While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 30 Careful Planning

Chapter 30 Careful Planning
"After accepting the mission, if the young master's behavior does not lead to the arrest of the mission target, the mission will disappear automatically, and the young master will not pay any price for it."

"Is this the case for any level of mission?"

"Yes, except for a few special missions that have failure penalties, this is true for any level of mission."

Song He felt relieved and silently chose to receive it.

A-level mission: The sunset of the corrupt (to be completed)

Mission target: Ximen Wu.

Brief introduction to the task: During his tenure, he took advantage of his position many times to make illegal profits, colluded with idlers in society, and harassed the local area.The plot is bad and the crime is serious, please bring him to justice and accept legal sanctions! (case details)

Target distance: 29218 meters.

Task success reward: 7 attribute points, 70 chasing points.

Clicking on the case details, more than ten pages filled with various records jumped out, and Song He was taken aback.

Song He, whose curiosity was seriously aroused, looked through and sighed: "There are so many tricks! Wow, this property is simply an invisible rich man!"

And there are so many records, at Song He's reading speed, it took nearly 3 minutes to read all of them.

After turning off the system, Song He's expression became a little tangled, just because a person's name appeared in the record.

Fang Shengjie!
The boss of Fang's Building Materials Co., Ltd.

The eldest son-in-law of Hao Jianguo, chairman of Jianguo Construction Group.

At the same time, he is also Fang Ming's father!

"What is entanglement of cause and effect? ​​This is entanglement of cause and effect!" Song He was very entangled, recalled the description of Fang Shengjie in the case, and sighed: "Fortunately, you were asked for bribes, otherwise no one can save you! Really...you Your son's investment vision is much better than yours!"

When he got home, he opened up the details of the case again and began to study it carefully. Even his parents asked him to eat and agreed to it absent-mindedly.

Before going to bed, Song He finally had a plan, and he let out a sigh of relief: "It's really a blessing to be a fool. You, a muscular guy, can be helped by me so wholeheartedly. I'm afraid it's because I owed you something in my previous life." Bar."

The next day, before Song Helin left the house, he told his parents that he would bring his good friends home for dinner, but he was greeted with expectant eyes from Song's mother. After reassuring that the visitor was a man, she saw the light of expectation gradually dissipating from her mother's eyes. Song He still felt a little guilty in his heart.

"Is it something to feel guilty about not having a girlfriend?"

With such self-doubt, Song He walked out of the house.

After arriving at the club, not long after, Fang Ming really appeared.

Song He secretly planned, took advantage of the discussion, repeatedly hinted at Fang Ming's subconscious in his words, and finally invited him to his home for lunch after the discussion.

"Okay, I'll call my family and let them know that the nanny will do less of my share." Fang Ming agreed very simply, and the effect of accepting the hint was so good that even Song He, who was about to continue the invitation, was a little surprised.

"As expected of a guy with a brain full of muscles, as long as the stimulation is in place, there is nothing he can't do?"

"What did you say? I didn't hear clearly." Fang Ming asked after hanging up the phone.

"I said my mother's cooking is excellent, you are lucky." Song He laughed.

The two left the club and came to the parking lot. Song He had never seen Fang Ming's car before. He was curious, but he found that Fang Ming led him to an unremarkable jeep.

"Get in the car." Fang Ming got into the car cheerfully.

And when Song He got into the car, he realized that this unremarkable car had connotations that most people could not imagine.

Noiseless, smooth, and comfortable. Along the way, this car gave Song He a taste of what enjoyment is. On the other hand, Fang Ming's average driving skills made Song He feel a little unworthy of a car.

Song He secretly commented in his heart: This car is for nothing.

Soon, the car arrived at the community where Song He lived.

After seeing Fang Ming, Song's father and Song's mother were very gentle and enthusiastic, and lunch was already ready, waiting for them to enter the door.

On the contrary, Fang Ming was clingy and arrogant in the club, and greeted Song's father and mother politely, looking like a good baby.

"Parents, don't look at him like this now, he can eat people in the ring!" Song He said with a smile.

"Really? Boys should be more masculine, I think it's fine." Father Song laughed.

"Thank you uncle, it's actually not as exaggerated as Song He said." Fang Ming responded gracefully, and said with a smile: "Song He is also very powerful, I can't beat him."

After the meal, Song He once again took pains to hint to Fang Ming's subconscious. The subtext was that he wanted to reciprocate politely and also invited himself to his home for a meal or something.

Based on Fang Ming's characteristic of being extremely susceptible to hints, Song He's hard work was not in vain. He even set the time at noon the next day, which gave Song He another label in Fang Ming's evaluation: very easy to accept hints, very good use!
In the afternoon, Song He decided to follow Zhao Congjun's instructions for the time being, and stayed at home without going out. He rehearsed the action plan after arriving at Fang Ming's house over and over again in his mind.

Early the next morning, Song He prepared meticulously, to such an extent that he almost caused his mother to doubt his love orientation.

Next, he came to the club as usual, and discussed with Fang Ming as usual, and hinted again on the way, but the content was quite different from yesterday's, mainly for the preparation of his own actions.

At noon, the two arrived at Fang Ming's house, but Song He discovered that the destination was in the same community as Hao Jianguo's house, and both were villas.

And when Song He stepped into the gate of Fang Ming's house, he had put aside all distracting thoughts, and adjusted his mental state to the best: whether he can save you all depends on this lunch!

Entering the villa, Song He looked all the way around, and found that no matter the decoration style, or the furniture and furnishings in the house, they were different from Hao Jianguo, but they revealed a similar style and aura.

