While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 3 Bonus in hand

Chapter 3 Bonus in hand
"I want a life in full bloom."

There is no rock leader in this world, and Song He's tone-deaf nature and his casual personality in two lifetimes naturally wouldn't take the road of music, so I recorded some cell phone ringtones to remind myself that I am reborn The identity of the author, and this one was what he liked the most in his previous life.

But even if it was his own voice, which exploded so violently, Song He, who was studying the murder-hunting system, was still frightened.

With a deep breath, Song He exited the system and looked at the incoming call, and found that it was his friend and colleague, Er Bang, who inherited this body.

And it's strange to say that after getting along for a year, Song He only had a good impression of this one person, as for the others, they have gradually become alienated.

"What's the matter?" Song He was not polite at all when he turned on the speakerphone.

"Dinner appointment." Erbang said concisely: "I invite you, hot pot."

"Let's talk, what do you want me to do again?" Song He, who knows Erbang's tricks well, will never be fooled easily, and said in a business-like tone: "Difficult things have to be charged, and the specific price depends on the degree of difficulty."

"Work overtime." There was a hint of flattery in Erbang's voice.

"It's Zhang Braised Egg again?" Song He understood as soon as he heard it, and he couldn't get angry with this friend in his heart. He sighed and said while getting up and dressing: "The leader of your group asked you to work overtime, why did you involve me?" , I have a day off today."

"Brother Zhang arranged for Xiaomi and me to work overtime." Song He interrupted Er Bang before he could finish speaking.

"Who in the whole company doesn't know that you like Xiaomi. Zhang Ludan arranged for you to work overtime to make you courteous! But you used it to cheat your brother?" Song Hekou felt that he was upright, but he locked the door quickly and went straight to the company.

When he came to the company, he saw Erbang busy in front of the computer. Song Heyi patted him on the shoulder and sat beside him, sighing: "Brother, you have such a brain, what can I say? Zhang Lu The egg created the conditions for you, but you used your godlike brain to waste the opportunity."

"I'm afraid Xiaomi won't be able to sleep well." Erbang smiled apologetically.

"Aren't you afraid that your brother won't be able to sleep well? If you have a brain, you'll focus on sex and despise friends!" Song He helped Erbang sort out the data angrily, and his movements were so skillful that it made people feel distressed. Obviously, he didn't help much.

By the time they finished their work, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. The hungry two went straight to a hot pot restaurant not far from the company without saying much.

The hot pot restaurants that are still open at this time are generally small shops with small facades.Fortunately, the taste is authentic, the price is affordable, and the boss is very enthusiastic, so it has naturally become the first choice for supper after overtime.

After taking his seat, Song He took advantage of Er Bang's time to order food, turned on the system again, glanced hesitantly at the vast number of options in the task collection list, and finally received the C-level task escaper.

C-level task: Escapists (to be completed, can be abandoned)
Mission description: Responsibility is inescapable. Please arrest the following hit-and-run persons and pay them back the price they paid.

mission target:

Chen Fugui, traffic accident and escape (detailed introduction), distance: 7921 meters.Successful capture rewards 1 attribute point and 10 points.

Wang Jianren, traffic hit and run (detailed introduction), distance: 9357 meters.Successful capture rewards 1 attribute point and 10 points.

The list is very long, there are more than ten, and the furthest is close to fifteen kilometers.

"Why isn't the exact location displayed?" Song He wondered

"Except for emergency missions and individual special missions, the rest of the missions only display the distance, requiring the user to personally judge the location and capture it."

Song He raised his eyebrows, and he was not interested in the word arrest. If he had to arrest every prisoner and send them to the police station, he would not accept the task even if he was killed!


Risking his life to fight against the guy who bumped into someone and ran away, did he think his life was too long!
Opening the system dialog box, Song He plans to find a safe and effective capture solution from the previous users: "System, how did the previous users capture the mission target?"

"76% of drugging, 21.3% of stunning, 2.29% of killing, 0.4% of reporting, and 0.01% of persuading."

Song He looked at the data dumbfoundingly: this is great, those who drugged, those who beat sap, and those who disregarded human life, all got together!
What a wretched and cruel man!

After sorting out his thoughts, Song He continued to ask: "That is to say, after the mission target listens to my words, if he voluntarily turns himself in, is it considered as completing the mission?"


"That's easy." Song He nodded, and finally confirmed: "There is another question, how did you determine that a person is the target of the mission?"

