Chapter 596
"That's your seat?" Song He confirmed by looking into the eyes of the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman nodded, then sat back in her seat and continued to chat with her companion while eating melon seeds.

Song He squinted his eyes and smiled, and sat on the empty seat.

After a while, the high-speed train started. Song He looked at the middle-aged woman talking and laughing, got up and walked towards the connecting part of the carriage.

"Hi, may I help you?" A train attendant saw Song He walking towards him and asked.

"That's it." Song He pointed in the direction of the middle-aged woman, and said bluntly: "I suspect that person is evading fares, so I want to remind you to pay attention."

"Is that the location?" Hearing this, the flight attendant immediately pointed to the middle-aged woman's location to confirm with Song He.

"That's right." Song He smiled, and made a small report again: "And their conversation is also very loud, which disturbs other passengers a bit."

"Okay sir, we will take care of it." The flight attendant nodded and began to confirm the situation with the communicator.

Song He nodded with a smile, found an empty seat near the middle-aged woman, took out his phone and started recording.

After a while, two flight attendants came to the middle-aged woman and began to ask about her ticket information.

"Didn't you check everything? Why do you need to check again!" The middle-aged woman asked impatiently, showing no intention of cooperating with the inspection.

The middle-aged woman's reaction immediately made the flight attendant aware of the strangeness, but she still remained polite, nodded and smiled and insisted: "Please show your ticket and cooperate with our inspection."

"You guys can't stop!" The middle-aged woman yelled loudly, and yelled at the steward with a stern look on her face, "Every time the train stops, you check it once. If you don't bother me, I will!"

The flight attendant said neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm sorry, this is our job. Please show your ticket and cooperate with our work."

"Cooperate with the work and let others check it."

"That's right, the job of a flight attendant."

"We all cooperate, why don't you cooperate!"


Song He, who was recording on his mobile phone, did not move his lips or teeth. Several voices of different voices and different styles of echoing sounded out one after another. While supporting the flight attendant, he also started to push the middle-aged woman towards the other passengers in the car. On the opposite side.

Sure enough, when she heard the explicit or implicit questioning and accusation against herself, the middle-aged woman was instantly ignited, stood up and pointed in the direction of the questioning, and shouted loudly: "You can control it! What does it matter to you if I buy a ticket?" Relationship! Dogs meddle in their own business with mice..."

The rest of the passengers in the carriage looked at the middle-aged woman who suddenly made a group of ridicule inexplicably, feeling disgusted in their hearts.And a few fiery passengers stood up, as if they were going to argue the next moment.

Seeing this, Song He also stood up, and while taking a video with his mobile phone, he said loudly with ventriloquist covertly: "Keep your mouth clean! You're fine with fare evasion!"

"That's right, she must have evaded the fare!"

"Throw her out!"

"It was very noisy along the way, and the garbage was thrown on the ground. It's disgusting!"

This time, without waiting for Song He to agree with him, the surrounding passengers have spontaneously started to condemn the middle-aged woman.

Seeing this, the middle-aged woman still didn't know how to restrain herself. Like a long spear with her index finger, she danced quickly and pointed at the passenger who opened her mouth frequently, yelling and cursing hysterically.

This time she completely angered the public, and more and more passengers condemned her.Fortunately, Song He and several passengers were holding up their mobile phones to record the incident, which prevented the situation from slipping into an uncontrollable abyss.

Finally, the police arrived in time after receiving the secret report from the flight attendant, and forcefully demanded the middle-aged woman to show her ticket.

However, the appearance of the marshals still failed to restrain the middle-aged woman, and after the marshals warned her three times in a row, there was finally a scene that Song He and the passengers were looking forward to!
The marshal took out the pepper spray pinned to his waist, pointed at the middle-aged woman's face and pressed it hard!
The force was so great and the spray was fierce, it seemed that the anger brought to him by the middle-aged woman was also vented out!

In an instant, a spray with a strong pungent smell hit the face of the middle-aged woman, and then she wailed in pain!
"It's comfortable." Song He looked at the middle-aged woman and her companion who were taken away by the police, and felt refreshed: "Come out of the martyr's cemetery, and encounter such a thing, it's really shocking."

In fact, when Song He found out that the middle-aged woman was evading fares, Song He had more gentle means to solve it.Yet he had been to the Narcotics Cemetery this morning, and there was still a fire burning in him called impassioned.

But meeting a disgusting middle-aged woman at this time naturally made him feel a little hostile when he chose the means.

But all of this ended when the middle-aged woman was taken away, and he quietly returned to his seat, resting his mind and waiting for the arrival of the terminal.

When the train arrived in Yucheng, it was already nightfall, but it was just in time for Lu Jing to have dinner before saying goodbye to Zhou Kai and his group after finishing his study tour.

"You belong to Huya, right?" Lu Jing looked at Song He who suddenly appeared in the private room of the hotel, and said angrily, "You disappeared as soon as we came, and when we finished our studies and had a big meal, you were so fart. Bumped and ran back!"

"What do you know, this is fate!" Song He sat down shamelessly, asked the waiter to add a set of bowls and chopsticks, and said with a smile: "Bring the menu, I'll order a few more hard dishes!"

Zhou Kai looked at Song He adding the dishes with a smile, and smiled at Lu Jing: "Old Lu, shake off your cheeks and eat, the payer is here!"

Lu Jing's eyes lit up, and he said with a sneer, "See if I don't eat him, he's bankrupt!"

Seeing this, Song He stared and replied a few words, feeling faintly in his heart that Zhou Kai seemed to have guessed something.

Three hours later, the dinner party was over, Song He settled the meal bill, and together with Zhou Kai and others helped Lu Jing and his party, whose soles were a little fluttering, into the car.

Seeing Ma Xuexian and Lin Hui driving away, Zhou Kai glanced at Song He: "Why do you feel that you are holding back your energy? Did you go to the Martyrs Cemetery?"

"Huh? Brother Kai, do you know?" Song He was slightly surprised, but Wu Xuerui looked at him with concern, and suddenly understood: "Is there anything about my brother Ren that I don't know about?"

Wu Xuerui exhaled, and sighed: "Master has made a statistic. After Captain Ren joined the Southern Provincial Anti-narcotics Police Force, the number of anti-narcotics officers who died every year showed a downward trend."

"But among the martyrs stationed in the anti-drug camp in Southern Province, there are his old captain, his partner, and even his apprentice. So that place is of great significance to Team Ren."

Song He recalled Ren Yongjie's steadfast attitude, and said with emotion: "No wonder, why didn't you say it..."

After chatting for a while, Zhou Kai bid farewell and left, while Song He held Wu Xuerui's hand and walked slowly in the night, enjoying this rare time for the two of them.

The next day, Lu Jing and his party were bid farewell at the airport, but Song He and Zhou Kai did not leave. After waiting for a while, Qi Weigang and his party walked out of the airport.

"Song, brother, I'm here to see you!"

The muffled thunderous voice came from afar, making Song He Dun feel helpless.

But Qi Weigang didn't care what his expression was, and walked forward enthusiastically, with green eyes shining: "I know you are free, so I specially brought a few unsolved cases to ask you! How is it? Interesting enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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