Chapter 572
When Song He returned to Yucheng, it was already noon the next day.

And when he learned from Qi Weigang that Xu Hui's various investigations on the two men turned up nothing, it was already a week later.

"Is there a locator in the car?" Song He raised his eyebrows in surprise: "No wonder you dare to park your car in the parking lot of the airport blatantly. It's just that it's not easy to guard against such an arrangement. gone."

"Who says it's not." Qi Weigang's voice came from the mobile phone: "Those two guys are already addicted. With a little bit of business, they want to learn from the big names in movies to sell and smoke."

"As a result, after entering the police station, these two guys immediately became cowardly, and they said everything they could say. What middlemen, what supply channels, what next door, but Lao Xu, except for catching two small fish, other things The big guys just didn’t catch a single one.”

Song He shook his head and sighed: "The more this is the case, the more it shows that the people behind it are not simple. Since the line is broken now, we can only keep a low profile for the time being and focus on searching for those people they confessed."

"I believe that someone will always be caught in the net. At that time, as long as you grab a thread, the big spider behind will not be able to escape."

The two chatted for a few more words, then hung up the phone, and each went to work
With the immediate major cases in some places opening the authority to apply for assistance from Song He and others, the reputation of the case center has grown, and more and more cases need to be handled by them.

Fortunately, the strengthening of the intellectual and spiritual attributes of the companions has been basically completed. Coupled with the long-term accumulation of experience, everyone has made great progress. Even if the work content is increasing, they can still cope with it with ease.

At the same time, everyone in the team has gradually demonstrated a very obvious personal style while achieving new highs in work efficiency.

"This case is not very difficult, it just requires careful and careful analysis of the collected data, so you, Xiaoxue, will handle it..."

In the case center, Song He gently handed a copy of the case information to Wu Xuerui, and then continued to distribute the case: "As for this, it is a bit lacking in evidence collection, so Brother Kai, you can handle it..."

After a while, everyone in the group was assigned a case to be dealt with, except Song He who still had his hands empty.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Kai knew at a glance that Song He had other plans.

"Don't wrong me, this time it's the public's task." Song He shrugged and said, "Master asked me to go to Qindu Police Academy for a few days. He has arranged the courses. I just preach."

Zhou Kai glanced at the direction of Qin Du worriedly, and involuntarily told him: "Take it easy, there are many good seedlings there, don't get it wrong!"

Song He's eyes flashed with eagerness, and he shook his head with a smile and denied: "How can it be! You still don't understand who I am!"

Zhou Kai became even more worried after hearing this, and could only secretly pray that Mr. Shen would make arrangements to prevent Song He from causing any trouble at the Qindu Police Academy.

However, no one knew whether Zhou Kai's prayer would come true, but Song He, who was picked up by the fat police officer as soon as he got off the plane, knew that his mood might not get better for a long time.

"Brother Wuhua, these things are all left to me by the master?" Looking at the piles of file boxes in the back row of the police car, Song He had a headache: "I just said, how could something cheap happen to me?" Come on! Especially if it is a cheap thing arranged by my master!"

"Junior Gouzui." The fat police officer replied tit-for-tat, smiling harmlessly: "This is part of Mr. Shen's work, but it just happens to have something to do with you, so I just leave it to you to sort it out."

"When he and Mr. Zhuo are free, these things will come in handy."

Song He thought about Qi Weigang and others who were preparing case teams in various provinces, looked into the eyes of the fat police officer and asked, "Tell me, do you have a share of these things?"

"Yes!" The fat police officer sighed: "Or can I pick you up to live in my house? What Mr. Shen means is that the daily work cannot be left behind, and these materials and data must be sorted out."

Song He's eyes twitched after hearing this: "That is to say, the only time we can really use to sort out is the rest time after get off work?"

The fat police officer nodded when he heard the words, his face was a bit bitter, while Song He gritted his teeth and said, "I hate working overtime!"

So, from this moment on, Song He lived the iconic two-point-one-line life in Qindu. During the day, he taught at the police academy instead of Shen Jianghe, and at night, he and the fat police officer reviewed and sorted out the police information submitted by the five provinces. Screen candidates for upcoming case teams in various locations.

However, what surprised the fat police officer was that Song He was very handy in both teaching and sorting out materials. He was unanimously recognized by the majority of police school students, and at the same time, nearly [-]% of the materials were sorted out clearly, making it impossible for people to pick out any faults. .

However, the fat policeman still found a problem from Song He's collation: "Why do you have different screening criteria for police officers in each province? The smell of differentiated treatment is a bit strong!"

"Because the core people in each province are different." Song He explained: "I have gone abroad to exchange and study with them, and I know their personalities very well, so I naturally know what character and ability members are most suitable for them. .”

"After all, what we want to build for these five provinces is a criminal investigation team that will never go anywhere. It's not simply a matter of stuffing the top five students into a study group."

"So my starting point is that apart from personal ability, I also want to minimize the friction and internal friction when they adapt to each other, and shorten the running-in time. But whether Master and the others adopt my plan, that is something that needs to be decided by them."

"The ability to profile psychology and character through files, I'm afraid you are the only one besides Mr. Shen." The fat police officer praised, "No wonder Mr. Shen said that you must participate in this task!"

Song He chuckled, and was about to say "Who made me a genius" when he suddenly had an idea, looked into the eyes of the fat police officer and said, "When did my master say that?"

The fat police officer seemed to have realized something, he laughed and said, "Before you went to Wei Country to study and communicate! I understand! Haha!"

"I knew it!" Song He Wenyan suddenly felt powerless: "Before he left the country, he had already started to plot against me!"

After gritting his teeth and spending several days sorting out the case information, Song He easily devoted himself to teaching police students.

On this day, not long after he announced the break, a male police academy student suddenly raised his hand and asked: "Officer Song, can I ask you about a case?"

Song He glanced at the boy, and all kinds of information about him instantly appeared in his mind: "Tell me."

The boy smiled, walked up to the podium and handed a stack of documents to Song He, and then said loudly in front of all the police students: "This is a case in my hometown, I want you to take a look."

Song He flipped through the materials twice, and responded with a smile: "You go back to your seat first, and I will talk about this case in the later courses."

The boy blinked in surprise when he heard the words, and then returned to his seat. He looked at the time impatiently, hoping that the class time would come soon.

(End of this chapter)

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