I want to be a super cop

Chapter 764 Breakthrough

Chapter 764 Breakthrough

Zhong Tianzheng turned his head to look at the man behind him, threw the remaining half of the popsicle into the trash can, and then turned away.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the Yiyuan community was very quiet. Zhong Tian was walking under the warm and somewhat dim streetlights, the red cigarette butt in his hand flickering in the darkness.

The light stretched his figure very, very long.

"Because Anonymous and Di Ruyun are old acquaintances, so his target is Zhang Gonglai who is beside Di Ruyun, not Di Ruyun!"

Zhong Tianzheng made such a conjecture, and only this conjecture is reasonable: "There is a certain intersection, so he didn't attack Di Ruyun, or, Di Ruyun once helped him, so it's like this, right?"

Zhong Tian was walking on the road in the community, his mind was active.

Judging from the process of interrogating Wang Yiqun, the reason he gave was completely untenable, because there was a conflict in the restroom of the hotel, so when he saw Zhang Gonglai again on the way back, he lightly turned the steering wheel and something happened .

This reason is untenable no matter what. Zhong Tianzheng cannot accept it. He was with Zhang Gonglai at the time. Zhang Gonglai did not confront him throughout the whole process and did not pay attention to him at all. Zhang Gonglai's attitude was even better than his own. a lot of.

Why did Wang Yiqun want to take revenge against him?

and so.

Wang Yiqun's explanations are completely untenable.

But there is also a problem: there must be something wrong with Wang Yiqun's car, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm.

They have already planned all this.

The conclusion I came to seems to be a breakthrough, but it has no effect on the matter.

Wang Yiqun is confident, so he will definitely not continue to confess. He will stick to his statement. He should have known the length of time in prison for a long time, and it is all within his acceptable range.

How to break this game?

Zhong Tianzheng rubbed his face in confusion, still unable to figure out the clues. He washed hastily and then lay down to sleep.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning.

Zhong Tianzheng came to the bureau, locked himself in the archives room, and began to screen all the case materials and confessions related to the anonymous person in the archives room, combined with the information about the anonymous person recorded in his notebook. .

"Azheng, you are very good. You have won another award."

Captain Li opened the door and came in, brought him a cup of coffee: "The Propaganda Department seems to have awarded you an award."

This is the last time Shi Xinyu secretly recorded Zhong Tianzheng watching sixteen surveillance screens at a time. His amazing personal skills just happened to shine on a theme of the Propaganda Department and became a typical example. So give him an award.


Zhong Tian was obsessed with his own deduction, but took a sip of coffee: "Those are all false, if there is nothing wrong, Captain Li should give me some time."

"You boy!"

Captain Li patted him on the shoulder with a smile, unscrewed the thermal bag, and the goji berries and chrysanthemums inside were brightly soaked: "What do you think is the biggest difficulty in this case at present?"

He already knew about Di Ruyun's case. Before that, Captain Li himself had read the case file himself.

Zhong Tianzheng stopped what he was doing: "Difficult? It's nothing more than the identity of the instigator!"

"Is it the identity of the messenger?!"

Captain Li shook his head with a half-smile: "This is not the key point. The key point is that your top priority now is to pry Wang Yiqun's mouth open. Only by prying his mouth open can you continue to investigate."

Zhong Tianzheng was a little confused, and took a sip of coffee to his mouth: "The key point is Wang Yiqun?"

"Yes, it's him."

Captain Li nodded with certainty: "According to the case files I have read, the above description of Zhang Gong does not seem to have anything to do with this matter, but why is it that he is the one who died? Logically speaking, Di Ruyun is the victim!"

"In my opinion, whether it's the stolen USB flash drive or Zhang Gonglai's death, it's actually just a warning."

Captain Li pointed out his own analysis: "Because of her relationship with Chen Rong, Di Ruyun has been secretly learning about the Anonymous case before. She has made some discoveries and even has key information about foreign accounts. Now she wants to hand it over to you. .”

