While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 332 New Progress

Chapter 332 New Progress
Team Zhang was so excited that no matter how hard he tried to keep his expression calm, the wrinkles on his face still betrayed his inner feelings.

Song He, who was aware of this, didn't say anything more, and directly dumped the content of making the investigation plan to Team Zhang, and sat back quietly in his seat.

After a whole morning's discussion, team Zhang, relying on his familiarity with the case after years of persistent investigation, quickly divided the abandoned warehouse where Kong Xiangtian's body was found into more than ten suspicious areas, and arranged for manpower to investigate one by one.

Looking at the three members of Team Zhang who became a little more energetic, Song He didn't show too much joy. After all, he still had many questions in his heart that had not been resolved.

What's more, even if the scope of the investigation is narrowed, it is only for Team Zhang's endless investigation. The difference is only that the sea of ​​needles in a haystack has been turned into a pond.

So in order to shorten the time to solve the case, Song He decided to continue to try to distinguish those indistinguishable noise parts in the first recording.

In the recording, many voices became indistinguishable noises due to the gangsters’ voice-changing processing, but the restoration by the technical department only processed the gangsters’ voices, and the rest were just incidental.

Therefore, if it wasn't for Song He's good ears, he would never have been able to detect dogs barking and so on.And Song He didn't dare to say that he would be able to gain something from the rest of the noise, so he could only try first, and report back when he got the result.

So, Song He secretly winked, and Zhou Kai understood immediately, got up and said to Gu Li: "Gu Li, when you go out to investigate, let's use the discussion room to discuss something."

Gu Li smiled, and agreed without thinking: "No problem, use it as you like."

Soon, Team Zhang assigned the investigation task, and the three veteran policemen also brought some police officers to participate in the investigation because of their years of persistence and familiarity with the case.In the blink of an eye, only Song He and his party were left.

Ma Xuexian got up without saying a word and closed the door, making the discussion room instantly quiet.

"I want to further analyze the recording, please help me." Song He looked at the crowd after speaking, saw them nodding, and continued: "With the conditions of the mobile phone at that time, the recording could not be recorded too clearly."

"So many valuable clues are all reflected in the recording as noise, and under the premise that it cannot be restored, we can only speculate based on the actual situation."

Wu Xuerui put her hand on the mouse, and after getting ready, she asked, "Which segment of noise do you want to identify?"

"It's still the first paragraph." Song He thought for a while and added: "If possible, it's best to open the waveform graph at the same time."

"No problem." Wu Xuerui operated casually, and a very professional software window popped up on the computer screen.

Song He took a deep breath, concentrated on getting ready and said: "Let's start."


Wu Xuerui clicked the mouse, and soon the recording appeared again, but this time the room was quieter, and everyone stopped breathing unanimously in order not to disturb Song He.

After listening to it three times, Song He asked Wu Xuerui to stop, and said firmly: "The noise between the first two sentences of the conversation between the two sounds normal, but if you look at the waveform diagram, it can actually be divided into three parts."

"The first two parts are the same kind of sound, which is relatively short. The third part is another kind, with a louder volume and a longer duration. In the subsequent calls, these two noises never appeared again."

"It has been determined that this is a place where criminals can make calls with peace of mind, so it should be a place for daily life or activities. So in daily life, what sounds are similar to these two?"

After hearing this, everyone began to think. Song He went on to explain in detail the characteristics of the sound he heard. Someone soon made a guess, but it was immediately denied.

Just listening to the recording and discussing for a while, there was still no answer that everyone agreed with. When Song He frowned, Ma Xuexian suddenly said:
"According to your description, I think the first two parts of the voice are not very similar to the voices in daily life, but rather similar to a voice in the army?"

Everyone was stunned, but Zhou Kai seemed to recall something, and Song He immediately asked, "What sound?"

Ma Xuexian replied solemnly, "Dig a trench."

Song Hewenyan rolled his eyes, and immediately said happily: "That's right! That's the voice!"

Zhou Kai gestured with his hands, nodded and said, "The rhythm is a little slower than trench digging, but the sound of the friction between the shovel and the soil is indeed the short sound you described, and judging from the rhythm, there should be two people digging."

Lin Hui on the side couldn't help asking: "What about the second one? Why didn't you dig any more after the second voice appeared?"

An idea flashed in Song He's mind, and he quickly said: "There are four gangsters, two digging, one making a phone call, and the last one staring at the Kong family. Since the sound of digging may reveal some information, the two must be stopped. The diggers continue to work..."

Wu Xuerui suddenly understood: "Only these three gangsters and Kong Xiangtian were present, so the caller had to stop it himself, but he was afraid of being exposed, so he could only block the phone's communication port and try to stop it."

Gu Xiaole said excitedly: "The second sound is the sound of the phone rubbing against the clothes or skin!"

Song He nodded, took a deep breath and analyzed: "The sound of digging is actually not loud. It will only be transmitted to the mobile phone when it is very close. The gangster can stop it while the phone is connected. He can only It shows that the place where it was dug is also extremely safe in his eyes.”

"There is bare land in the courtyard, and considering that it was winter, the soil quality should not be too hard for the convenience of digging, so it must be seldom trampled on at ordinary times, and it is probably a vegetable field. Therefore, the position he was at at that time should be with a soil texture. Courtyard house."

"At the same time, there should be no buildings in the courtyard as far as the eye can see, or there should be a shield above the courtyard itself, so that no one will see what they are doing. At the same time, after kidnapping Kong Xiangtian, a hole needs to be dug. The role of this hole It’s extremely clear!”

Everyone suddenly realized: Hidden money!
Seeing that his companions understood, Song He continued: "The matter of digging a hole to hide money can almost be said to be something planned by the gangsters in front of Kong Xiangtian's eyes. In addition, after he was tied up, he was taken directly to a place related to the gangsters. Kong Xiangtian knew at that time that he would die."

Wu Xuerui frowned when she heard the words, and when she saw everyone looking at her, she expressed the question in her heart: "With Kong Xiangtian's suspicious personality, it is not difficult to guess his own ending, so will he leave any key points behind?" Where's the clue?"

Song He nodded and said: "100% will stay, but according to the autopsy report, Kong Xiangtian has been tied up all the time, his mobility is limited, at most he left some bloodstains in that detached house. "

"But with the prudence of the gangster, the relevant traces will definitely be disposed of. Therefore, there is only one place where he can leave information that will not be cleared!"

As soon as the words fell, Song He's eyes turned slightly, and the eyes of the rest of the people also fell on the autopsy report in the case files!
(End of this chapter)

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