While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 573 Source of Case

Chapter 573 Source of Case
"This is a case that a classmate shared with me, and it happens that we can try to deal with it."

After introducing the source of the case in hand, Song He enlarged the information through projection so that everyone could see it.

"We can see that this is a handwritten case file, but it's still relatively detailed. Obviously, this student has put in a lot of effort." Song He slowly flipped through the file, allowing enough time for the students to digest and introduced at the same time :

"This is a typical murder case, but this case is a little different from other murder cases..."

The case in the data happened five years ago in an apartment in a residential building, and the deceased was a couple.

After investigation, the two couples were local residents and were originally scheduled to get married two months later. Many people proved that they had already started discussing the details of the wedding before they were killed.

When the two were found dead, three days had passed since their deaths.And before and after the time of death, the neighbors did not hear any strange movements, nor did they see strangers coming in and out.

The reason why they were discovered was entirely because a thief sneaked into the apartment and tried to steal but found the bodies of the two. They were afraid of getting into trouble and had to call the police.

During the investigation, what impressed the police most was the tragedy of the two.

The man died in the bathtub of the bathroom. When he was found, his hands and feet were tied, his eyes were blindfolded, his mouth was blocked by a ball of rags, and his body was covered with dense and small puncture wounds. The cause of death was excessive blood loss.

The woman died in the bedroom, tied to the bed in a large font, her eyes and mouth were also blocked, and besides the small puncture wounds that appeared on the man, there were many wounds similar to those caused by whip whips. Scars, the cause of death is also excessive blood loss.

But even so, although there were few clothes on the two of them, they were relatively intact, and apart from the scars, the murderer did not do anything else.

"Judging from the traces at the scene, although the murderer took two lives, the point of his actions was not to kill..." Song He paused, and then solemnly said: "...but torture."

"Compared to ordinary murders that pursue results, the murderer in this case really cared about the process of killing. Especially when killing the female victim, the whip wound was formed earlier than the puncture wound, and it was less severe than the puncture wound. More dense and tragic."


After Song He's description, the simple written information was transformed into a pair of vivid pictures in the minds of many police students. Many of them were shocked, and solemnity and shock flashed in their eyes.

"Then let's take a look at how to profile the murderer in this case." After Song He introduced the case, he began to analyze it: "First, we can try to start with the murder weapon."

"Whether it was a puncture wound or a whip wound, there was no trace of the involvement of a third murder weapon from the scars, so the murderer should have only taken an ice pick commonly seen in bars and a [-]-centimeter long leather short whip."

"However, these two items were not found at the crime scene. In other words, these two items were brought by the murderer."

After Song He finished speaking, he put another piece of information on the projection: "Then let's look at the traces left by the suspect at the scene."

"After the police arrived at the scene, they found that in the bedroom and the bathroom, there was a chair facing the two deceased. That is to say, the murderer would occasionally sit on the chair during the murder."

"And the police judged that the murderer would sit on a chair and not leave the scene of the crime until he had finished admiring the last moments of the two deceased's lives."

"Combining the above two points, the murderer is cold-blooded and cruel, rational and calm, psychologically distorted, has certain assets in daily life, has good living conditions, and has a certain social status and quality of life."

"At the same time, the police determined the approximate size of the murderer based on the location of the chairs and the evidence collected from the footprint lights."

When Song He said this, he suddenly stopped talking and looked at the boy who provided the information. When everyone in the classroom focused on the boy, Song He asked, "Student Xia Hao, what do you think about this incident?" Case, do you have any suggestion?"

Xia Hao was waiting for Song He to continue his analysis, when Song He called his name, he stood up quickly and said, "If it was me, I would check the surrounding residents and pedestrians passing by before and after the time of the incident, as well as the residential buildings. Some residents on the opposite side."

"It's quite satisfactory." Song He nodded, and suddenly smiled inexplicably: "But, why didn't you share the real case information with us?"

As soon as Song He finished speaking, there was a buzzing discussion in the classroom, and everyone's eyes focused on Xia Hao were filled with curiosity in an instant.

Xia Hao, who was scrutinized by Song Herao with interest, had a quick heartbeat, and he didn't know where the information he provided had leaked.

Song He smiled, waved Xia Hao to sit down, pressed his hands down to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then said with a smile: "The case that Xia Hao handed in is a handwritten copy because the original case information is in a foreign language. of."

"The information on this case was collected in the Dicheng Police Station in the Uguo, and it has not yet been solved. It is one of the many unsolved cases in the Dicheng Police Station."

Everyone was in an uproar when they heard the words, and Xia Hao was also surprised. He didn't expect Song He to directly tell the true source of the case information.

In fact, they didn't know that after this case happened, it was included in the research of the Songcheng Police Academy, so Song Hezhi, who had stolen all the information of the Songcheng Police Academy, knew about it.

"What's more, student Xia Hao also made revisions and deletions in the translated version of the case materials, avoiding some details of the case that are not suitable to appear, and making these details more in line with our Qin Xia's situation."

After Song He finished speaking, he revealed the details of the case that had been concealed and modified by Xia Hao.

As Song He told the story, many police academy students felt their hearts growing colder.

It was because after listening to the details of the real crime scene described by Song He, they experienced the indescribable cruelty and distortion in the murderer's heart from the murderous methods that were far more brutal than Xia Hao's "translated materials".

"According to the case data of Weiguo, the murderer carried far more than two kinds of murder tools." Song He wrote four more tools on the whiteboard and said: "Except for the ice pick and leather whip that caused puncture injuries and whip injuries .”

"There are also hammers used to cause blunt force injuries, knives used to cause cutting injuries, cooking flamethrowers used to cause burns, and bone saws used to break limbs."

"Its cruel methods scared the burglar almost to the point of insanity. Even after calling the police, the thief still cried bitterly, and even received several psychological treatments in the later stage."

Song He looked at the police school students with somewhat unnatural expressions, and said seriously: "Actually, in my opinion, although it is too early for you to get in touch with this type of case, it is a good time for Xia Hao to share this case. , It’s better than temporarily adapting to similar emergencies.”

"So, let's profile this case. If you want to know the details of the case, you can ask questions directly. I know everything."

Song He said with a smirk: "If we can solve the case by chance, we can also hit that disgusting face of Dawei Guo."

(End of this chapter)

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