strong, he was deliberately playing tricks on us just now."

"And I can be sure of one thing: there must be some kind of problem with the car he was driving, and he should have done the tricks on the car in advance."

"His goal is to come and go for Zhang Gong. Whether it is the preparations in advance or the finishing work after the car accident, they have already made sufficient preparations. Wang Yiqun basically can't find any useful clues on him, so he has to change his goal. .”


Yan Zhaoxing was silent for a moment, turned to look at Yu Cheng, Yu Cheng shrugged helplessly, expressing that he didn't know either.

Yan Zhaoxing thought for a while: "Then what should we do now?"

"I'm quiet by myself."

Zhong Tianzheng waved his hands at them, signaling them not to follow him anymore: "Go back first, that's all for today, if there is any follow-up, I will contact you again."

"Brother Zheng."

Yan Zhaoxing looked hesitant to speak, but in the end he didn't say anything. He reached out and patted Zhong Tianzheng on the shoulder: "I can't blame you for this matter, don't blame yourself too much, then I'll go first, what's the matter?" You need to contact me in time."

"All right."

Zhong Tianzheng nodded.

"me too."

Yu Cheng also patted him on the shoulder, and the two left the police station one after the other. Looking at the backs of the two leaving, Zhong Tian was standing there, staring at the two of them in a daze. , and then leave.

on the way back.

Zhong Tian was driving the car, but he kept thinking about one thing in his mind: Why did they target Zhang Gonglai, who had nothing to do with them at all?Instead of Di Ruyun?

Be reasonable.

Di Ruyun is the one who has the clues about the Anonymous. If he wants to attack, he should also attack her, right?

Zhong Tianzheng has never been able to understand this truth, just like this, after thinking all the way, Zhong Tianzheng couldn't figure out why, when he returned home and opened the door, he subconsciously shouted "Ah Xiang" and prepared to treat her habitually. Let's put myself in another place and let her answer. After all, Ah Xiang has done a good job in this regard.

After calling twice in a row, Zhong Tianzheng suddenly remembered that Ah Xiang was not at home tonight and was with Di Ruyun in the hotel.

"This brain is getting worse and worse."

Zhong Tianzheng squeezed the center of his brows helplessly, and went to the kitchen to pour water, but the kettle was empty.

It was originally intended to boil water, but it would make you very thirsty. In the interrogation room before, there was too much smoke. Although I didn’t smoke much, I just sucked it in and spit it out without passing my lungs, but even so, the inside of my mouth was still It's bitter, it's such an uncomfortable feeling.

Zhong Tianzheng immediately dismissed the idea of ​​boiling water to drink. The water boiled quickly but the waiting time for the water temperature to drop was too long, so he took the key again, turned around and went out. He left the community and turned two corners. Open a convenience store and take a bottle of mineral water.

"Ton ton ton."

Zhong Tianzheng drank half of the bottle in one gulp. After quenching his thirst, he walked to the counter and started to pay.


The salesperson glanced at Zhong Tianzheng's handsome face, and his tone was a little less mechanical and procedural: "Add five yuan to buy ice cream, do you need it?"


Zhong Tianzheng paused for a while, and made an additional redemption.

There was no one at home, so Zhong Tianzheng was not in a hurry to go back. He glanced at his watch, and it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. He was sitting in the rest area of ​​the convenience store, biting the ice cream in his hand, and took out his mobile phone I called Ah Xiang.

"Ah Xiang..."

Zhong Tianzheng was biting the ice cream casually, looking at himself reflected in the floor-to-ceiling glass: "How is Di Ruyun?"


Ah Xiang let out a long breath, and there was the sound of running water, she should be washing her hands: "Oh, I can't explain it in words, Sister Yun is too sad, and the tears have not stopped since she came back, and there is still a lot of tears in her mouth. Nian Nian, you must help her find the murderer, and you didn't fall asleep until just now."


