Chapter 366
Ma Xuexian and Zhou Kai pretended to be passers-by and strolled in the street, but their eyes fell on the closed bar in the distance.

"There are two more." Zhou Kai secretly wrote down the specific address and information of the bar.

Ma Xuexian carefully observed the surroundings and whispered: "Why do the sons of brothers Zhang Boyu and Zhang Shuqing like to open this kind of shop?"

Zhou Kai shook his head slightly: "From the point of view of personality, these two people are exaggerated and impulsive, and like to be public and exciting, and the style of this place just fits their personality better."

"Besides, judging from the passenger flow last night, the economic income brought to them is not small."

Ma Xuexian nodded: "Don't say it, these two people are indeed a suitable breakthrough point. The problem is how to make them into a mess within five days."

Zhou Kai looked back at the direction of the bar, took a deep breath and said, "Song He is right. Trust between people is the most flammable thing in the world. It depends on what we use to ignite it and then burn it down." !"

In a certain hotel, Lin Hui leaned in front of his laptop, almost watching the video on the monitor frame by frame.The protagonist in the video is a man in his late thirties, drinking heavily surrounded by a crowd of men and women.

While carefully observing the man's every move, Lin Hui secretly praised the angle chosen by the photographer, because if the photographer got any closer, he might have to sit at the wine table!
At the same time, in another room of the hotel, Wu Xuerui was typing on the computer keyboard as usual, collecting and sorting out the pages of data spit out from the printer, and handing them to Gu Xiaole, who had been watching all night to collect evidence, and she would take pictures and send them to Song He's mobile phone superior.

Therefore, Song He, who was in the training venue, would take out his mobile phone to check the latest information he had received whenever he had the chance, and deduce it at an almost crazy speed in the deduction room of the murder-hunting system.

Finally, shortly after lunch, Song He, whose brain continued to run at a high speed, finally found what he was looking for in the massive amount of information. After finally breathing a sigh of relief, he slightly adjusted the action plan and sent it to Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai, who was catching up on sleep in the hotel, suddenly woke up with a start, quickly picked up the phone that had only vibrated, and opened it to check.

After a while, Zhou Kai shook his head and laughed, "Old Shen can agree to such a plan."

After finishing speaking, he handed the mobile phone to Ma Xuexian who was also awakened.

While Ma Xuexian was reading the information, Zhou Kai stood up and rummaged in the suitcase for a while, took out a bunch of things for disguise, sat opposite Ma Xuexian, and said with a smile: "Let's get started."

That night, Ma Xuexian and Zhou Kai, disguised as two greasy middle-aged men, walked into a bar one after another, chose two booths not far apart and sat down respectively, and after ordering a glass of wine, they carefully looked at the dance floor, as if they were in a bar. looking for someone.

After a while, Zhou Kai found the target in the crowd, his eyes lit up and he quickly called the waiter, handed him ten banknotes and whispered a few words.

At this time, relatively brisk music was playing in the bar, and the atmosphere was not at its peak, while a woman with heavy makeup was on the edge of the dance floor with her friends, shaking her head to the music.

Suddenly, a waiter walked up to the woman, bowed slightly, and brought the tray with one hand to the heavily made-up woman, and there was a glass of expensive wine in the tray.

The woman with heavy make-up was taken aback, while all her friends laughed and booed, asking the waiter who brought the wine.

The waiter was obviously used to similar scenes, and since he received a tip, he naturally tried his best to speak kindly to the customer: "It's that gentleman with great taste."

The woman with heavy make-up and her friend looked in the direction he was pointing at, only to see a well-proportioned middle-aged man raising his glass in the distance, with a slightly greasy smile on his face, under the halo created by the previous glass of expensive wine, It shows a bit of mature charm.

For a moment, the companions of the woman with heavy make-up uttered loud booing sounds again, and the faint envy mixed in the middle was clearly transmitted to her ears.

Hiding the pride in her heart, the woman with heavy makeup slowly reached out her right hand to the tray held by the waiter with one hand, gently picked up the wine glass, pulled back her long shawl hair, tilted her head and smiled at the middle-aged man, and also raised her glass. Indicates a sip.

Seeing this, Zhou Kai, who was dressed in disguise, smiled and nodded, then turned his eyes away, waiting quietly for Ma Xuexian's action.

Seeing this, the woman with heavy make-up looked back with anticipation in her heart, and pretended to be nonchalant, chatting and laughing with her envious friends.

A few minutes later, another waiter also came to them with a tray in one hand, bowed slightly with one hand behind his back, and handed the tray to the heavily made-up woman again.

At the same time, the stunned woman with heavy makeup and her friends subconsciously looked at Zhou Kai, but Zhou Kai also looked surprised.

"No way!" A friend of the woman with heavy make-up whispered, quickly turned to the waiter, and asked impatiently, "Who brought this glass of wine?"

The waiter pointed to another booth and said respectfully, "It's that very personable gentleman."

In the distance, Ma Xuexian, who was also dressed as a middle-aged man by Zhou Kai, nodded, raised the wine glass in his hand and smiled slightly, and covered himself with a halo of charm through the more expensive wine.

After two breaths, the woman with heavy makeup finally reacted and hesitated for a moment. She took the wine from the tray and did the same thing she did to Zhou Kai again towards Ma Xuexian.

This time, her friends booed again, but the sour taste in the words couldn't be hidden, and the woman with heavy makeup smelled a bit of extremely obvious jealousy.

Seeing her friends trying their best to make half-hearted compliments, the woman with heavy make-up was secretly proud but also entangled. Her eyes wandered back and forth between Zhou Kai and Ma Xuexian, not knowing which one to choose.

But she soon realized that she seemed to have no chance to make a choice, because the first middle-aged man to show her kindness suddenly stood up and walked towards the other middle-aged man with a wine glass in his hand and an unhappy look on his face.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Kai walked up to Ma Xuexian under the suspicious eyes of the woman with heavy make-up and her companions, and said in a deep voice, "My friend, shouldn't everything be said on a first-come, first-served basis?"

Ma Xuexian was in the play, maintaining his sitting posture, looking up at Zhou Kai who was condescendingly looking down at him, and smiled arrogantly and contemptuously: "In front of me, people who come first come first must give way to money!"

Zhou Kai's face darkened when he heard the words, as if he felt that he had swept away his face. After glancing at the dumbfounded woman with heavy makeup in the distance, his hand holding the wine glass suddenly tilted, and he poured the whole glass of wine onto Ma Xuexian's clothes!

Ma Xuexian was furious, jumped up and rushed towards Zhou Kai. In the blink of an eye, the two were wrestling together!
The sudden change made the woman in heavy makeup and her companions startled, and the security personnel in the bar rushed to their positions quickly.

Zhou Kai and Ma Xuexian yelled, scolded and scuffled, while paying attention to the security guards who came, and made a judgment in an instant, and deviated in this direction!
Seeing this, the security guards who came from the direction where the two deviated, immediately quickened their pace and wanted to restrain the two of them as soon as possible.

However, when he just rushed to the two of them, Zhou Kai stepped on his instep pretending to be unintentional, and Ma Xuexian raised his arms and pushed him to the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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