After thinking about it for a while, I gradually understood: I am afraid that the character of Fang Ming's father, Fang Shengjie, is quite similar to that of his father-in-law, Hao Jianguo, and this may be the reason why the Hao family chose him.

Walking into the living room, Fang Shengjie was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, Song He looked over naturally.

Fang Shengjie has a well-proportioned body, but is not tall, with thick fingers and fair skin. His facial features are somewhat similar to Fang Ming's, but much softer than Fang Ming's.The eyes are not big, and there is a faint brilliance in them. Although they are well covered by a pair of wide-rimmed glasses, they can't hide from Song He's strengthened eyesight.

Fang Shengjie has obviously put in a lot of effort in dressing, casual and business-oriented, the colors are well matched, and there are no too blinking decorations all over his body, which naturally gives people a gentle feeling.

For a moment, Fang Shengjie's evaluation flashed in Song He's mind: Know how to advance and retreat, be able to discipline yourself, and have your own opinions.

Seeing his son and friends coming in, Fang Shengjie first smiled gently, then got up calmly and stretched out his hand to Song He: "You are Xiao Song, right? Xiao Ming always mentions you and says you are very powerful."

"Uncle Fang has won the award, and Xiao Ming is also very good. The coaches said that he is talented and hardworking, and he is improving very fast."

Song He greeted with a cheerful smile, stretched out his right hand and held Fang Shengjie's hand together, feeling the strength from the opponent's palm, adjusted his hand strength in a timely manner, and let go after a breath.

"Really? It seems that I have a chance and I have to go around and see Xiao Ming's performance on the spot." Fang Shengjie smiled and stretched out his hand towards the sofa, sat down at the same time as Song He, and ordered the nanny to serve tea while saying: "In the morning The club is exhausted, sit down and rest."

"I'm going to explode if I'm tired." Fang Ming took the water glass handed over by the nanny and drank it down in one gulp.

Song He glanced over it from the corner of his eye, and obviously the nanny also knew Fang Ming's habit of using warm water with a suitable temperature, otherwise he would scald this muscle lump to death.

At this time, a middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen, dressed at home, with gentle eyebrows and eyes, and a virtuous demeanor: "Xiao Ming is very reckless, I didn't cause you any trouble in the club."

Song He had an excellent memory, and in the blink of an eye he discovered that the middle-aged woman looked very similar to Hao Jianguo. Her identity was self-evident, Hao Jianguo's eldest daughter, Hao Xiuqing.

"Auntie said nothing, he is very measured, and everyone in the club recognizes him." Song He responded with a smile.

When Hao Xiuqing heard this, the smile in the corner of her eyes became stronger: "Then you should take care of each other more."

Song He nodded in agreement with a smile, complaining in his heart: That must be taken care of, I am not coming here, I have taken care of it at home
The four of them chatted word by word, with Fang Shengjie talking the least, but the topic was always in his hands, and if there was a sign that there might be a cold start, he would always speak in time to maintain the atmosphere.

Fortunately, he had given Fang Ming hints in advance, allowing Song He to get assists frequently. While controlling the topic to a certain extent, it also left a good impression on Fang Shengjie and his wife.

After chatting for a while, while Song He felt that Fang Shengjie was amazing, he also wanted to complain to him more and more: You are so amazing, but your son has a brain and muscles, do you know that?

However, the father and son have very different personalities, and during the chatting process, he discovered that Fang Shengjie's unobtrusive appearance hides Fang Ming's utmost concern, but the way he expresses it is a bit different from ordinary people.

This can be seen from the fact that Fang Shengjie is very knowledgeable about his son's friends.

Knowing a son like a father, Fang Shengjie naturally knows Fang Ming very well, knowing that his son's talent is not outstanding, so while creating superior educational conditions and a good growth environment for him, he began to subtly influence Fang Ming's criteria for choosing friends.

Under this subtle influence, Fang Ming's unreliable friends quickly disappeared, and gradually surrounded a group of hard-working peers. They are all working hard.

Therefore, judging from the results, compared to other people's education methods, Fang Shengjie's method is obviously more suitable for Fang Ming.

Soon, the nanny came to the living room and whispered that lunch was ready.

Seeing this, Hao Xiuqing quickly greeted everyone to sit down and have dinner, admiring Song He very much.

Fang Shengjie didn't show it, but he nodded secretly in his heart. He was very satisfied with the friends Fang Ming brought back this time.

After lunch started, the family members above the dinner table talked less, even if they were as careless as Fang Ming, they also seemed a lot more restrained.

The direction of the topic was always in the hands of Fang Shengjie, who occasionally spoke.

By the middle of lunch, Song He had obtained all the information he wanted, squinted his eyes, and asked for advice during the conversation: "Uncle, I just resigned from the insurance company some time ago, although I have my own ideas about the gains and losses in it. , but I still want to hear the opinions of the elders. You have rich experience, can you help me with my advice?"

"You young people sometimes have unique ideas. I dare not say how effective they will be, but I want to hear your thoughts first." Fang Shengjie did not speak rashly, but asked Song He what he thought.

"I think so. So I resigned." After Song He said his thoughts, he paused and said: "And I feel that after I left, I did things that made me feel more fulfilled."

"Actually, I don't know much about the insurance industry, so I'm afraid I can't give you any advice. But since you like your current job so much, you should have a good development if you stick to it." Fang Shengjie smiled noncommittally, and asked: "It's convenient to talk about it." What are you doing now?"

Song He thought in his heart: "Finally the lead is in place!"

"I'm doing some case analysis for the police station now, and by the way assisting the police in finding clues to the case, and I plan to do similar work in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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