While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 475 Fly to Sang Country

Chapter 475 Fly to Sang Country
Ishikawa Hayato's words made Song He's heart tremble. He looked at Zhou Kai and quickly asked: "Relevant information."

Hayato Ishikawa did not hesitate to tell the suspect's information, and then said seriously: "Mr. Sun, according to my investigation, I hope you will be more careful when designing the arrest."

"After all, this is not an ordinary murderer, but a serial murderer."

Song He was noncommittal, and said indifferently: "After you complete this commission, your popularity will be further improved, and it may even help you win opportunities to cooperate with the consortium."

"Mr. Sun is keen." Hayato Ishikawa admitted frankly, with sincerity: "It means a lot to me to meet someone like Mr. Sun at this time. And I believe that we have many win-win cooperations."

The corners of Song He's mouth curled up slightly, still noncommittal: "Let's do this first, whether or not the trip will happen is not up to me."

Ishikawa Hayato showed no intention of entanglement, and remained polite: "Then I will wait for Mr. Sun's good news. Goodbye."

Song He hung up the phone, pondered for a moment, turned his head and saw Zhou Kai's serious face, Song He sighed with a smile: "Hayato Ishikawa's proposal is very tempting, and the higher-ups will probably agree."

Zhou Kai nodded: "Tell Mr. Shen about the serial murderer first. We can't do anything if he's not in Lingshou."

Song He nodded and dialed Shen Jianghe's phone number.

After a while, Shen Jianghe left a message and hung up the phone, but Song He understood that the trip to Sang Country was basically decided.

"It seems that we have to prepare in advance." Song He muttered, looked out the window, and began to formulate an action plan in his mind.

"Be careful when you go." Zhou Kai, who was driving, suddenly said, "We don't understand the language, so we won't be able to help if we go. Once we are found out, it may be counterproductive."

Song He smiled: "Brother Kai, don't worry, I have always been the only one who deceives people, and there is no time when I am deceived by others."

Zhou Kai also appeared, laughed, and suddenly remembered something, glanced at Song He and said solemnly: "Calm down, don't make things up!"

"Brother Kai, what do you think of me? I'm still very measured." Song He waved his hand, avoiding Zhou Kai's gaze indiscriminately, covering up the trace of guilt in his eyes.

A day later, Song He, who was on a mission in Lian County, suddenly received a call from Shen Jianghe.

"Ask what the plan over there is, and go if you can accept it." Shen Jianghe's deep voice came from the mobile phone: "We have already agreed who the six quotas will be allocated to, and they will be sent to you in a while." .”

Song He's thoughts turned sharply, and he asked curiously: "Master, what is our bottom line?"

Shen Jianghe didn't answer Song He's question, but instead asked: "You should understand Ishikawa Hayato's identity and background, right?"

"Understood." Song He nodded: "The police have a strong background."

Shen Jianghe snorted: "Six months ago, he broke up with his father and brother due to disagreements. He hasn't been home for the past five months, and his father even threatened to sever the father-son relationship with him."

Song He was stunned when he heard this, recalled for a moment, and suddenly remembered that in the information sent by Liuyun, in the past five months, the number of cooperation between Hayato Ishikawa and the Sandu police has dropped significantly compared to last year.

Combined with the information revealed by Ishikawa Hayato on the phone, Song He instantly understood that the Sandu Police Department's layout for this consortium had started half a year ago!

Arriving here first, Song He secretly complained while secretly complaining: Liuyun, it seems that your ability to collect information that does not exist in the network and system needs to be improved...

"I've never heard of this matter." Song He grinned and said, "Combining the known information, no matter how you look at it, it's a big game of chess."

"Sang Country has special national conditions. Many large financial groups have complex backgrounds. It is difficult for the police to control them. There are many illegal activities in the dark." Shen Jianghe said seriously: "Since Hayato Ishikawa made the request in his own name, then we will grant it in his own name." Respond."

"But given his background, you should be able to understand what the proposal he said represents."

Song He rolled his eyes and said pointingly: "Master, I heard that Sang Country seems to be more urgent to conclude an extradition treaty with our country?"

"I knew you could think of it." Shen Jianghe snorted: "According to statistics, in recent years, the number of Sang country criminals absconding to Qin Xia has increased. After all, in terms of appearance and habits, our place is more conducive for them to hide. "

"But the same principle also applies to our criminals in Qin and Xia, so it is imperative to conclude an extradition treaty. However, there are many forces in the country of Sang, and there are too many factors that interfere with the conclusion of the treaty, so..."

Song He understood, took the conversation and continued: "So the police force represented by Ishikawa Hayato must be won over. After all, to achieve our goal, we must unite all forces that can be united."

"It's good that you understand." Shen Jianghe said with great satisfaction: "The considerations about the bottom line of cooperation will be sent to you together with the extradition target later."

"Now, go and negotiate the price with them, after all, this is what you are best at."

Song Hewen smiled, joked with Shen Jianghe and ended the call.

After thinking for a moment, Song He took out the mobile phone that was only used to contact Ishikawa Hayato, and sent a message.

A few minutes later, the melodious melody sounded, and Song He connected: "Mr. Shi Chuan, tell me about your plan."


Two weeks later, Song He walked into the airport, subconsciously turned on the murderer system, then came to his senses, turned it off with a self-deprecating smile, got his boarding pass, went through the security check, and sat quietly waiting for boarding.

In the past ten days, Song He not only finalized the details of the plan and prepared for the country with Ishikawa Hayato, but also frantically completed various tasks in the murderer system while traveling around.

The reason for doing this is mainly to earn points and attribute points, and improve the intelligence attributes of the companions in the group, so that the group can still complete various applications efficiently while he is away.

Soon, it was time to board the plane. Song He kept recalling the plan agreed with Ishikawa Hayato in his mind, boarded the plane calmly, and landed at Sandu International Airport four hours later.

"My friend, welcome back to Sandu. It's been a long time since you came back. How does it feel?"

At the airport pick-up gate, a handsome man in his late thirties with a very gentlemanly demeanor smiled at Song He who had just walked out of the gate and made a welcome gesture.

"Mr. Shi Chuan, you really haven't changed at all for so many years." Song He said with emotion in an extremely authentic Sandu-style San language: "Compared to you, the changes in your hometown are too great."

Ishikawa Hayato smiled and took the suitcase in Song He's hand, and led him out of the airport very naturally.

Sitting in the car, Hayato Ishikawa secretly handed a small package to Song He, and said in a low voice, "This is the legal document for your identity in Sandu. The police department has already kept it on file, so it can be found."

Song He, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the right-hand drive car, moved awkwardly, took the package and asked curiously: "Is the energy of that consortium so scary?"

Hayato Ishikawa started the car and said, "I believe that in Qin Xia, the government will never allow a group of this size and nature to appear. This is one of the reasons why I envy Qin Xia."

(End of this chapter)

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