Chapter 706
In the early morning, Chen Guangda, who had captured fugitives in serious cases in three consecutive days, parked his car in the police compound. Light calm expression.

After doing all this, he opened the door and got out of the car, locked the car naturally, and then walked towards the police office building.

"Hello Team Chen!"

"Morning Team Chen!"

During the short distance of more than 20 meters to the office building, any police officer who passed by Chen Guangda would always greet him with a slightly respectful tone.

When Chen Guangda faced this kind of attention from almost all directions, he was already prepared and would respond with a smile and a nod every time, saying hello in return.

And when he walked into the office building, he would meet familiar police officers and colleagues at the same level from time to time, and he received greetings that were not necessarily sincere but seemed warmer.

Finally, after dealing with the sincere or hypocritical faces, Chen Guangda finally walked into his office.

The moment he closed the door, he let out a long breath, shook his head slightly and at the same time finally no longer restrained the smile on his face, and grinned a few times.

Opening the window, taking a deep breath, and watering the flowers. After completing a set of procedures, Chen Guangda sat in the office chair, put the mobile phone at hand, glanced at it with a little expectation, and then started to deal with today's work.

After a while, the phone vibrated slightly, and a message was sent.

Chen Guangda picked up the phone before it finished vibrating, unlocked the screen and checked it carefully.

Same as the previous two days, the information was the whereabouts and disguised identity of a fugitive in a serious case. No matter how many times Chen Guangda read it, the heinously detailed content made him faintly awed.

Sometimes, after careful consideration, Chen Guangda even thought that this person was a high-level person in the police system, because the person who sent the message knew the case involved in the suspect like the back of his hand!

And to do this, it is impossible to have access to these case materials from various provinces across the country without corresponding authority, but in this way, there is no way to explain why the other party came to him.

Later, through rigorous reasoning, Chen Guangda determined that the other party was a high-level hacker who had great ambitions to eradicate violence and security but refused to reveal his identity. He couldn't help but want to remind the other party that stealing state secrets was an illegal act.

However, until he received this text message, Chen Guangda did not send a message to remind the other party, and the reason he used to convince himself was that he could not dampen the enthusiasm of high-end talents to act bravely.

So, Song He, who sent the message, received a sincere thank you text message.

"I thought you would remind me that stealing state secrets is an illegal act." Song He looked at the text message and muttered, shaking his head, "This Guancheng is really a big dye vat. People like Chen Guangda are starting to become tactful."

"Fortunately, we intervened early, otherwise Ladu would not be able to come back!"

Song He, who had carefully studied Chen Guangda's information, naturally understood Chen Guangda's character, so he was selected as the cooperation target.

"Now it seems that if the situation in Guancheng cannot be improved as soon as possible, no matter how hard a rock comes in, it will become a soft-footed shrimp." Song He made up his mind and began to recall those who were not very popular with the high-level officials like Chen Guangda. police officer.

"Officer Chen, do you want information from other areas?" Song He sent another message to Chen Guangda.

"What conditions do you have?" Chen Guangda has been in the police force for many years. Although he was a bit overwhelmed by his promotion to Guancheng, he still had the necessary sensitivity and vigilance. He immediately noticed what Song He was going to say behind the text message.

"This is what a police officer should look like." Song He smiled, and quickly replied with his fingers: "I hope these criminals can be captured by the police officers I designate."

Chen Guangda in the police station had a little understanding in his heart, and replied with a little doubt: "You want me to hand over these tips to the police officers you designated? Then why don't you go to them directly?"

After a while, Chen Guangda received a reply message from Song He: "Because I hope that all the police officers who are not afraid of power and dare to do things can gather together to keep warm and reverse the bad atmosphere in the Guancheng police circle! And you are the one I think is the most suitable to lead the Guancheng police. The leader of the world!"

After reading this message, Chen Guangda was deeply shocked and his breathing became short of breath. At the same time, he even felt warm in his heart, so he couldn't help but read Song He's text message back and forth many times.

However, Song He's brainwashing work was not over yet, and another text message came right after.

"I am a native of Guancheng. The changes in my hometown in recent years have made me very sad. Especially when I go out, when people hear that I am from Guancheng, they will always make fun of me for the poor public security in Guancheng. , but I have no way to refute it!"

"Officer Chen, you are the most upright police officer I have ever seen, so I hope you can lead police officers who are as righteous as you to guard Guancheng, so that I can walk with my chest up when I travel far away! Please! , Officer Chen!"

After reading a text message, Chen Guangda felt an inexplicable boiling torrent pour into his heart, and gradually spread to his limbs and bones!
In the hotel, Song He, who lied and brainwashed without drafting, scratched his itchy scalp, shook his head and said, "I haven't done this kind of work for a long time, I'm a little rusty, and the goosebumps don't even arise, it seems that I need to review it."

Putting down his phone, Song He, who gave Chen Guangda enough time to think, turned on the murderer system, and found that a thief who stole his wallet yesterday was approaching a certain community, and several thieves left their daily activities and began Wander around some neighborhoods.

"Be brave." Song He turned his gaze out of the window and said with a grin, "Even if you fail, you won't lose anything. Anyway, the head of the household doesn't dare to report the crime... Probably, after all, I also hope that some idiots will show up."

After a while, a text message came from the mobile phone he specially used to communicate with Chen Guangda. After reading the text message, Song He smiled and said, "I feel a little embarrassed that you promised so simply."

After all, Song He did not hesitate to select nearly ten serious criminals from the murder-hunting system distributed in various parts of Guancheng, and sent them to Chen Guangda along with the name of the police officer he designated to investigate the case.

After doing all this, Song He turned off his phone again, and continued to pay attention to the movements of the thieves in the murder-hunting system.

As get off work time approached at noon, Jin Yunjie, who had been watching a movie in the office for half the morning, stretched, turned off his computer, packed his things and walked out of the office. He left the office building amidst the respectful greetings of his staff and drove home.

Along the way, Jin Yunjie thought about how to spend the afternoon, but he returned to the community before he could come up with a plan.

After parking the car in the underground parking lot, Jin Yunjie took the elevator up to the floor of his home, and took out the key to open the door, but the moment he turned the key, Jin Yunjie's distracted attention instantly concentrated!
What's going on...the door is not locked? !

It was as if Jin Yunjie had been struck by lightning. After being stunned for a moment, he felt a chill rushing down his back to his mind, which made him tremble with fright!
While feeling restless in my heart, I opened the door without saying a word, but what I saw was a messy room!

The moment his chest sank, he was in a panic, Jin Yunjie didn't bother to close the door, and went straight to the wardrobe in his bedroom where he hid money!
And when he saw the open wardrobe and the secret compartment that had been turned upside down, all kinds of emotions such as anger, fear and fear suddenly flooded into his mind. Cold sweat poured down his face, and he froze in place, not knowing what to do.

After a while, Jin Yunjie's face turned red and turned pale. He held the phone in his hand and lifted it up and down several times. Finally, he sighed dejectedly, got up and closed the door of the apartment, and sat on the sofa weakly, as if his energy had been sucked away from him. godlike.

(End of this chapter)

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