Song He has always been a little puzzled about the system's criteria for judging whether a person is a mission target. If what the mission target did was not recorded in the police system, then the act of "persuading" the person into the police station to surrender is basically courting death. no difference!
"The system will link and update all unfinished cases recorded in the police system in real time, and at the same time determine the perpetrators who have not been arrested as mission targets, then determine the target level and issue tasks."

"Wow, that's great. I wouldn't know you're so good if you didn't tell me."

Song He felt relieved, boasted insincerely, closed the dialog box, and opened the detailed introduction of a target in the task list:

Zhao Xing: Traffic hit and run.A day ago, a black car with the license plate number Yu D74528 collided with pedestrians at a crosswalk in the middle of Anyang Road, causing two injuries.Distance: 2 meters.Successful capture will reward 1 attribute point and 10 points.

When I opened the task list just now, there was a distance of two meters behind this target, which made Song He instantly understand that he was around him!
Even after the hit-and-run, you can come to eat hot pot safely, which shows that the perpetrator thinks the matter is not serious, and has not connected his behavior with the hit-and-run at all.The detailed description of the mission objectives also proved Song He's judgment.

"I'm sorry for Erbang's meal if I don't take your knife." Song He memorized the information, shut down the system, and whispered to Erbang after ordering: "Don't ask anything, go to the bathroom and call me, 5 Come back in a minute."

Erbang was taken aback, and out of a long-standing tacit understanding, he said loudly: "I'm going to the bathroom." After speaking, he got up and went straight to the bathroom.

"I want a life in full bloom."

One minute later, Song He deliberately tuned to the loudest self-singing ringtone, and the mobile phone rang suddenly, and the out-of-the-ordinary tone attracted the attention of the acquaintances around him.However, he glanced at the incoming call in no hurry, and then answered the call impatiently, but his tone instantly became respectful: "Captain Zhang, what instructions do you have?"

"Yes, I just came out of shift, and the vehicle involved in the accident was entered? Wait a moment." Song He hurriedly picked up the order pen, wrote on the napkin, and said, "Say, Zhao Xing, Yu D74528, black car , two people were injured."

"Okay, remember, I will log into the online escape system when I go to work tomorrow." Song He put away the napkin, nodded and bowed to the phone: "Don't worry, there will be no delay. Who said it's not, it's not a big problem, accompany me Just a salutation and an apology. This is good, Cheng Wang escaped. Okay, then you have a good rest."

After hanging up the phone, Song He breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and shouted to the counter: "Boss, here are ten bottles of beer, uh, forget it, four bottles."

Turning around, looking around from the corner of the eye, I happened to notice that a table of diners had become quiet, and one of them was even more restless holding the wine glass, neither drinking nor putting it down.

Zhao Xing!

After identifying the target person, Song He picked up his mobile phone and sent Erbang a message: "Don't talk about work for a while, just cooperate and act according to my wink."

Erbang replied with a received emoji, and after a while, he left the bathroom, sat at the table and played with his mobile phone quietly.

Soon the hot pot boiled, and the ingredients were put into the pot. Song He glanced at the steaming soup base, took a sip of beer, and said to Erbang mysteriously: "When you went to the bathroom, Team Zhang called me again." a phone call."

Team Zhang?

Who is Team Zhang?

Zhang Braised Egg's new nickname?
The confused Erbang had a question mark on his head, but he said, "What did the boss say?"

Song He secretly praised it, and said with a smile: "What else can it be, record the net and escape."

"Tell me in detail." Erbang looked at Song He's upper body with great interest.

"Hey, yesterday a car bumped into someone on Anyang Road, and escaped." Song He picked up his chopsticks and poked the pot twice, and found that the meat was not yet cooked, so he put down the chopsticks and continued: "It's not a big deal at all. The injured person was also a reasonable person, but there was no news for a day, and the family members of the injured quit, and they went to the bureau to file a case."

"Then the driver has a criminal record?" Erbang was very cooperative.

"Who says it's not? Once the case is settled, things will not go smoothly in the future." Song He shook his head and smiled, "Unless I surrender him before recording him. However, I think the possibility of this is zero."

"It's so pitiful." Erbang continued to cheer.

"Stop talking, let's eat." Song He waved his hand.

