While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 744 Stealth Suspect

Chapter 744 Stealth Suspect
This discovery immediately surprised the police, because as far as the withdrawal information is concerned, the information of the heads of those accounts is true and reliable, and there is no false information.

However, Zhu Zipeng's behavior actually told the police that he had all ten accounts in his hands. At the same time, according to the bank's monitoring and confession, Zhu Zipeng seemed to have the ID cards of the relevant accounts!

"Ten accounts, at least 70 yuan in each account." Song He continued to sort out the case: "From the bank's monitoring, he entered the bank empty-handed every time he withdrew money, until the money in the last account was withdrawn. Finished."

"So that means that every time he withdraws money, he will put it in a place he thinks is safe. At the same time, we investigated the bank's surveillance video and did not find that he took any vehicle."

After learning that it was Zhu Zipeng who took out all of the 700 million yuan, the police in Che County were actually a little happy, because the amount of 700 million yuan in cash was not something ordinary people could handle.

Moreover, Zhu Zipeng lived in a collective dormitory in Che County and did not rent a house. It was not an easy matter to secure and transfer so much cash.

Therefore, the police in Che County began to investigate and study the monitoring around Zhu Zipeng's withdrawal bank, trying to determine Zhu Zipeng's whereabouts.

However, Fan Guojun led people to investigate non-stop for two days, but limited by Zhu Zipeng's strong anti-reconnaissance awareness and Che County's low-coverage monitoring system, he did not determine Zhu Zipeng's whereabouts.

At the same time, the police officers in charge of monitoring and investigating Zhu Zipeng's personal information suddenly discovered that Zhu Zipeng had appeared in a city thousands of miles away!
Fan Guojun, who got the news, was immediately excited, and immediately prepared to take people to arrest Zhu Zipeng.

But at this time, a police officer suddenly discovered that the photo of Zhu Zipeng in the household registration information was somewhat inconsistent with the picture on the copy of Zhu Zipeng's ID card provided by the construction company.

This doubt immediately made Fan Guojun's heart sink, and he remembered the description of Zhu Zipeng by the relevant personnel in the construction company.

"According to the financial director and some employees, Zhu Zipeng really hates facing the camera." Song He emphasized: "Especially the camera that may leave his facial features."

"But we asked all the employees of the construction company and searched all their group photos, but we couldn't find a photo that clearly showed Zhu Zipeng's physical characteristics. In desperation, we had to obtain his photo from the household registration information."

"But because they failed to communicate with relevant personnel in time, let them determine whether the cashier Zhu Zipeng and Zhu Zipeng in the household registration information are the same person."

Realizing this, Fan Guojun felt something was wrong at the time, and immediately asked the police officer to confirm with the financial director with Zhu Zipeng's household registration information, but the result confirmed his guess, that is, the cashier Zhu Zipeng and Zhu Zipeng in the household registration Peng is not the same person!

"At this point, we can already conclude." Song He took a deep breath: "The real Zhu Zipeng is not the criminal, and the true identity of the cashier Zhu Zipeng has never been revealed to us."

"So the suspect we faced became an invisible man with no identifying information."

In the subsequent investigation, on the one hand, Fan Guojun sent people to the city where Zhu Zipeng was actually located to confirm that there was no one in ten thousand possibility; , Looking for one ten thousandth hope.

However, it turned out that the one-in-ten-thousandth possibility was ruled out, and the one-in-ten-thousandth hope was not found. In desperation, under the pressure of time, Fan Guojun could only ask Song He for help.

"Everyone, the reason why the case of the invisible man is so difficult is that the suspect will do his best to hide his true identity under various disguises." Song He said in a clear voice, "And we have no further information other than the physical characteristics of the suspect." A lot of information can reach them."

"So, determining his whereabouts and true identity is our only hope to solve the case."

Song He said and drew a map of Che County on the whiteboard behind him, and at the same time marked the bank outlet and time of Zhu Zipeng's withdrawal on it.

"Since Zhu Zipeng withdraws cash empty-handed every time, it means that he will return to the place where the money is hidden every time after withdrawing money." Song He clicked on the location and time of which bank outlets: "According to the monitoring inside and outside the bank , he did not drive or take a taxi."

"On the one hand, this is because he can reduce his chances of being exposed to the eyes of passers-by, and it also helps him avoid surveillance. However, the time interval between his withdrawals will not deceive people."

"At the same time, no matter which mode of transportation he chooses, since he does not appear in the monitoring along the way, then he will definitely appear in the blind spot of monitoring."

As Song He said, he asked the police officers to obtain the monitoring coverage of Che County, and drew the monitoring blind spots on the map through reverse derivation.

"Combining the above two points, we can roughly determine his route of activity at that time and the mode of transportation he may have chosen." Song He pointed to several monitoring blind spots on the map: "Although these locations are not monitored, they are not monitored." Conditions for allowing cars to pass."

"So, he either chooses to walk, or choose flexible means of transportation such as bicycles or electric vehicles. However, judging from the distance between most banks and the withdrawal time, it is impossible for him to withdraw money on foot, so he can only use bicycles, etc. Transportation."

"In this way, since the place where the money is hidden is fixed, we only need to calculate it based on his distance and route at various speeds to determine the approximate location of his money."

As he spoke, Song He's brain was running rapidly, and he marked several locations on the map in a short while.

"According to the map of Che County, there are many roads intersecting in these locations, and the transportation is very convenient." Song He analyzed indifferently under the surprised eyes of everyone: "And correspondingly, these locations are densely populated and there are many communities. It is absolutely impossible to hide 700 million cash without a house.”

"As for the fake Zhu Zipeng who has withdrawn money ten times, it is impossible for him to come in and out frequently without being noticed by others, so you can send someone to visit carefully, and you will definitely gain something."

After Song He said this, he looked at Fan Guojun, his meaning was very clear.

Fan Guojun immediately understood and quickly arranged for all his subordinates to visit: "Those communities, low-rent houses and hotels within these areas, as long as they are places where people can live, don't let go!"

After the police officers left in a hurry, Song He waited for two hours with the anxious Fan Guojun while thinking, and finally got the news they wanted.

"Officer Song, the target has appeared in the hotel!" Fan Guojun hung up the phone and shouted: "I have been in and out many times, and every time I go out empty-handed, I come back with two bags!"

"He registered with another unused name. He has already checked out and left. The brothers are adjusting the surveillance video!"

"It's good to find it, but this is already the No. 12 fake identity." Song He gently picked his ears and said in a gentle tone: "Captain Fan, relax, there is no need to rush now."

"Can you not be in a hurry." Fan Guojun shook his head and smiled wryly: "You know, we checked the communication records all over, including his girlfriend, everyone who talked with him thought he was Zhu Zipeng!"

"It's so fucking watertight!"

(End of this chapter)

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