Chapter 4
With [-] in hand, Song He seems to have seen a broad road to making a fortune, and he is so happy from ear to ear!

Our generation of passionate youths, good-natured young men, are rightly overcoming obstacles and promoting justice!
However, when Song He thought of Zhao Xing's mission yesterday, he couldn't help but feel a little bit unwilling. If he called to report it, there would be a bonus.

"System, which tasks will have official cash rewards after they are completed?" Song He asked the system, deciding what to do.

"According to the known conditions, the cash reward for B-level tasks is at least 1 yuan, and the cash reward for A-level tasks is at least 5 yuan without a cap."

"What about the C-level mission?" Song He wondered.

"The C-level task lacks judgment standards, and the estimated amount is between [-] and [-]."

"Mosquitoes are also meat." Song He smacked his lips, left thousands of bonuses, and deposited the rest into the card, Shi Shiran returned to the company.

Seeing him come back, Zhang Hongmei, who had finished saving the country, said with a smile, "You still know how to come back, it's too early for today's shift."

"It may be earlier in the future." Zhang Hongmei was taken aback by Song He's words: "What do you mean?"

"It means that you may have to skip work frequently in the future." Song He shrugged with a smile.

"Xiao Song, you are missing work every three days, and you still have rotations. If you skip work again, your working time will be less than your rest time!" Zhang Hongmei said helplessly: "Are you my assistant or am I Your assistant?"

"Aunt Hongmei, I promise, I won't delay you from seeing customers to make bills." Song He packed the ticket and said, "I just go out occasionally to make some extra money."

"Well, it's up to you. But you can discuss it with Xiao Chen." Zhang Hongmei had no choice but to give in, but kicked the ball to Song He, asking him to discuss with another assistant of hers.

"Aunt Hongmei, it's better for you to talk about it. Now that Xiao Chen sees me, his face is black." Song He couldn't help laughing when he thought of Xiao Chen's unrecoverable hair volume.

"Well, you help me settle the morning order, and I will give you one more day off every week." Zhang Hongmei put forward her own conditions.

"Okay, when are we leaving?" Song He responded instantly.

"Leave now. You said it would be great if you joined the job. With your ability, opening orders is not the same as playing." Zhang Hongmei felt helpless, but there was nothing she could do. After all, she knew Song He's ability. With him here, It's like installing a monitor in the customer's mind, and the transaction rate is so high.

Zhang Hongmei drove Song He to meet the client, and chatted with each other along the way, while Song He kept the system task list open, looked at the distance between the task targets and himself, and found that one of them was rapidly shrinking.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Song He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and asked Zhang Hongmei who was driving: "Aunt Hongmei, what's the name of your client?"

"Hao Jianguo." Zhang Hongmei replied smoothly.


Song He shook his head, turned off the system, and laughed secretly at himself for being too sensitive.

Finally, the car drove into a high-end residential area and stopped outside a villa.

"Aunt Hongmei, it's okay, we're a big customer." Song He looked at the villa with admiration and said with emotion: "It's not more than 1000 million. How many people do I have to arrest to get this thing."

"Xiao Song, what did you say?" Zhang Hongmei turned off the engine and got out of the car.

"It's nothing, I'm just complimenting you." Song He followed Zhang Hongmei to the gate of the villa.

There was a well-dressed middle-aged man waiting at the door. He bowed slightly and nodded, taking them directly into the living room. After they sat down, he smiled and said, "Please wait a moment, Mr. Hao will be here soon."

After saying that, he walked up to the second floor, obviously to inform the Mr. Hao he mentioned.

"With such grandeur, Aunt Hongmei, Mr. Hao must have a very simple background." Song He looked at the luxurious furniture and elegant furnishings around him and felt that he couldn't afford any of them now, even if he had just received a bonus of [-] yuan.

Zhang Hongmei said proudly: "Are you scared? Many communities in Yucheng are invested and built by Mr. Hao."

"It's just luck, it's no big deal."

A calm and friendly voice came from the second floor. Song He looked up and saw a well-proportioned old man slowly walking downstairs. He was dressed in elegant and meticulous clothes. There was always a faint smile on his face with clear features. Seems very close.

However, after a little observation, Song He knew that this was an extremely hard nut to crack!
The old man's skin is well maintained, but the joints of his hands are thick and the veins are obviously tangled, which shows that he has engaged in heavy physical labor when he was young, and the time is extremely long. During this process, he must have suffered a lot.

Looking at the clothes, even though he is worth a lot now, the clothes are not luxurious, and there are very few accessories on his body, which shows that he values ​​things other than wealth.

And under the premise that the physical function of the elderly is declining and the material life is not bad, he can still maintain a well-proportioned body, which proves that he is extremely self-disciplined!
Therefore, Song He understood that what Zhang Hongmei was about to face was an old man who was poor when he was young, developed in middle age, rich but not wealthy, self-disciplined and assertive.

If he can't hit the point to impress him, I'm afraid this big order will fly away without hesitation!
Thinking of this, Song He was slightly excited and cheered up.

"Mr. Hao, I finally see you." Zhang Hongmei smiled and shook hands with Mr. Hao.

"My wife said that he would buy me an insurance policy. I'm old, and I don't feel at ease if I don't see it for myself." After Hao Jianguo sat down, Zhang Hongmei and Song Hecai took their seats again.

"It should. But Mr. Hao, don't tell me, the insurance that your wife helped you choose is really good." Zhang Hongmei said, took out the materials she had prepared, handed them to Hao Jianguo, and began to introduce: " Mr. Hao, this is your insurance."

