Chapter 707
In the hotel, through the positioning function of the murder-chasing system, Song He saw that the thief who succeeded was far away from Jin Yunjie's home, squinted his eyes and sneered, took out a pen and paper to record the name of the first target who made the move and successfully escaped, and put Jin Yunjie's name is marked thereafter.

"Carry so much money, you must hide it well." Song He put away the pen and paper and continued to pay attention to the rest of the thieves who were about to move: "You guys are behind the schedule, if you don't hurry up, getting rich will be nothing to you gone."

In the next three days, Song He sent Chen Guangda the information on the serious fugitives in the murder-hunting system every day, the thieves who successfully registered to steal property from the homes of corrupt officials or relatives of corrupt officials and their corresponding targets, and Wander around Guancheng to prepare for the follow-up plan.

And when nearly [-]% of the theft plan he spread to the thieves was executed, someone finally called the police!
It was a woman who called the police as soon as she found out that her home had been burglarized. It wasn't until the police arrived at the scene and asked her what she had lost that she realized that her response had gone wrong. !
However, facing the police officers who were waiting for answers and the house that was obviously turned upside down, her nervous and hasty response obviously aroused the suspicion of the police officers.

However, the woman is the wife of an official, and the police officers who dispatched the police knew from the woman's appearance that the family could not be innocent. Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, they asked perfunctorily and opened the case.

The woman immediately breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, but at the same time, she didn't know whether she should urge the police to arrest the thief as soon as possible, so she could only make a record and send the police away.

Afterwards, the woman was scolded by her husband who drove home after learning the news, and asked her to withdraw the case as soon as possible.

The woman also knew that she had made a mistake, and while regretting endlessly, she also felt sorry for the lost money and gold and silver, and sighed for a long time.

With the first person who reported the case, the second and third ones appeared soon. Although it was a little less than the large number of theft plans Song He sent out, Song He also saw it from the murderer system. Those cases he facilitated.

"Sure enough, there are stunned youths everywhere." Song He wrote down the locations of the people who reported the crime and the thief who stole money from their homes: "If you can collect money that you can't spend, what are you doing hiding at home?"

"Besides, do you think that if you don't report the case, you won't be found?"

After recording, Song He looked at the thieves who were still about to move, shook his head and said: "It's been four days, a bunch of cowards! I'm going to start collecting the net now, don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

In the police station, Chen Guangda walked out of the chief's office with his chest upright, full of emotion and excitement, and returned to his office under the complicated eyes of many police officers and police officers.

In the past three days, Chen Guangda, with the help of Song He, contacted police officers scattered in various jurisdictions in Guancheng and arrested the absconding criminals one by one.

In the process, he established contact with many police officers in Guancheng. At the same time, his personality and attitude towards the case resonated, and they became good friends in a very short period of time. Hate the feeling of being late.

And thanks to Song He's 100% accurate "information report", each of them became the star of their police station in a short period of time, from a role that was not taken seriously on weekdays to become the focus of many attentions.

At this time, Chen Guangda, who was the first to become the focus, felt a little unbelievable when he recalled the experience during this period, and he felt flattered by the words of appreciation just heard in the director's office.

And just as he was sorting out his thoughts, the phone on the desk suddenly vibrated. After a glance, he found that it was Song He's text message, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Hasn't today's message already been sent?" Chen Guangda looked at the text message in surprise, and found that it was a message from a few thieves, and they were all the type who had not too many cases.

"Little mouse." Chen Guangda laughed. Although he looked down on this kind of little thief, he still handed this information to his police officers and the police officer in charge of the area where the little thief was.

Liu Hao has not slept for two days, but even so, the excitement in his heart has not weakened at all!

Since he came back in the afternoon two days ago, he hasn't gone out again, and up to this moment, he can still recall the feeling of stuffing bundles of banknotes into his backpack from the study room of that apartment!
Excitement, nervousness, panic and even fear and other powerful emotions mixed together and filled his heart, making him as excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

During the two days, he did not know how many times he pulled out the backpack from under the bed and counted the banknotes in it over and over again, only to convince himself that it was not a hallucination for a short time.

After returning home, it's not like he didn't think about running away with the money after he got a huge sum of money, but he was so flexible in the past that he couldn't think of a way to escape safely!
At the same time, he also found that he dared not escape at all!
It seemed that on the way to carry this huge sum of money home from that family, all the courage in his life had been consumed!

So, he was like a miser, guarding the money he had stolen, not daring to step out of the room.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

Liu Hao almost jumped out of bed when he suddenly remembered the knock on the door, and all the excitement in his heart turned into panic in an instant.

"Xiao Liu! Are you there?"

The questioning voice of a woman Liu Hao was quite familiar with came into the room through the crack of the door, slightly dissolving the tension in Liu Hao's heart.


What is she here for?
Liu Hao didn't dare to make any sound, his body was stiff and he waited for the landlady outside the door to leave.

"Little Liu, what are you doing? Wait, I'll call him." After asking twice, the landlord saw that no one responded, so he took out his mobile phone and called him.

As soon as Liu Hao heard that there were other people outside the door, and the landlord wanted to call him again, he felt that the tension that had disappeared in his heart surged back several times. He quickly turned his phone to silent, and gritted his teeth to pray that the landlord and others would leave quickly. .

"Little Liu, no one can be contacted, and the bathroom is leaking." The landlord hung up the phone angrily, and then said: "Wait a minute, I will open the door for you, at worst, come back and apologize to Xiao Liu."

Liu Hao suddenly felt like he was dead. How could he explain it if he was discovered? So he stood up in a hurry and shouted: "Sister Niu! I'm here!"

"Open the door quickly!" Seeing Liu Hao in the house, the landlord outside the door put away the key and scolded: "What are you doing! I knocked on the door for a long time and there was no response! The bathroom is leaking and I don't care! Be careful, I won't let you rent it." ah!"

"Come right away!" Liu Hao leaned over and pushed the bag of money to the bottom of the bed, then put on his clothes, took a few deep breaths and walked to the door.


Liu Hao unlocked the door, and said while opening the door: "Sister Niu, I'm sorry, I slept..."

But before he finished speaking, two big hands suddenly stretched out, grabbing the edge of the door and pushing violently, directly pushing Liu Hao who was standing behind the door!
"do not move!"

"Squat down!"

Two policemen rushed into the house with a loud shout, and pinned Liu Hao to the ground without saying a word.A woman stood far outside the door, looking at Liu Hao nervously and disgustedly. She was the landlord who cooperated with the police to open the door.

In an instant, Liu Hao's mind went blank, and then violent regret rushed into his mind, annoyed that he didn't escape with that huge sum of money.

The two police officers obviously didn't care whether he regretted it or not, and started searching Liu Hao's room directly.

When a police officer pulled out the big and heavy backpack from under the bed, he felt the strange texture through the fabric of the backpack, and he was stunned for a moment, and a thought that he thought was absurd came to his mind:
Isn't it all money?

Shaking his head to get rid of the seemingly unrealistic thoughts, the police officer unzipped his backpack!

"I rely on!"

"What money!"

(End of this chapter)

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