While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 31 Case Analysis

Chapter 31 Case Analysis
Fang Shengjie and his wife were taken aback by Song He's words. The two work areas are so vast that they caught people off guard.

"That's pretty good." Fang Shengjie nodded, and looked at Song He curiously, a little unimaginable.

"Actually, it was just a coincidence at the beginning." Song He told the story of Sister Zhao's case. Although some things were concealed, the process was still fascinating, and the family of three felt ups and downs.

"I didn't even know you had encountered such a thing!" Fang Ming looked surprised.

"Human traffickers don't have any good things!" Hao Xiuqing whispered emotionally, while Fang Shengjie sighed and patted his wife on the shoulder lightly.

"At that time, I was very impressed. Later, after I came into contact with some cases, I found that it was very attractive to me. Maybe I am naturally suitable for this." Song Heqing said with emotion, "And I can I learned some information that ordinary people don’t know, such as some secret industry information, and the latest policy guidance.”

"Oh, there is such a channel?" Fang Shengjie blinked his eyes with interest behind his glasses, looked at Song He who was showing off, and said seemingly unintentionally: "That's really amazing, such a policy orientation Such information is not accessible to ordinary people.”

Song Hewenyan let out a sigh of relief: Sure enough, businessmen are always most interested in policy trends at any time!

"That's true. For example, recently I've heard the police officers talk about anti-corruption more than once, and I always feel that there is some action." Song He clicked lightly in his words, and then said: "But I just It's not easy to ask too many questions if you join them, anyway, with my qualifications, I can only touch small cases."

Fang Shengjie touched the tip of his eyebrows with his finger in a rare way, and said following Song He's words: "Looking at you, some small cases are quite interesting."

"Indeed, just like there was a gang of thefts some time ago. The police station had already planned to arrest them. Who knew that because of the uneven distribution of spoils, two people connected with several accomplices and reported the main culprit." Song He seemed to be talking: "As a result, the boss took the blame and sentenced him to prison. The person who reported was an accomplice to a very minor crime, and he was meritorious in reporting, so he escaped from prison. You know, the result of being arrested and reporting is not a little bit worse."

"There is still such a thing." Fang Ming was happy: "These two thieves are also lucky. What kind of thieves are they? It would be great to buy a lottery ticket. Haha."

Fang Shengjie on the side smiled: "Everyone has their own luck, who would have thought that greed could save them."

Song He had sharp eyesight, and noticed that when Fang Shengjie said this, there seemed to be something more under his usual smile, and he thought: I can only say this, as for whether luck is on your side, it depends on you up.

After the meal, Fang Shengjie and his wife no longer accompanied Fang Ming and Song He. After all, they were not of the same age and they would inevitably feel constrained when they were together. Song He also made an excuse and left after a while.

Back home, Song He glanced at the A-level tasks quietly hanging in the system, and rationally advised himself not to worry about it.

In his opinion, what he had just said at the Fang family was explicit enough. If Fang Shengjie really wanted to find out something, he could always find out the clues based on his connections with Hao Jianguo.And all he could do was push Fang Shengjie. As for whether he could jump away from the edge of the cliff, it was not up to him, a small person, to decide.

After a brief nap, Song He went out to catch the thief. He detoured around Nancheng District, and after sending Zhao Congjun the location of a hit-and-run and a scammer, he also came to the police station.

However, when passing by the office area and habitually looking at Wu Xuerui's position, she realized that the police flower girl was frowning and looking at a case file.

Song He immediately changed his direction, came to Wu Xuerui and asked, "What's wrong? Is there a problem with the file?"

"The detective is here." Wu Xuerui raised her head when she heard the words, and said with a smile, "The security in Nancheng District has improved a lot, and the pressure has also been reduced a lot. I plan to deal with previous cases, and many of them have been put on hold for a while."

"An old unsolved case?" Song He understood.

Before Zhao Congjun took over, Nancheng District had many cases reported every month. However, due to various reasons, the detection rate has always been difficult to increase. As a result, the Nancheng District Police Department has always been at the bottom among the districts in Yucheng.

And over time, many cases have become unresolved cases because they have been shelved for too long.

"It's not easy, is it?"

Song He didn't regard himself as an outsider, glanced at the file in Wu Xuerui's hand, and compared the system tasks, and found that there was no one with the right number. He immediately understood that the criminal had escaped the detection range of the system with a radius of 55 kilometers, and couldn't help scratching his head.

"Yeah, this person disappeared when he committed the crime. Because of the night, the light was dim and his face was not clear. The victim only remembered the general figure and accent." Until now, the possibility of detection is not very great.”

"Has there been a similar case before?" Song He asked while thinking about the details of the case: "According to the victim's description, this person's crime methods are sophisticated. It is obviously not the first time."

"I've checked, and there's only this one in Yucheng. There was a similar case in Xiangcheng a month before the incident." Wu Xuerui nodded in approval of Song He's investigation direction, opened an electronic case file for Song He to read, and continued Said: "As for the previous ones, I am screening in the system, hoping to find some patterns."

"Sure enough, there is a set, so that we can find more cases related to him, and there should be a lot of clues." Song He praised, looked at the electronic case file and said: "Compared with the case of Xiangcheng and our Nancheng District , they are indeed exactly the same, especially the accent of the criminal's northern province."

