While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 595 Martyrs Cemetery

Chapter 595 Martyrs Cemetery
"Go, go somewhere with me."

Dragging Song He into the police car, Ren Yongjie didn't say where he was going, and the police officer in charge of driving directly pulled the two of them towards a certain direction.

Pressing the curiosity in his heart, Song He, who rarely sat in the back row, chatted with Ren Yongjie, but inadvertently felt that Ren Yongjie's temperament had changed invisibly.

After looking carefully, Song He keenly found a trace of nostalgia rising from Ren Yongjie's eyebrows, and his heart moved, and he couldn't help but guess the destination of the trip.

Sure enough, after driving for nearly 10 minutes, the car drove into a quiet and solemn gate.

Song He looked at the word "cemetery" flashing past the gate, and his heart felt inexplicably heavy.

As for Ren Yongjie, except for a little more remembrance and nostalgia, his whole person has not changed much.

After a while, the car parked in the parking space.The police officer driving the car obviously came frequently. There was a path not far from the parking space that led directly to the cemetery.

"Let's go." Ren Yongjie said to Song He, and then got out of the car with two bottles of wine.

Song He responded, and immediately got out of the car and followed Ren Yongjie to the cemetery.

"When I first came here, I had just graduated for a few months." Ren Yongjie said in a casual manner, and a soft smile with nostalgia appeared on his burnt face: "Thinking about it now, then At that time, I knew a fart, and I was just a stubborn young man."

Song He quietly followed Ren Yongjie, looking at his smile, faintly felt a trace of deep pain buried in Ren Yongjie's heart.

"That's the same path I took at that time." Ren Yongjie pointed to Song He's feet, and then pointed to the cemetery not far away: "I remember when I walked to this location, I looked up at the cemetery."

"Then I felt suffocated in my heart, my chest was on fire, and I wanted to fight those drug-related elements to the death. In the end, my captain at the time said a few words, and then I calmed down..."

Song He looked at the cemetery at the end of the path, and a sharp-edged and energetic young man, Ren Yongjie, suddenly appeared in his eyes. He seemed to be walking in front of where Ren Yongjie, who was remembering the past, was looking.

After a while, the two came to the cemetery, and saw a marble mausoleum occupying the main seat. There was no name or surname on the tall tombstone, and there were only a few dignified characters to indicate the meaning it represented.

"Southern Province Anti-drug Front." Song He looked at the words on the tombstone, and unconsciously read it in a low voice.

"How about it, it's very impressive." Ren Yongjie grinned, his seemingly substantial eyes lingering on the tombstone for a long time, and sighed: "In Nan Province, there are still many positions like this."

"The people in charge of guarding the position are all guys who should be famous all over the world!"

Song He looked at the neat tombstones around the mausoleum, but saw that most of the tombstones except for the words "Tomb of the Martyrs", only a string of numbers representing the date of birth and death.

And on some of the tombstones, the years between birth and death were only a short period of more than [-] years, which made Song He's heart agitated uncontrollably.

"Go, toast them." Ren Yongjie said, leading Song He to the outermost tombstone, opened the wine that Song He brought him, filled the wine cup in front of the tombstone, and took off his hat in a standard salute.

Song He also saluted the tombstone with a serious expression, and then saw Ren Yongjie looking at the tombstone and said: "This guy is amazing. He has been undercover for two years and brought down three drug-related gangs. If he doesn't try his best to expose his identity, he will You don’t have to lie here, of course, the boss of the third gang will also run away..."

"... She was actually only in charge of driving the undercover agent, but in an unexpected situation, a very important high-level drug-related element in the arrest operation fled in her direction. In order to stop the other party, she was shot three times..."

"...At that time, the vehicle under investigation suddenly slammed into the card. He was sitting in the co-pilot trying to force the car to stop. In the end, although he managed to grab the steering wheel and stop the car, he was shot in the neck by the drug-related elements in the car. ..."


In this way, Ren Yongjie took Song He to pour wine and salute one tombstone by tombstone, and after each salute, he would tell Song He in detail the deeds of the owner of the tombstone whose name was not engraved.

Song He knew that Ren Yongjie was remembering these heroes who died on the front line in this way, and also firmly engraved the heroic deeds that should have been engraved on their tombstones in his heart.

Therefore, Song He followed Ren Yongjie quietly throughout the whole process, trying hard to remember the heroic deeds behind each tombstone.

Two hours later, the two returned to the mausoleum where they occupied the main seat. Ren Yongjie also transformed back into the resolute and resolute anti-narcotics chief, and he also spoke much more cheerfully.

"Thanks to you, I don't have to experience the feeling of sending my subordinates here again." Ren Yongjie patted Song He on the shoulder, and took out one of the two bottles of wine that were half left, smiling Pass it to Song Hedao: "Let's have a drink at noon, let's have a drink with them."

"Okay." Song He took it with both hands, smiled and said: "Brother refused to be promoted again?"

"It really is a pair of piercing eyes." Ren Yongjie looked around the cemetery around him: "Compared with those higher positions, I think it is more at ease to guard these guys."

"Besides, if it's useless to come to the top, God knows how many people will be stationed in this position in a year. So I will work harder and help them stand up."

Song Hechong, who was seriously joking, nodded Ren Yongjie and said with a smile: "If you need my help, senior brother, just say hello, and I will respond to your request."

"Cut!" Ren Yongjie waved his hand and said disdainfully: "You think you are a sweet potato! If it weren't for the fact that you can't get rid of the manpower, I have a lot of capable people under my hands, and you can't do it like you!"

"You kid will work honestly and prepare to take over from master in the future. If you dare to be lazy, let me tell you, our group of brothers and sisters will not be soft!"

Song He Wenyan smiled, and Ren Yongjie was also amused by himself. His hearty laughter echoed in the wide cemetery, and it seemed that he had received countless responses vaguely.

In the afternoon, after bidding farewell to Ren Yongjie, whose face was rosy from drinking, Song He walked into the train station and started his return journey.

Entering the carriage, Song He recalled the heart-stirring deeds that Ren Yongjie had said, and his heart surged with blood, and there was a slight ripple in his heart.

However, just as he calmed down, he saw a woman sitting on his own seat not far away.

"Hello." Song He came to the seat, looked at the middle-aged woman who was eating melon seeds with a pleasant smile, and showed the ticket in his hand: "This seems to be my seat?"

The chubby middle-aged woman glanced sideways at Song He, but didn't even look at the ticket in his hand. She spat out the melon seeds in her mouth on the ground, raised her index finger and pointed behind her casually: "My The seat is in the back, but I don't feel comfortable sitting there, let's switch."

The unquestionable tone didn't even have any taste of discussion, it seemed more like a notification to Song He.

"That's it." Song He glanced at the melon seeds all over the floor and the seats that had been ruined, nodded and asked, "Which one is your seat?"

The middle-aged woman frowned when she heard the words, got up impatiently and glanced at it, then casually pointed to an empty seat and said, "That."

(End of this chapter)

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