After a while, the diners at that table hurriedly checked out and left. Song He's mouth was slightly raised, and he watched them leave from the corner of his eye. Zhao Xing took out his mobile phone anxiously before taking a few steps, and tapped it three times on the phone with an ugly face. ear.

Song He secretly smiled, relaxed, and began to enjoy the food with his head down.

After drinking and eating, the two of them went back to their homes. The moment Song He stepped into the house, there was a "ding" in his mind. When he opened it, he saw that Zhao Xing's name in the escaper mission had turned green.

"That's great. There's no need to prescribe drugs and beat sap for things that can be done by talking about it." Song He was overjoyed, and threw the napkin that recorded Zhao Xing's information into the toilet and flushed it down. After a simple wash, he sank go to sleep.

Early the next morning, Song He changed into his job attire and came to the company. The morning meeting had already begun.

The cat stooped into the conference hall, sat quietly in the back row, turned on the system and began to select the mission target.

However, what surprised him was that some names in the mission suddenly disappeared, and at the same time some new names appeared in the mission.

"System, why did some of the targets in the mission disappear?" Song He opened the system dialog box.

"Reasons for the disappearance of the mission target: 1. Being arrested or surrendering; 2. Death; 3. Leaving the detection range."

"How big is the detection range?"

"The system can currently detect all violators within a radius of [-] kilometers from the user as the center. Every time [-] C-level tasks are completed, the radius of the detection range can be expanded by [-] kilometers."

"It's not small, but if you don't take the task, you can't see it, right?" Song He curled his lips.


"Xiao Song."

While selecting a target, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in his ears. Song He was so frightened that he turned off the system cleverly, and found a person sitting beside him, who was his department leader, Zhang Hongmei.

"Aunt Hongmei, you must make a sound when you walk." Song He felt lingering fear.

"Didn't I speak up?" Zhang Hongmei was in her forties, an old man in the company.

"Speaking out of your mouth doesn't count, you have to have footsteps." Zhang Hongmei is a friend of her parents, and Song He is familiar with her in the memory of Fusion. Seeing the faint worry on her brows, he asked: " What's the matter?"

"Let's see how the big leader is feeling today?" Zhang Hongmei was not polite, pointing at the big leader who was eloquent on the podium in the conference room.

"Did you poke something?" Seeing Zhang Hongmei nodding, Song He observed the big leader and said, "The shirt is creased, and the leather shoes are still the same pair from the day before yesterday. Based on his habit of changing every day, he should not be home for at least two days." , it seems that the family member had an argument with him again. He is in good spirits, and his words are not too violent. On the contrary, he is relatively gentle and in a good mood. He must be comforted. As for whether it is the second aunt or the third aunt, it is not yet Sure."

"Oh, Xiao Song, these words are also nonsense." Zhang Hongmei looked around worriedly, afraid that someone would hear her.

"Everyone knows what we can't say." Song He shrugged and continued: "In one minute, his eyes have fallen on Manager Wei five times, it seems that Aunt San is right. Save the country with a curve, shed some blood, and let Manager Wei beat the side drum for you, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Xiao Song, don't say anything about your aunt in the future, what does it look like?" Zhang Hongmei gave Song He a grateful look, got up and sat next to Manager Wei.

Song He watched with interest, when suddenly the cell phone rang, everyone was startled and turned their attention to Song He, the instigator.

He got up and bowed, connected the phone, and quickly walked out of the venue, with such skillful movements that it was too late to react.

"Hello?" The phone number was an unfamiliar landline, and Song He habitually greeted him first.

"Yucheng Police Station? I am I am."

"Bonuses? Yes, yes."


Hanging up the phone, Song He was still a little dazed, just because he was asked to go to the Yucheng Public Security Bureau to receive a bonus of [-]!
"I'm going, developed!"

Since binding the system, Song He felt for the first time that it was so kind, cute, practical and reliable!

You must know that the currency value system in this world is almost exactly the same as in the previous life, and for Song He, [-] is already twenty times his monthly salary!
Without further ado, Song He directly rushed out of the company, and simply hailed a taxi. He was very forthright and didn't bargain, and he was very happy: "Master, Yucheng Police Station!"

Ten minutes later, Song, who had skipped work, was sitting excitedly at the Yucheng Police Station. In front of him were eight hundred pictures that made him miss his heart. He shook hands with the police comrade who handed out the bonus: "Thank you, leader! I I will definitely continue to work hard and climb to the top!”

(End of this chapter)

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