"I have a guess. Di Ruyun was actually targeted by Anonymous from the beginning, when the case first occurred, before the concept of Anonymous appeared. She was already under the control of Anonymous. Among them, it’s just that she never had much sense of existence, so Anonymous never did anything to her!”

"But it's different now. Di Ruyun wants to live abroad with Zhang Gong. She decided to hand over all the clues she has to you. This undoubtedly touched the interests of anonymous people."

"I guess: Anonymous exists or is accompanied by Chen Rong. Di Ruyun and Chen Rong are good sisters and have a very good relationship, so I think that Anonymous's attitude towards her has always been a state of love for her. It's all about monitoring Di Ruyun, as long as she doesn't do too much, the Anonymous won't bother her."

"Now that she wants to hand the thing over to you, it will touch the interests of Anonymous. I think the stolen USB flash drive is actually a way of warning. Who knows that his way of warning is useless."

"Di Ruyun still told you something, although she didn't provide any useful clues, but for those who are hiding and watching you, they don't know what you said, but judging from the time of the conversation, They made a misjudgment."

"So, when the warning after stealing the USB flash drive was ineffective, they immediately took the second step: to create an accident and kill Zhang Gonglai next to Di Ruyun, taking this opportunity to give Di Ruyun another warning."

"If Di Ruyun doesn't stop, she may be the next victim. On the other hand, you and Ah Xiang, both of you are safe for the time being."

"His goal is to warn Di Ruyun!"

"This unexpected car accident was a good opportunity in advance. If the USB flash drive warning was effective, then Zhang Gonglai might not have to die, but Di Ruyun told you so much, so they continued with the next plan. "

When Captain Li said this, his eyes fell on the file in Zhong Tianzheng's hand: "So, I think, if we want to make a breakthrough in the current situation, we still have to start from the case in front of us. Only by solving the case in front of us Now, pry Wang Yiqun's mouth open, then you can use this case as a base, and then conduct an in-depth analysis based on the previous cases."

When Zhong Tianzheng heard this, he suddenly realized something.

Captain Lee is right.

I seem to be too single-minded.

"You have to know that the case of Anonymous has been solved by Ah Xiang after the accident at the top of Yufeng Mountain. Chen Sheng, the scapegoat, has been dug out. Not only Chen Sheng, but also the financial supporters behind the Anonymous organization : Xiang Qianghua has also been arrested."

"Many of the clues you have have basically fallen into a closed loop. In other words, all the evidence you have before is all pointing to Chen Sheng. You caught Chen Sheng based on these clues, but Chen Sheng The back of Sheng's head never showed up."

"So in my opinion, if you look through the previous files in a short period of time, it should not be of any help to you."

"I have a hunch that this time you will be the real fight. We just killed all the members of Anonymous before!"

Captain Li took a sip of the wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea and sighed: "This is an analysis of the clues I have so far. You can refer to it. The specific method depends on you to do it yourself. The case in my hand is a bit complicated. There are many, and the views may be one-sided.”

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and patted Zhong Tianzheng on the shoulder: "I believe you can still do well, you are right."

"Thank you Captain Li!"

Zhong Tianzheng nodded heavily, and stopped checking the progress of the file in his hand.

Eight in the morning.

Ah Xiang came to the bureau with breakfast, fed Zhong Tianzheng, who came first, and looked at Zhong Tianzheng who was eating fried dough sticks: "How is it? Do you have any clues?"


Zhong Tianzheng shook his head and took a sip of the soymilk straw: "All I could think of last night was: the person behind the scenes this time, that is to say, the anonymous person, should have a relatively good relationship with Di Ruyun, so he chose the right person." Zhang Gong came to attack, not Di Ruyun."

"I've already asked Shi Xinyu to find out who had a good relationship with Di Ruyun back then, but this progress may be very slow."

Zhong Tianzheng spread his hands helplessly: "Well, when you go back tonight, you can ask Di Ruyun what her interpersonal network was like when she was in school."

