Chapter 476
Ishikawa Hayato's detective agency is located in a commercial office building in the city center, and being able to have such a studio in Sang, who has every inch of land and money, is enough to illustrate Ishikawa Hayato's ability and connections.

"Sit down, the customer will arrive in an hour." Ishikawa Hayato poured Song He a glass of water: "In the next five days, I will let the customer know your existence."

"Of course, you also have to show your ability, so that I can easily 'send' you to Qin Xia to handle the case, and contact you blatantly."

"So, before you leave, I will screen some cases and hand them over to you."

"Understood." Song He made a reassuring gesture and began to look around.

Ishikawa Hayato's office is not too big, and if calculated in terms of area, it is almost the same as a three-bedroom apartment.

It’s just that compared with the strong life atmosphere in the ordinary three-bedroom apartment, except for the office, bathroom and a study room for rest, most of the rooms here are used by Hayato Ishikawa as an archive room.

From a small point of view, there is plenty of light in the house, and the decoration is very elegant. Not only is the floor clean, but there is no dust in every corner of the room. It is obvious that the cleaners are very attentive.

"Is Mr. Sun satisfied with this place?" Hayato Ishikawa took out a stack of file boxes and placed them on the tea table in front of Song He.

"That's right, it's very stylish, and it can be seen that Mr. Ishikawa is a persistent person." Song He glanced at the file box: "A case that you plan to hand over to me?"

"Yes." Ishikawa Hayato nodded and said: "When the firm was first established, there were still some cases of missing cats and dogs and marriage investigations. Later, when there were more clients, the types of cases also increased."

"However, I gradually discovered that many cases of missing people involve some darker existences. Various forces are intertwined in the shadow of Sandu, and there are countless illegal activities involved."

"It took me five years to find out the underground context of all the black organizations in Sandu, and then gave all the information to my father, hoping to help him."

Song He understood: "That's why there was that breakup half a year ago."

Ishikawa Hayato was very frank, and explained the cause and effect of the incident clearly.

Song He listened carefully, feeling really moved for Hayato Ishikawa in front of him.

An hour later, there was a knock on the door, the two stopped talking, and after looking at each other, Hayato Ishikawa went to open the door.

The person who came was a somewhat cautious middle-aged man. After he took his seat, he hesitated for a moment and expressed his intention.

"Mr. Yoshida, we have already understood your needs." Hayato Ishikawa introduced Song He in a timely manner: "This is my partner Arai Hai, and his investigation ability in this area is better than mine. A satisfactory answer."

Song He bowed his head and bowed his body with the utmost courtesy.

Yoshida's lips twitched: "Then please Mr. Arai."

"Don't worry." Song He said to himself: "Please inform your family now that you need to work overtime and don't go back to stay overnight. Of course, please follow what I wrote to you. It's best not to make a single mistake."

Yoshida looked at Song He suspiciously, then at Hayato Ishikawa, but seeing the other party nodded firmly, he agreed.

Ten minutes later, when Yoshida hung up the phone, Song He left the office.

When he came back, it was almost midnight.

He also brought back a recording, a few photos and a clear video.

"Mr. Yoshida, I've been waiting for a long time." Song He put the recording equipment in front of the anxious Yoshida, and said with a little regret: "I'm sorry, your suspicion of your wife is not an illusion."

"I also found out the identity of the other party. He is a middle-level manager of a consortium. This is his information."

After all, Song He put a document bag on the coffee table under Ishikawa Hayato's surprised eyes.

Half an hour later, when the distraught Yoshida left with the reproduced video data, Hayato Ishikawa couldn't help but admire: "Mr. Sun, you have the talent to become a top detective!"

Song He smiled, and accepted all of Ishikawa Hayato's compliments without any embarrassment.

In the next week, Song He assisted Hayato Ishikawa in solving many commissions.

And none of these entrustments had been registered with the police station, so naturally there was no case to be filed.

Therefore, Song He, who has been busy for a week, not only did not get the murderer system points and attribute points from these cases, but also because these commissions were not tasks, he did not get any assistance from the murderer system.

However, while consuming energy on these commissions, Song He also discovered that Ishikawa Hayato had his own considerations behind the choice of commissions.

"As far as I know, Sangguo recognizes the legitimacy of black organizations." Song He said curiously: "And the police department releases a white paper every year, listing in detail the number of these groups and the specific number of members."

"Besides, the Police Department is not without supervision methods for them. Although the handling methods are very gentle, according to the data of the past few years, the number of these groups has shown a downward trend."

"Besides, whether it's local residents or foreign tourists, as long as they don't offend them, they won't take the initiative to provoke irrelevant people, and they are generally safe."

"But since three years ago, among the commissions you have accepted, the proportion of commissions from black groups has been slowly increasing every year. Is this painstaking layout because they are changing from black organizations to legal consortiums?"

"Mr. Sun, you discovered this earlier than I expected." Ishikawa Hayato had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and explained: "In my opinion, human society operates on the basis of rules. Rules improve society and protect survival. us in it."

"But their existence is the biggest breach of the rules. No matter how harmless they appear to humans and animals, it is an undeniable fact that they trample on the rules to strengthen themselves."

"And I really can't tolerate their existence."

"I believe you can get what you want." Song He felt turbulent, encouraged him, and asked again: "The party in ten months' time is held by the third largest organization, and it is also the goal of your strategy, but why do I think you are Are you aiming at the largest organization?"

Ishikawa Hayato smiled: "Mr. Sun, you are the most suitable person for a detective I have ever seen in my life. Do you really not consider setting up a firm? I think you will definitely shine!"

Song He Wenyan smiled and shook his head: "You have persuaded me many times, and you know my answer, and that answer will not change."

"Besides, your approach and my work are two paths, but the end point is the same."

Ishikawa Hayato shook his head regretfully, noncommittal.

The next day was the last day for Song He to pave the way for his Japanese identity, and it was also the time to find a reason to return to Qin Xia.

In order to arrange for Song He to go back, Ishikawa Hayato specially invited his former client to the office.

"Mr. Hengshan, Mrs. Hengshan, this is the friend I mentioned to you." Ishikawa Hayato stretched out his hand to Song Heyi, and introduced: "He has lived in Qinxia for many years and is familiar with everything there. I believe he can replace you two. Punish the murderer who killed Meihui."

Song He said in a timely manner: "If Mr. Hengshan and Mrs. Hengshan believe me, I will spare no effort!"

(End of this chapter)

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