While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 668 Layout Capture

Chapter 668 Layout Capture
"Have you seen this person?" The tall police officer who led the five police officers handed a photo to the staff at the front desk.

The staff took a look, but saw a yellow-haired man with an unshaven beard on the photo, recalled it carefully and shook his head: "No."

The tall police officer did not take back the photos, but handed a stack of papers to the staff, and made a gesture of flipping through them: "What about these?"

The staff froze for a moment, and looked through the sheets one by one, only to see that each sheet was a portrait of a man's face.

These paintings are extremely realistic, just like photographs.Some of the men above have smooth and clean chins, while others have thick, rough and deep hair. In short, each one has a different shape.

However, the staff soon discovered that even though the men in the paintings had different shapes, they all had two things in common, that is, no matter how the hairstyle and decoration changed, the details of the facial features and the distance between the eyes remained the same. !

And after looking at a few pages carefully, the staff suddenly discovered that the man in the painting was exactly the same as the man in the photo just now in disguise!

The staff who realized this had a flash of inspiration, and the image of a man with brown hair and beard suddenly appeared in his mind!

"This person... I've seen it before!" The staff member let out a low voice, and the eyes projected on the portrait were full of disbelief.

In fact, these portraits were drawn by Song He with a lot of effort, based on a recent ID photo of Greer, on which Song He guessed all the disguises he might choose based on the profile of Greer's character .

At the same time, Song He portrayed the facial features in all the portraits to the extreme, and downplayed the hairstyle, beard and decorations, and even adjusted the order of viewing at the end.

And the reason for doing this is to let the people who see it imprint Greer's facial features in their hearts, and increase the probability of him being recognized.

After actually testing the effects of these portraits, Yegor and others decisively issued a set to each investigation team and asked them to show the photos and portraits to relevant personnel in strict accordance with Song He's order.

"Where is he?" Officer Gao Da was also quite shocked by the efficacy of these portraits, but he also knew that this was not the time to sigh, so he hurriedly urged: "This man is extremely dangerous, tell me where he is!"

Just when the tall police officer confirmed that Greer was staying in the hotel and reported to Yegor, Greer had already walked into the fire exit next to the elevator entrance.

When he came to the underground garage through the fire escape, the beard on his face was gone, and his clothes were changed, turning him into a man wearing wide sunglasses.

Greer quickly scanned the underground garage, and spotted an inconspicuous car with a cool color. He walked around in two or three steps, covered the changed clothes on the driver's window, bent his elbow and swung Down!

After a muffled sound, the car windows were covered with cracks like cobwebs.

Greer kept moving, and quickly cut a hole in the glass through his clothes, then covered the entire glass of the driver's seat with clothes, removed it and threw it into the back row, making sure that no glass fragments fell on the ground, and then sat in .

After closing the car door, Greer leaned over and started the car for a while, kicked the accelerator and drove out of the parking lot, fleeing away.

In the hotel, the five police officers failed to find any trace of Greer, but they learned from the restaurant waiter and several hotel staff that Greer went down to the underground parking lot.

However, when they chased to the parking lot, Greer had disappeared, and even the broken glass of the car failed to leave glass fragments due to Greer's technique, which caused the police to fail in the first place. Time will determine the manner of his escape.

However, the tall police officer who led the team was experienced after all, and immediately told the police officers beside him: "Notify the hotel immediately to confirm whether the vehicles of the tenants have been stolen, and at the same time send someone to investigate whether any vehicles have driven out of the parking lot!"

After the arrangement, he immediately reported to Egor.

"He ran away." Sitting in the police car rushing to the city where Greer was found, Yegor hung up the communicator, glanced at Song He, and began to arrange for the police to search and arrest.

"Stealing a car?" Song He asked.

"It should be." Yegor nodded and then shook his head again: "But the information of the vehicle he stole has not been confirmed yet."

Song He thought for a while: "It's not too far from the border here, and he should be ready to cross the border. Maybe there will be someone behind him on the border, so he will definitely run there."

"And what we have to do is to drive him to a position where he can be captured alive before he escapes from the urban area."

"That's pretty easy." Oleg nodded, "If he's driving a car now, it's best not to give him a chance to change."

Yegor instantly understood what the two of them meant, gritted his teeth and said, "To catch such a person, the price is too high!"

Greer drove the car neatly on the road, trying his best not to let anyone notice him.

However, no matter how calm he looked, he couldn't calm the anxiety in his heart.

"Damn! How did you find this place so quickly!"

Cursing in a low voice, Greer couldn't help but wanted to slam on the accelerator and accelerate away, but out of caution, he still obeyed the traffic rules obediently, for fear of any accidents.

However, his plan to escape from the city at the fastest speed in a smooth manner has finally become an extravagant hope, and bursts of extremely oppressive roars suddenly come from the sky behind, making Greer's heart sink:
This is... a helicopter?Oops!
In a hurry, Greer looked in the direction of the roaring sound, and saw a police helicopter hovering in the sky, as if it was looking for something.

Greer thought for a while, and immediately realized that he was about to be targeted.So he didn't care about other things, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car towards the corner where the helicopter's view was blocked.

But before he could drive the car far, the roar from behind suddenly chased him from far to near, obviously he had been spotted.

In desperation, Greer accelerated again and drove into the densely built street before the police helicopter flew over him!

In order to maintain the view, the helicopter in the air immediately followed up at a high altitude, and at the same time notified Greer's location to all the police officers involved in the search!

In an instant, the police cars in the entire city started to move, rushing towards Greer's location at the same time, like sharks smelling blood!
"It's really spectacular!" Song He, who observed the scene through the real-time video on the helicopter, praised and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the positions of the police cars are arranged in advance, otherwise it would be difficult to arrest."

Yegor smiled triumphantly: "Sun, Oleg's layout ability is not a joke."

Oleg on the side continued to stare at the video indifferently, and saw Greer driving a car on a wide road with no cars, behind him were a few police cars that had just arrived, and their sirens were blazing wildly.

And at the bend at the end of the road, several police cars were hidden in blind spots that Greer couldn't see, and several plainclothes policemen were standing on the side of the road disguised as passers-by, with ejection needle-shaped speed bumps under their feet. Wait for Greer to get close!

(End of this chapter)

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