Song He sat on the side and watched Hao Jianguo carefully, only to see that he was seriously looking at the information in his hand, not just a perfunctory glance.At the same time, he also listened to every sentence of Zhang Hongmei, and asked a question or two from time to time.

It’s not easy to handle.Song He murmured in his heart and observed for a moment. Then his thoughts changed and he touched his ear seemingly inadvertently.

Zhang Hongmei saw Song He's actions from the corner of her eye, and naturally changed the subject: "Mr. Hao has a plan to buy two insurance policies for the children?"

"They are all very busy, and it's not my turn to worry about it." Hao Jianguo put down the documents in his hand and replied with a smile.

Song He said in a timely manner: "Mr. Hao, you are just joking. There are no parents who don't worry about their children. Besides, your family has a great career and a house full of children and grandchildren. There will only be more worries."

Song He's language was soothing, but his tone was slightly accentuated by the words "children and grandchildren full of hall".

Sure enough, Hao Jianguo seemed to think of something when he heard the words, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

With such an obvious reminder, Zhang Hongmei understood as soon as she heard it. Leaving aside the insurance introduced to Hao Jianguo, she began to introduce some insurance products suitable for the elderly, children and grandchildren.

Seeing that Hao Jianguo really showed interest, Song He listened very seriously, and felt relieved, thinking that Hao had finally won.

You must know that parents who love their children have far-reaching plans. Which old man can not think about their children, but Mr. Hao, who started from a humble beginning and is extremely assertive, will only think more.

What's more, not everyone is willing to cover all the edges and corners in their home with genuine leather!

It can be seen from this that the matter of intergenerational relatives is definitely fully reflected in Hao Jianguo.

Seeing that Hao Jianguo and Zhang Hongmei were chatting speculatively, Song He turned on the system without doing anything, glanced at the task list, was taken aback for a moment, and quickly opened a target to take a closer look.

Liu Guang: Traffic hit and run.Three days ago, driving a black Audi with license plate number Yu D98215 collided with pedestrians on Chenguang Road, causing one person to be slightly injured.Distance: 10 meters.Successful capture rewards 1 attribute point and 10 points.

Liu Guang?

It was the mission target that Song He was getting closer and closer to just now on the way back!
10 meters!
Song He couldn't help looking around, and found that there were only four people in Nuo Da's living room, except for the three of them, the middle-aged man who entertained them before was also standing not far away.

Seeing Song He looking around, the man walked up to Song He, leaned down slightly, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

Seeing the opportunity, Song He got up and said, "Where is the bathroom?"

"Please follow me." After the man said this, he slowly led Song He towards the bathroom.

Song He simply turned on the system, carefully paying attention to the distance change, trying to determine Liu Guang's position.

Finally, the moment he walked into the bathroom, Song He finally confirmed that the target was 13 meters due west!

that position
Thinking carefully about the appearance he saw before entering the villa, Song He murmured in his heart, is it a garage?

Could this Liu Guang be Hao Jianguo's driver? !
After leaving the bathroom, Song He came to the man, smiled and said, "Sorry, I want to go out and have a shower."

"Okay." The man nodded, sent Song He to the gate of the villa, and then went back to the living room of the villa.

Song He went straight to the garage, and saw a black Audi parked in the garage, the car number was Yu D98215!

The garage is not a small space, clean and bright. Obviously, it is often cleaned up. There are tables and chairs in the corner. A middle-aged man is smoking there, and the ashtray on the table is full of cigarette butts, which is enough to show that he is upset.

Song He glanced at the task information in the system, looked it up a few times, sighed in his heart, and walked forward.

With his back to the garage door, Liu Guang frowned, took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then exhaled heavily, then pressed hard in the ashtray to snuff out the cigarette end, but a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Surrender yourself."

Liu Guang suddenly turned around and looked at Song He in panic: "Who are you?"

"Three days ago, one person was slightly injured on Chenguang Road." Song He's words made Liu Guang's heart explode and he was speechless for a while. Song He shook his head and continued: "Actually, I am very confused. Reporting you actually gets a bonus. Yes, but it deprived you of the opportunity to surrender. You must know that being arrested and surrendering are completely different things."

There was another reason Song He didn't say. It only took one phone call to report, but once the police came, it was very likely that Hao Jianguo's face would be ruined and Zhang Hongmei's affairs would be ruined.

"How did you know that!" Liu Guang panicked even more.

"I saw it." Song He said nonsense, and continued: "If I were you, I would think about it now, what should I do to pay back the price I have to pay, and keep my job."

Liu Guang finally woke up. Looking at this young man with unusually bright eyes, a clever mind asked anxiously, "You have a way, you have a way, right?"

"Yes." Song He sighed, and in a few words told the panicked middle-aged man his solution, and then said: "When we leave, Mr. Hao must be in a good mood, and then you will have a chance."

"Okay, okay." Liu Guang looked at Song He with a complicated expression, only feeling that this young man was very contradictory, and at the same time that he got himself into a quagmire, he also gave himself a life-saving rope.

"You fell into the mud yourself, not me. You have to understand this." Song He pointed out Liu Guang's thoughts and turned around to leave.

"Damn, sympathy is flooding again." Song He muttered, but his face was not ugly, and there was even a sense of relief.

As soon as he entered the garage, Song He had a basic understanding of Liu Guang, the brass wedding ring on his left hand, the low-quality cigarettes, the cheap but clean suit, and the pendant handmade by children on the cheap mobile phone.

All of this exposed Liu Guang's living conditions completely. His family has a wife and children, and his finances are tight. For him, this high-paying job is the job of the whole family!
Standing in the shade outside the villa, Song He thought to himself, facing a suitable target, it would be better to rank persuading the target to surrender before reporting, after all, some people still need the opportunity to surrender.

You have to look forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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