While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 669 Shameless Song

Chapter 669 Shameless Song
Greer, who was driving, was disturbed by the roar of the helicopter propeller and the siren behind him, and coupled with the psychological pressure brought about by the exposure, he didn't notice the plainclothes police officers who were hard to detect at all. accelerated escape.

And when he saw a speed bump with spikes popping up under the passerby who was standing on the side of the road, he was so horrified that he had no time to turn!

"damn it……"

Greer, whose heart was falling into an ice cellar, cursed in despair, but the bump of the car and the loud noise from the chassis immediately blocked the second half of his sentence back into his stomach!
Greer, who knew he had no chance to escape, stepped on the accelerator with a tangled expression. However, amidst the roar of the car's motor, the car dragged the speed bump wrapped around the tires and quickly slowed down. It slid for a distance and then stopped. Come down!

Immediately afterwards, the police car in the blind corner of Greer's sight rushed out in an instant, and surrounded him with the police car chasing Greer!
"lay down your weapon!"

"do not move!"

More than a dozen police officers rushed out of the police car, pointed their guns at Greer under the cover of the car body, and shouted loudly for him to surrender.

Greer, whose chest was heaving violently, held the steering wheel tightly, looked around the surrounding area without any loopholes, tried to slow down his breathing, and forced himself to calm down.

And when he regained his composure a little, Greer instantly understood that after he escaped from the hotel, he had already fallen into the police's siege.

As for the massive and undisguised search team, they were nothing more than hounds that forced out his own rabbit.

Thinking of this, Greer understood that if he wanted to survive, he had to accept the fact that he was about to be arrested.

So, under the many gunpoints pointed at him, Greer slowly left the steering wheel with his hands, slowly raised them to the height of his ears, and signaled to the police officers who were staring at him that they would not make unnecessary resistance .

Seeing this, the on-the-spot police officer breathed a sigh of relief and immediately sent someone to drag Greer out of the car. After removing all the weapons on his body, he handcuffed his hands and escorted him into the police car.

Only then did all the police officers relax and start cleaning up the scene.

Half an hour later, Song He, Yegor and others arrived at the police station where Greer was being held. After exchanging pleasantries with the chief of the police station, who had a faint tendency to take credit, they began to prepare for the interrogation of Greer.

Due to the identity of Song He and others, the interrogation could only be presided over by Yegor and Oleg. However, considering Song He's role in the operation, he was qualified to participate in the interrogation.

In the observation room, Qi Weigang looked at Song He who entered the interrogation room in disguise, and grinned, "He's starting to choke again."

Lu Jing nodded, looking expectantly into the interrogation room.

"How do you know I'm fleeing in this direction?" Greer asked without waiting for Yegor and Oleg to speak.

"What information are you going to exchange for the answer to this question?" Yegor asked nonchalantly, staring at Greer without turning his attention to Song He.

Greer tilted his head and smiled: "What can I get from you in exchange for the identity of the master messenger behind the scenes?"

"Death penalty." Yegor smiled like a rascal: "The exact time of execution depends on your attitude."

Greer's face darkened: "There is no death penalty in Mao Country."

"It's just that I haven't encountered a crime that meets the standard of execution." This time it was Oleg who spoke indifferently: "The country has never announced the abolition of the death penalty, and if you really think that the official has not executed it, you will not Did any criminals die?"

Greer froze for a moment, his expression became a little serious, and he fell silent and began to think.

He clearly knew that no matter how Yegor and Oleg behaved, they were all people with the same opinion, so whatever one of them said was the common opinion of the two of them.

It was also for this reason that the initial trial results made him a little worried.The strong attitudes of Yegor and Ogliet show that this matter will not end simply because he confessed the main messenger.

Therefore, if he wanted to survive, he had to exchange more things they didn't know. As for what kind of information could be exchanged for a reduced sentence, he had to experiment a little bit.

After all, if some news is leaked, even if he is in prison, disaster will come to him.

Song He looked at Greer, who was thinking about how to reduce his sentence, and sneered in his heart.

In fact, the moment Greer was arrested, his life and death were not up to him to decide.We must know that this murder case involves a cooperation project between the two countries, involving various interests, and the result of the handling will even affect the attitude of the decision-makers of the cooperation project.

So to put it bluntly, Mao Guo didn't mind using Greer, an unidentified criminal, in exchange for the benefits of Qin Xia's decision-makers in the cooperation project.

And what Song He was going to do was to do everything possible to get Greer to tell the news that would destroy him!

"The mastermind is Jody Weir." Greer said suddenly, unhurriedly: "He should be in Wa now, because I heard that he left by plane after he gave me the money."

"He is from the country of Wa and has his own factory in Yecheng. It seems that he is a business owner working alone, but his real clients are people from the country of Wei. You can check this, remind you, check it from the perspective of his wife It should be harvested soon.”

"He came to me half a month ago and said he wanted to kill two enemies..."

Greer made up his mind to exchange the information he knew for a chance to survive, so he took advantage of the process of explaining the murderer to show his attitude of cooperating with the investigation, and at the same time secretly tested Yegor and Oleg's bottom line.

After a while, Greer explained the whole story of Jody Weir entrusting him to kill him and his planning of the murder, and then stopped talking.

"One more question." Oleg looked at Greer, and asked word by word: "Before the murder, did you investigate the identity of the deceased?"

"Of course I have investigated." Greer nodded, and then seemed to realize something, and asked with a little horror: "Aren't they ordinary businessmen? No, you are so mobilizing to arrest me, they are definitely not ordinary businessmen!"

Yegor and Oleg looked at Greer, and before they could say anything, Song He behind them suddenly said: "No, you know their true identities, otherwise you wouldn't have spent so much time doing this. "

"The most important thing is that your body's reaction to lying is too obvious."

Yegor was taken aback for a moment, while Oleg looked at Greer more and more seriously.

"How could I know their real identities?" Greer looked at Song He incredulously: "I am a murderer, not a detective who investigates personal privacy."

"It doesn't matter." Song He smiled and waved his hands: "Anyway, no matter what you say, the person you killed was an undeniable Qin Xia officer. The nature of this crime is much more serious than ordinary murders."

"So, prepare to accept your own certainty of death."

As soon as the words fell, Greer, Yegor, Oleg, and even Qi Weigang in the observation room were stunned, and three words floated in everyone's mind at the same time:

(End of this chapter)

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