"Found it! There was a case in Kaicheng. The circumstances of the case were very similar. They were also robbed at night. The robber also had a Northern Province accent!" Wu Xuerui opened an electronic case file with some excitement.

"How long is the interval?" Song He asked.

"Two months." Wu Xuerui said while watching: "The modus operandi is the same, and the traits of the criminal are the same!"

Song He thought about it, drew a map in his mind, and said, "Check to see if there are similar cases in Pingcheng."

Wu Xuerui nodded, and the operating system opened Pingcheng's electronic file library. Half an hour later, a similar case was found.

"The Kaicheng case happened two and a half months ago, and the modus operandi was similar!" Wu Xuerui glanced at Song He curiously.

Song He smiled and continued, "Kangcheng, between two and four months before the Pingcheng case."

Wu Xuerui nodded and started searching, but this time it was much faster, and found a similar case in more than ten minutes!
She looked at Song He in surprise, wondering how he determined the city where the case occurred.

"Don't look at me, I guessed it just now, but now I'm sure." Song He said while drawing a map on the paper: "Look, what's the rule?"

Wu Xuerui looked at it for a while, and felt that the map drawn by Song He had no obvious rules except for the precise location, so she frowned and said, "Is there a rule?"

"Yes, he always rejects the escape direction in his habitual thinking." Song He explained in detail after finishing speaking: "After committing a crime, this person will deny the escape direction that first appeared in his mind. For example, from Starting from Kangcheng, it is said that the transportation to Hecheng is the most convenient, allowing him to escape the farthest distance in the shortest time, but he chose to go to Pingcheng."

When Wu Xuerui heard this, her eyes lit up as she stared at the map: "Yes, it was the same after that. He didn't choose the most convenient direction to escape after committing the crime!"

Song He smiled: "So after committing the crime in Yucheng, his next crime location is"

"Pengcheng!" After Wu Xuerui said, she quickly opened the system to search, and determined the target in a short while.

Next, the two worked together and quickly determined the last case he did and the direction of escape, but Song He frowned: "There is too little evidence, even if we know the city where he is now, there is no way." Identify specific goals."

"Yes." Wu Xuerui also felt powerless, she was only one step away from the criminals, but she couldn't catch them.

"Try to determine his first case. At that time, his methods should be very unfamiliar, and key evidence may be left behind."

Zhao Congjun's voice came from behind the two of them, startling Wu Xuerui, and turned around quickly: "Master."

"Look, old Zhao, you scare your apprentice."

Song He looked at Zhao Congjun amusedly, but in fact he already knew that Zhao Congjun quietly approached and eavesdropped when he was drawing the map, this old man is not repairing!
"Yo, this makes my heart hurt." Zhao Congjun teased with a smile, turned and walked away, leaving a sentence: "The analysis of the case is good."

Wu Xuerui was taken aback when she heard this, and her complexion quickly returned to normal, but she raised her hand to straighten the hair on one side of her ear, covering her reddish ear.

Because Song He was on the other side, he didn't see it, but when Wu Xuerui didn't respond to Zhao Congjun's words, he also settled down: "Come on, listen to Lao Zhao, and reverse his first case."

Wu Xuerui nodded, and quickly found the first case according to the rules of the crime, but was denied by both of them at the same time, Song He said: "No, his modus operandi in this case is no longer like a novice, so he is forming this kind of crime. Before you get used to it, there should be cases, and the technique should be very unfamiliar at that time."

"That's right, there is still very little evidence in this case." Wu Xuerui pondered, "But where should the first case be?"

"I can't help it, let's investigate from the surrounding area." Song He shrugged. Although he had guessed in his heart, he didn't want to say it. After all, it was a very happy thing to analyze the case with Wu Xuerui.

Of course, before enjoying it, you have to ignore the knife-like gazes of the male police officers around you.

Finally before getting off work, the two finally found the criminal's first case, and the evidence included not only a description of his body shape and accent, but also a portrait drawn by the police based on the victim's description and left on the victim's wallet. Two fingerprints!

"Perfect!" Song He smiled, raised his palm and shook Wu Xuerui.

Wu Xuerui was also in a good mood, and she slapped Song He with a smile, causing several male police officers around to be filled with righteous indignation.

At this time, Zhao Congjun just walked out of the office, and when he saw the case, he knew that there had been a breakthrough in this case. Although the suspect is not under his jurisdiction now, it was still his own police station who showed up after the summary report, and immediately smiled and said: "Okay, okay That's it, it's almost done. Summarize the analysis of the case and send it to the relevant brother units."

"Then the credit goes to others." Song He looked at Zhao Congjun with a smile.

"Helping brothers' units is part of their job." Zhao Congjun's big sword eyebrows fluttered up and down: "Besides, we did what they couldn't do, and this is our ability!"

The latter sentence is what you accidentally said in your heart!

Song He complained in his heart, but Wu Xuerui beside him had already laughed out loud.

For a moment, all the police officers in the office smiled tacitly, feeling that the boss at this moment was really majestic.

Seeing this, Song He nodded secretly, looking at Wu Xuerui who was summarizing the analysis of the case, he felt that this afternoon was very fulfilling.

It can be predicted that after the criminal is arrested, he will not get any gains from the system, but how can the satisfaction in his heart be brought by some attribute points and points?


Song He fixed his eyes on a certain person, and made up his mind: To be a man, one must pursue!
(End of this chapter)

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