Zhong Tianzheng had mixed feelings in his heart, biting the ice cream in small bites, not knowing what to say.

This incident, to a certain extent, was still due to his negligence. Although he had already warned in advance, he should have thought of it long ago. When that incident happened in the hotel bathroom, he should have been careful.

"By the way, how is your investigation going?"

Ah Xiang spoke vaguely, probably brushing her teeth: "Has there been any progress? I always feel that this matter is not so simple. Gong Lai's death must have been premeditated."


Zhong Tianzheng pinched his eyebrows and sighed: "But until now, there is no clue, it's very annoying!"

"No clues?"

Ah Xiang's voice paused for a moment: "Did the suspect not explain anything?"

"In this matter, I always feel that I have a connection with Anonymous. Although he didn't say anything, he revealed to me that he has a plan."

"They've been operating it for a long time. If we can't find any clues, then his sentence will fluctuate in the range of three to seven years."

When Zhong Tianzheng said this, he couldn't help but feel a little headache: "I don't know why, but I feel powerless."

"Don't worry!"

Ah Xiang comforted softly, but her tone turned firm: "No matter what, we have to find out the real reason of this incident, even if we can't find out the anonymous person behind it, but the suspect must not let him just let it go of."

"Three years, too light!"

Ah Xiang's tone was full of firmness, but also a little bit more sharp.

"it is good."

Zhong Tianzheng responded, and said a few words to Ah Xiang, then hung up the phone, biting the remaining half of the popsicle in his hand, Zhong Tianzheng was a little stunned for a while, he thought of the fact that he had just become a trainee policeman when.

In that case, he also used his own investigation to strip away the truth behind the case.

But for some reason, this time he felt a sense of powerlessness, an unprecedented sense of powerlessness followed.

Zhong Tian was sitting on a chair, staring blankly at himself reflected in the floor-to-ceiling windows, in a trance.

"Drip dong..."

The automatic sensor door of the convenience store rang.

A young man walked in quickly and wandered around the convenience store. He still had a phone in his hand and seemed to be talking on the phone.

After wandering around twice, he stopped behind Zhong Tianzheng.

The position where Zhong Tianzheng was sitting was facing the daily necessities storage area of ​​the shelf. The boy looked at the aunt's towel in front of him and glanced around shyly. Seeing that Zhong Tianzheng didn't notice him, he lowered his voice and said, "What do you want? Brand.”

"Seven-dimensional space? Hmm...I saw it...these seem to be divided into cotton surface and mesh surface, which one do you want?"

Although the boy tried his best to keep his voice down, Zhong Tianzheng was right behind him, and there was no one else at this point, so he could still hear the young man's words clearly.

"Okay, then I'll take the cotton noodles. Well, I bought it. Okay, why am I so considerate? Because I'm your boyfriend. I'm not good to you. I am careful to whom."

Although he didn't know what was said on the phone, Zhong Tianzheng could more or less guess what they were going to say through what he said.

It's nothing more than the daily life of you and me between lovers.


The girl didn't seem to give up.

"No, don't worry, I won't let that day appear"

"Well, if it's really like that, then we'll get together and get together. I'm not that extreme. Why? There's no reason."

"It's hard to say, after all, we two have been together for so long, even if we break up, then I will definitely not do anything to you, even if there is no affection, then there is family affection."

Zhong Tian was listening to the man's conversation, and couldn't help but think of the time when he fell in love when he was young. He grinned and shook his head, biting the wood chip of the popsicle in his mouth, and was about to get up and leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Zhong Tianzheng's body suddenly stayed where he was, and his mind was stunned for a while, muttering to himself, recalling what the man said just now.

"After a long time, even if you don't have feelings, you still have love."

Zhong Tianzheng turned his head to look at the man, his eyes widened: "Why did you attack Zhang Gonglai instead of Di Ruyun? Could it be the same reason?!"


Zhang Gonglai obviously didn't know anything, so why did he become a victim instead!
(End of this chapter)

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