While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 755 Murder Motive

Chapter 755 Murder Motive

Twenty years ago, a person who came to Guixian from other places to work in Guixian suddenly called the police. He called the police in a panic, claiming that when he was looking for a hotel to check in, he found that the hotel owner and his son had been killed.

The police immediately dispatched officers to the crime scene to investigate, but found that the situation reported by the reporter was not comprehensive.

The informant said that after he entered the hotel, he found no one at the front desk. After a brief inspection, he found a room with a door ajar. When he went to search, he found a woman and a child lying in a pool of blood, no longer breathing.

In a hurry, the reporter did not dare to stay longer, so he found the nearest public phone and called the police.

However, the police who arrived at the scene confirmed that the deceased female was not the hotel owner herself, but his wife.

As for the hotel owner, he was found dead in a room on the second floor of the hotel, and under the bed in that room, the police also found a male dead.

At this point, the family extermination case that the police in Panhuangui County have been worrying about for 20 years has been revealed to everyone.

"It has been confirmed that among the four deceased, apart from the hotel owner's family, the other male deceased was a resident." Cheng Jie released a projection, above which was the resident's ID photo and a photo of the scene where he was found:
"Furthermore, after questioning the guests who had interacted with him, it was confirmed that the room he checked in was the same room where he and the hotel owner were found."

"From this we can judge that that room is most likely the first scene where he and the hotel owner were killed."

The police in Guixian County knew very well that the nature of the case was bad, so they conducted the most meticulous on-site investigation, not letting go of every trace of footprints, and collected a large number of traces.

After comparing the logical sequence of traces, the police confirmed that the guests were killed before the hotel owner.The guest then died and was hidden under the bed, and then the hotel owner entered the room and was killed.

"From the perspective of behavioral logic, the hotel owner should not know that the guest was dead when he entered the room." Cheng Jie analyzed: "The reason why the murderer hid the murdered resident is probably to prevent the hotel from causing trouble. The vigilance of the boss will reduce the difficulty of the murder."

"As for their motives for killing, the senior investigators at the time believed that it was likely to kill people to silence them, and I hold the same opinion."

Song He Wenyan nodded slightly, approving the judgment of the police officers who handled the case.

And in his view, murdering and hiding the body to lure the hotel owner into the hotel is to reduce the difficulty of killing the hotel owner, and booby killing the hotel owner is to reduce the difficulty of killing the hotel owner's family.

In other words, when the murderer killed the guest, he had already made up his mind to get rid of the hotel owner's family, and the reason for doing so was most likely because the hotel owner's family had all seen the murderer.

Cheng Jie continued: "After we sorted out the order in which the four victims were killed through the traces, we speculated that the murderer probably had checked in before the time of the incident before he chose to kill the victim."

"It is a pity that there is very little valuable information retained at the scene. Not only the property of the deceased guest and the hotel owner's family were looted, but also the booklet with the guest's identity information and the related receipts were also stolen. Gone."

"And because it was approaching the New Year's Eve, there were no other people staying in the hotel, and the lack of key witnesses brought great difficulties to our investigation."

Song He Wenyan sighed: "Actually, I should be glad that there were no other residents at that time."

Cheng Jie was taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and said, "Indeed, otherwise there may be more victims."

"Is there anything unusual in the on-site investigation report and autopsy report?" Song He asked.

Cheng Jie quickly released the corresponding report and photos through the projection: "Because many people lived in hotels at that time in shared rooms, and the other rooms in the hotel did not show signs of being used, and the door locks did not show signs of damage, so it is basically certain that The two murderers shared rooms with the murdered residents."

"Therefore, the investigation team carefully inspected the beds in the same house, collected some hairs and sent them to Qindu for identification. Then there were some incomplete fingerprints and shoe prints, and in addition to some garbage in the room where the deceased lived gone."

"As for the autopsy report, it was determined that the injuries on the bodies of the four deceased were mainly blunt instrument wounds and sharp instrument puncture wounds. Unfortunately, no murder weapon was found, apparently taken away by the murderer."

Song He looked at the report and photos on the projection, and said thoughtfully: "Since there are footprints and wound analysis on the four deceased, the number and size of the murderer should also be determined, right?"

"Confirmed." Cheng Jie nodded: "Both men are about 1.7 meters tall, one is about [-] kilograms, and the other is about [-] kilograms."

"And judging from the wounds on the deceased's body and traces at the scene, both of them are right-handed. The murder weapons they held were a claw hammer and a double-edged dagger."

Song He nodded and continued to ask: "Where is the identity information of the murdered resident?"

"That's exactly what I'm going to say." Cheng Jie re-released the photo of the murdered resident on the projection screen: "He was a buyer of a foreign company, and when the incident happened, his procurement mission was basically over. , with only some finishing touches left, and is expected to be home soon."

"When confirming with his family, his lover said that the purchaser was meticulous and would bring the budgeted amount of cash every time he went out, and when he returned home from a business trip, there was basically some change left."

"In addition, their company and related business units transfer funds directly through banks and will not put a large amount of cash on this purchase."

"That is to say, when he was killed, he had limited possessions." Song He understood what Cheng Jie wanted to express: "You mean that the two murderers found out that he was buying money, and then mistakenly thought that he had a lot of cash on him, and then killed him. The innkeeper's family was killed and looted."

Cheng Jie nodded: "This is also the guess of the seniors who handled the case."

"From the current point of view, it is indeed the murder of money." Song He was noncommittal, and then smiled meaningfully: "But there are a few doubts here."

Cheng Jie was stunned for a moment, and immediately became excited, because the conclusion he had drawn based on the case data was completely consistent with the previous police officers who were in charge of investigating the case, so he could not find any breakthroughs in the investigation of the case. opportunity.

And according to his understanding of Song He, once the word doubt comes out of Song He's mouth, it definitely means that there will be a breakthrough in this case in a certain direction!

Thinking of this, Cheng Jie quickly gave up the speaker's seat: "Officer Song, tell me!"

Song He was not too polite, walked up to the lecture seat with a smile, faced all the expectant police officers, and said while deploying case materials on the projection screen: "First of all, we need to trace the source of this case."

"Judging from the current logical relationship, the two murderers only wanted to kill the hotel owner's family after killing the purchaser who shared the room with them, which led to the brutal killing of their family."

"So, before we can fully understand this case, we need to clarify the real motive of the two murderers who decided to kill the roommate."

(End of this chapter)

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