Chapter 365
Ten minutes later, Song He and Shen Jianghe walked into the reception room of Tuocheng Police Station under Zhao Chunyang's enthusiastic hospitality.

"Professor Shen!"

The police officers who had been waiting in the reception room quickly stood at attention and saluted the moment Shen Jianghe walked through the door.

Shen Jianghe returned the gift with a gentle smile: "We are just two people, what are you doing so grandly?"

Yuan Lifeng, chief of the Tuocheng Police Department, is in his early 50s. He is not tall but very imposing.

"Mr. Shen, please sit down!" Yuan Lifeng smiled naturally and unaffectedly: "You are our Qin Xia's heavyweight veteran police officer. If this room is not too small, there will be more people coming to welcome you!"

Shen Jianghe waved his hands politely, sat down and said, "When you're old, you can run around, talk about your experience in the early years with young people, and try to make them grow up quickly..."

Song He, who was sitting at the bottom of the table, acted as a qualified assistant at this time, trying his best to reduce his sense of presence and quietly observing a room full of Tuocheng police bosses who didn't know whether they were friends or foes.

After a moment, Song He suddenly felt a gaze falling on him, and his heart moved. He restrained the urge to explore and calmly continued to pretend to be well-behaved and quiet.

Five or six seconds later, that gaze moved away from Song He, and he didn't know where to look again.

Song He sneered in his heart, and through the gap of blinking, he looked at the direction where Cai's gaze was cast from the corner of his eye, but when he saw clearly the owner of his gaze, doubts suddenly arose in his heart.

Zhao Chunyang?
Song He thought for a moment, still unable to understand why Zhao Chunyang paid attention to him.

At the current time and occasion, not focusing on Shen Jianghe, but focusing on himself as a teaching assistant, is like suddenly paying attention to the driver of the leader at a high-level meeting, no matter how you look at it, it is abnormal.

Thinking secretly in his mind, Song He began to observe Zhao Chunyang carefully, and soon discovered the difference between him and others.

In the entire reception room, excluding Song He and Shen Jianghe, there were seven Tuocheng police chiefs, five of whom had obviously better financial conditions, including Zhao Chunyang.

However, there are differences between Zhao Chunyang and the other four that are difficult for ordinary people to detect. To describe it in a straightforward way, it is that Zhao Chunyang has more taste and is more than a step above the others!
After gaining something, Song He began to pay more attention to Zhao Chunyang, and thought to himself: Sure enough, there is no difference without comparison. Deputy Director Zhao, it took you many years to cultivate the outstanding spirit that exudes from your bones!
Zhao Chunyang, who echoed Shen Jianghe and Yuan Lifeng from time to time, had no idea that he was being targeted by Song He, and put a label of standing out from the crowd on him.

In fact, long before coming to Tuocheng, Song He carefully studied the relevant people who might come into contact with him after coming to Tuocheng.

Although these people were too high-level to conduct in-depth investigations without filing a case, and it was very likely that they would be discovered by the other party after the case was filed, so Song He could only read their resumes on the surface over and over again.

Among the people Song He memorized their resumes, only a small number are now in this reception room.

However, this is enough for him to combine his observations with his resume to make a preliminary profile of these people.

But the more profiled, the more Song He's heart sank.

Among the seven people, except for Zhao Chunyang, who had a somewhat unclear attitude, the other six were more or less wary of Shen Jianghe.

Judging from their theoretical family conditions and actual behavioral habits, there are no innocent people in this reception room.

After clarifying the situation he and others were in, Song He felt a bit tricky, and looked at Shen Jianghe, who was always talking and laughing.

"You also know that some of us old guys just want to make our new force stronger." Shen Jianghe, who was also aware of the serious situation, said nonchalantly: "So every year, we will go to as many places as possible for training."

"The reason why I chose Tuocheng as the first stop this time is mainly because of my apprentice who was fighting drugs in Longcheng. You don't know, during the Chinese New Year, he kept complaining to me, saying that I treat one more than another, and Lingsheng doesn't care. Southern Province."

"No, this year I'll just choose five cities in the southern province for training, and see what else he can say against me!"

Yuan Lifeng immediately understood who Shen Jianghe was talking about, and he laughed happily and said, "Then I'll have to treat Team Ren to a drink later, if it wasn't for him, I don't know when I would expect you to come. "

Seeing that Shen Jianghe dealt with Yuan Lifeng with ease and naturalness, Song He couldn't help secretly praising: No wonder the old man is so good at playing with people, this skill is so deep!
As dusk approached, the specific details of the next day's training lecture had been finalized. Shen Jianghe declined Yuan Lifeng's invitation to the reception banquet on the grounds that he needed to prepare lessons and was too old, and brought Song He directly to the hotel.

After dismissing the receptionist who had been sending them into the room, Song He had just closed the door when Shen Jianghe took out a small instrument and began to probe around the room.

After a while, Shen Jianghe, who had found nothing, sat relaxed on the sofa, looked at Song He with his usual expression, and asked, "Did you see it?"

Song He nodded: "Well, not optimistic."

Only then did Shen Jianghe heaved a long sigh: "That's how it is when I stay in the place where Qin is not going down. I don't know if I don't come. It's a mess when I come."

Song He poured a glass of water for Shen Jianghe: "Old Shen, not all places are like this, Yucheng is pretty good."

Shen Jianghe laughed when he heard the words, took the water glass and looked at Song He, and said meaningfully: "There are not many people who understand me and pour water for me."

Song He chuckled: "I have already turned the phone to silent."

Shen Jianghe snorted, picked up the water glass and drank it all in one gulp: "You still want to tease me, Menzi, it seems you haven't been scared yet. Okay, inform Zhou Kai and the others to act as planned."

"Remember, starting from tomorrow, we only have five days. If we can't catch the thread within five days, we don't know when we will have to wait if we want to intervene again."

Song He took out the mobile phone whose screen was flickering non-stop, nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry."

The next day, Shen Jianghe's training for Tuocheng was carried out as scheduled. Song He, as a teaching assistant, was doing assistance work before and after running, but in the process, he also had the opportunity to contact various people from the Tuocheng Police Station.

"For patrol officers present, please raise your hands."

In the huge stepped conference room, Shen Jianghe's voice was transmitted to every corner through the speakers, so that everyone present could hear it clearly.

Song He was sitting in the corner and saw one-third of the training police officers raising their hands. Then he heard Shen Jianghe say: "Okay, put your hands down. I want to ask you a question. What do you think about the relationship between patrol officers and criminal police officers?" What's the difference?"

After asking the question, Shen Jianghe's eyes swept across the audience, and everyone avoided where they passed, and no one was willing to try to answer.

Shen Jianghe suppressed the disappointment in his heart, and said loudly: "Before announcing the answer, I hope you can remember two sentences: A good fighter has no great achievements; a good doctor has no brilliant reputation! The difference between the two is one word... ..."

Just as Shen Jianghe attracted everyone's attention with his uniquely charming lectures, a few strangers appeared in a corner of Tuocheng.

(End of this chapter)

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