While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 745 Transfer of stolen money

Chapter 745 Transfer of stolen money
When the investigation made some progress, on the one hand, Fan Guojun asked the group of police officers who found the fake Zhu Zipeng to continue the investigation, and on the other hand, he withdrew the police officers who went to other places to find Zhu Zipeng's whereabouts. Analyze and share investigative information to further clarify the case.

"So far, we have found twelve identities of the fake Zhu Zipeng." Song He pointed to the twelve identities listed on the whiteboard to the police officers who returned to the police station and said:
"However, it is a pity that so far, all the twelve identities have been identified by someone else, so the true identity of the fake Zhu Zipeng is still a mystery."

"But fortunately, we found the hotel where he was staying and obtained the corresponding surveillance video, which provided us with key clues to determine his whereabouts."

As he spoke, Song He turned on the projector and released the surveillance image of the hotel.

On the projection, a man walked into the hotel lobby carrying two opaque plastic bags, and then took the elevator upstairs. However, because the clarity of the surveillance was not very high, the man's appearance appeared a bit blurry as he walked.

However, Song He still found the clearest moment in the entire video and pressed the pause button.

"We can see that the plastic bag in his hand is exactly the same as the plastic bag he used to put cash in the bank." Song He pointed at the man in the screenshot: "At the same time, his body shape and hairstyle are also consistent with the fake one we are looking for. Zhu Zipeng matched."

"At the same time, according to the reports from the brothers who were still investigating outside and the hotel, the fake Zhu Zipeng had already checked out on the day he took the money. And according to the time when he checked out, we found this surveillance video."

All the police officers were unanimously incredulous. After all, the fake Zhu Zipeng took ten trips to bring more than 700 million yuan back to the hotel.

But with such a large amount of cash, is it possible?

While everyone was thinking, Song He released another surveillance video.

It was the same hotel lobby, but this time the fake Zhu Zipeng came out of the elevator, carrying a huge blue portable woven bag in his hand, and judging by the way he walked, the bag was definitely not light.

However, all the police officers present had many years of experience in handling cases, and they could tell at a glance that the bag could hold more than 200 million yuan at most, which was a far cry from the more than 700 million yuan stolen by the fake Zhu Zipeng.

Just when they were wondering why the fake Zhu Zipeng was only carrying one bag, another man walked out of the elevator following the fake Zhu Zipeng, and this man was carrying a bag that was exactly the same as the fake Zhu Zipeng's woven bag in each hand!

"Pay attention to this person." Song He pressed the pause button again, pointing to the person who was following the fake Zhu Zipeng and carrying two bags: "Judging from his walking posture, the appearance of the bag, and the overall feeling of the bag The items inside are highly consistent with those in the bag Zhu Zipeng was holding, and they are almost certainly the stolen project funds.”

"As for the relationship between this man and the fake Zhu Zipeng, we are still not sure yet, but from my point of view, this is a person who is being used and probably has no knowledge of the stolen money in the bag."

Song He paused as he spoke, and then released another surveillance video under the puzzled eyes of the police officers: "Thanks to the efforts of the brothers who are still tracking down, we got the surveillance in the parking lot outside the hotel."

Everyone looked around, but saw a lot of private cars parked in the surveillance video, and three or two seconds later, the fake Zhu Zipeng and the man who helped him carry the money appeared in the corner of the surveillance video.

The two of them walked into the parking lot one after the other, and after making a distinction, the man brought the fake Zhu Zipeng to a black car, opened the trunk and put the woven bag in.

"In the picture, the man's parking position is very intriguing." Song He pressed the pause button again: "We can see that before they came, the license plate of this car was clearly visible, almost facing the surveillance camera."

"If they are accomplices, doesn't parking like this mean exposure? And if this man and the vehicle are assisting in the crime, is it necessary for the fake Zhu Zipeng to use the hotel as a transit point for transferring stolen money?"

All the police officers shook their heads, directly ruling out the possibility that the man was an accomplice.

"Officer Song, I'm sorry I have to interrupt." Just when Song He was about to continue the analysis, Fan Guojun suddenly stood up and handed his mobile phone to Song He and said: "The investigation team's phone number, they found the fake Zhu Zipeng in the video The man who transferred the stolen money.”

"Just right." Song He quickly took the phone, turned on the speakerphone and put it next to the microphone and asked, "Report the situation."

The investigating police officer on the other end of the phone immediately reported: "The owner of the car is a self-employed person who occasionally does private work, and he is in front of me now."

"Give him the phone." Song He made a decisive decision.

A moment later, a middle-aged man's nervous voice sounded on the phone: "Hello."

"Hello, don't be nervous, just confirming a few questions with you." Song He knew that time was running out, and asked without waiting for the other party's response: "A few days ago, you picked up a person from the Huanning Hotel, and he asked you to help him Do you still have any memory of carrying two heavy woven bags?"

"Uh... yes, I have an impression." The man replied quickly.

"Do you know him?" Song He asked immediately.

"I know him, but not very well." The man swallowed a little nervously: "He is the deputy director of a section of our traffic management department in Che County. His surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Jing."

Fan Guojun, who was listening carefully, was startled. He recalled the identities used by the fake Zhu Zipeng, and gritted his teeth in his heart: What the fuck! No. 13!

"Oh, that's it." Song He's eyes flashed when he heard the identity of the fake Zhu Zipeng No. 13, and he gestured to a police officer to ask him to verify, and then continued to ask calmly: "You and him How did we meet?"

"Uh..." the man hesitated for a moment, but still said honestly: "Once I went to the train station to do some work, he got in my car and said he was going to the urban construction unit, and he started chatting with me on the way... "

While speaking, the police officer responsible for verifying Wang Jing's identity had completed his task. After putting down his cell phone, he whispered to Song He: "Officer Song, there is this person. He is just a fat man in his 40s and is not a target."

Song He nodded and continued to listen to the man's statement on the phone.

"... Later he asked me to pull him off a few times, mostly on business."

Song He nodded and asked again: "When you picked him up at the hotel a few days ago, did you know what was in those three bags?"

"Not very clear." The man recalled: "But it is very heavy. When I asked him, he said that it was the information to be reported for interrogation."

"So where did you send him?" Song He asked the last question.

"Uh..." The man thought about it carefully and said, "He asked me to leave him and the documents for interrogation at the gate of our Che County audit unit, and then let me go."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. Give the phone to our police officer." Song He thanked him, and when the voice of the police officer rang out on the phone, he immediately said, "Take him to the audit unit immediately and find the target who got off the car." Location, access the surrounding surveillance images of the corresponding time period!"

(End of this chapter)

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