While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 331 Hope to Solve the Case

Chapter 331 Hope to Solve the Case
Under Jia Weifeng's uncontrollably curious eyes, Song He breathed a long sigh of relief and continued: "During the Spring Festival, there are not many occupations that need to continue to work, and most of them are concentrated in the transportation, service and retail industries. "

"And among these occupations, one of them has an inherent advantage in terms of familiarity with urban roads, and that is taxi driver."

"Team Zhang, I remember seeing the relevant investigation on the taxi driver at that time in the case files, but the investigation failed."

"But this doesn't mean that the gangsters are not taxi drivers, so I saw that in your follow-up investigation, Team Zhang, you also listed this occupational group as a key focus, right?"

Everyone turned their attention to Captain Zhang, who nodded and said: "You have also heard the relevant recording. When the other party instructed Kong Ruiting to drive the car with the ransom on the phone, it took only seven calls to kill all the people we were following. The plain clothes were thrown off."

"If you don't have an extremely in-depth understanding of the road conditions in Xiucheng, it would be impossible to do this."

"However, there were nearly [-] taxis in Xiucheng at that time, and it was impossible to check each one. In addition, during the Spring Festival, taxi meter billing was far less rigorous than usual, and it was not as strict as it is now. locator, so the investigation is extremely difficult.”

Song He reached out to the folder on the table, and said with a little admiration: "But according to your information, you have eliminated most of them in these years, and there are only more than 100 people who have not been ruled out as suspects."

All the police officers suddenly exclaimed, their incredulous eyes turned back and forth between Team Zhang and his folder, obviously shocked by what Song He said.

"There is no way around it." Captain Zhang waved his hand indifferently, as if it was just a trivial matter: "The more I investigate now, the more I am afraid that I will not be able to find out the results in the end. People are old, I'm out of breath."

Hearing the Xiao Suo in Team Zhang's words, Song He was speechless for a while, and was about to say something, when Team Zhang sat up straight and looked around proudly: "But I firmly believe that my investigation direction is correct! And sooner or later let me Catch the gangster by the tail!"

Song He's consoling words that had just been concocted were instantly choked to death in his throat. In desperation, he gritted his teeth and continued to analyze: "Now let's go back to the first recording."

"Although this recording is very short, apart from the conversation between the gangster and Kong Ruiting, there are other sounds that cannot be heard under normal circumstances that need attention."

"These sounds are extremely weak. I removed some noises that were really difficult to distinguish, and found that the remaining sounds included dogs barking, human screams and car horns in the distance."

After Song He finished speaking, he wrote down the voices he heard on the whiteboard, but behind him, almost everyone in the Xiucheng police frowned, no matter how they recalled, they couldn't remember these kinds of voices.

Team Zhang waited for Song He to stop writing, frowned and asked, "Have you heard all these voices?"

"Yes." Song He admitted with a normal face: "These voices are mixed together, and it is difficult to distinguish them. I only figured out some of them after listening to them many times. I can't do anything about the rest."

Team Zhang glanced at Song He's expression, then looked at the old comrades and policemen around him, and suggested, "Can you tell me how you tell the difference?"

"Okay." Song He agreed directly and asked Wu Xuerui to open the first recording, then increase the volume and play it repeatedly at several points in the middle of the conversation when noise was made.

"Everyone, here is the sound of dogs barking. The sound is messy and chaotic. It is obviously a group of wild dogs." Song He looked at the bewildered police officers solemnly, and explained to himself:

"There is someone's cry of pain here, weak and deep, it should be from Kong Xiangtian. Finally, here is the car horn, which is powerful and generous. It is a large tool truck and the most recognizable part."

After Song He finished speaking, he walked back to the whiteboard, but the police officers in Xiucheng still looked blank.

A few people looked at Song He's seriousness and tried to make an expression that they understood, but in fact they were full of question marks.

Gu Li couldn't stand it anymore, walked up to Song He, scratched his head and said, "Xiao Song, what I hear is noise, can you really distinguish it clearly?"

Song He nodded and said: "It took me a lot of effort to distinguish clearly. Let's try to investigate first. What if there is something to gain?"

Gu Li heard this and looked at Team Zhang, and everyone present could see that Song He's words were actually meant for Team Zhang.

Team Zhang thought for a while and nodded, "Then follow your method first, maybe it's a breakthrough."

Song He nodded and continued: "The existence of wild dogs means that there is no property management in the place where he is located, or the property management is extremely poor. And the car horns that are far away indicate that this place is far away from the road and there are large vehicles passing by."

"As for the cries of pain, it means that Kong Xiangtian was not in that abandoned warehouse at the beginning, but was transferred there after Kong Ruixing called the police."

"According to my speculation on the first recording, the gangster should be in a place with close contact with him at this time. Kong Xiangtian was there at the time, and if he survives in the end, none of the gangsters will be able to escape."

"So Kong Xiangtian's end was already doomed the moment he fell into the hands of the kidnappers. There was no other possibility but death. And this also means that as long as we find this place, the gangsters will have nowhere to hide."

Gu Li on the side was already attracted by Song He's analysis, so he simply acted as a mouthpiece for colleagues to ask questions, and asked curiously: "But there is no way to determine the location just by barking dogs and car horns?"

"It can be combined with Team Zhang's investigation back then." Song He's heart was amused by Gu Li's flattering question, and he replied quickly with great cooperation:
"It will take time to transport Kong Xiangtian from this unknown location to the abandoned warehouse. At the same time, Kong Xiangtian's appraisal report and the investigation conclusion of the death scene mentioned that his toe was amputated in the warehouse."

"It took 10 minutes from Kong Ruixing calling the police to Team Zhang leading people to Kong's house. Another hour later, Kong Xiangtian's toe was delivered to the gate of the community, and then the criminals called."

"From the time the gangsters learned that the Kong family called the police to sending the toe to the door, they needed to complete three things: transferring Kong Xiangtian and amputating his toe and sending it to the Kong family."

Gu Li suddenly realized: "You want to determine the range of the gangster's location in the first recording by simulating the itinerary!"

"That's right." Song He nodded and said, "After determining the general area, we will rule it out based on the information in the recording, and then investigate whether these places are related to a taxi driver who hasn't appeared for a long time."

"You must know that this is a big case. No matter from the perspective of criminal psychology or sense of accomplishment experience, it is impossible for the gangsters to continue to rent out again!"

After Song He finished speaking, Captain Zhang's breathing suddenly became heavy.

No one knows, for him, years of pursuit is like completing an impossible puzzle, and he doesn't know when it will end.

However, Song He's analysis of the recording today seems to have filled in the key pieces of the puzzle for him, and suddenly gave him the hope of being able to close this case by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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