Ah Xiang frowned: "Didn't she have a good relationship with Sister Chen Rong? And you were in a relationship with Sister Chen Rong at that time, weren't you familiar with it?"

Zhong Tianzheng opened his mouth to explain: "How can I know, they are girlfriends, not me, and something happened between me and sister Yun at that time, and she and Chen Rong are girlfriends, we If you are with Chen Rong, you must stay away from her, how could you still walk very close to her."

Ah Xiang thought about it, and it seems to be the same reason.

Normal people would keep a distance between the two parties at this time, otherwise they would either have low emotional intelligence or be a scumbag who wants to take it all in. Zhong Tianzheng is definitely not such a person.

"Then what are we going to do today? How is the interrogation at Wang Yiqun's side?" Ah Xiang stroked the broken hair on the sideburns and pushed them behind the ears: "Did he explain who ordered him to do it?"


Zhong Tianzheng shook his head: "Before Wang Yiqun committed the crime, they should have planned or studied it. They used the name of drunk driving and car failure to create this accident in order to take advantage of legal loopholes."

"So, after breakfast in a while, you need to go out with me. Our top priority now is to pry Wang Yiqun's mouth open. Only by letting him speak and capturing the evidence that he intentionally sabotaged the car can he confess obediently!"

The reason why Wang Yiqun chose to bite so hard was nothing more than receiving money from the anonymous person, knowing how many years he would be sentenced in the end, and the price negotiated by the two parties, all of which were within his tolerance.

Currently, Wang Yiqun and Anonymous are in a cooperative and balanced relationship of interests. To break the situation, the only way is to break the balance.

If this balance is broken and he is found to have intentionally killed people under the guise of drunk driving, then the sentencing will not be based on drunk driving at all, and only at this time will Wang Yiqun be completely flustered, and will take the initiative to confess and seek the greatest grace. .

After breakfast.

Zhong Tianzheng once again added a task to Shi Xinyu's team: strictly investigate the car driven by Wang Yiqun on the day of the incident, where it was and who it was in contact with. These all need to check the surveillance on the road, and the task load is very heavy. big.

These need to be distributed and arranged by Shi Xinyu himself.


What Shi Xinyu has to do is to fully investigate the surveillance cameras around Wang Yiqun's residence to see if he can find any useful clues.

Teacher Xinyu is arranged.

Zhong Tianzheng took the car keys and took Ah Xiang out to Wang Yiqun's residence.

In a place like Shangnan City, like Wang Yiqun who does not work, the best choice for renting a house is a cheap private house, and then an apartment.

Since the two contacted the landlord of the private house he rented in advance, when the two arrived, the landlord was already there waiting for them.

After a brief introduction, the landlord took out a spare key to open the room on the second floor: "This is the house Wang Yiqun is renting."


Zhong Tianzheng nodded, looking around at the indoor furnishings, they were all very simple, except for a few necessary pieces of furniture, there was nothing else, several instant noodle barrels and very empty Niulanshan empty bottles were placed on the table .


Zhong Tianzheng frowned and looked around inside, then sucked his nose sharply, the strengthened nose keenly captured the residual smell in the air.


Should not be ah.

How can a house that is often occupied by people have a musty smell?
Although the private house has only two floors, it is easy to get wet, but it is only October, and although it is cold, it hasn't rained much. Even if it is high tide, there shouldn't be a musty smell.

The only explanation is: this house, Wang Yiqun doesn't often live here.

Zhong Tianzheng turned to look at the landlord: "Has he lived here all this time?!"

"Well, yes!"

The landlord was stunned for a moment and nodded: "He has been renting this house for more than a year and nearly two years, and he is very generous in paying the rent. He pays for half a year and a year at a time, and he has never been behind on your rent."

"A year or two?"

Zhong Tianzheng caught this word: "In other words, you don't actually meet very often, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't been here for a long time."

The landlord nodded: "Basically, online payment is now used, and we seldom meet in person."

(End of this chapter)

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