While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 756 Analysis of Doubtful Points

Chapter 756 Analysis of Doubtful Points
The real motive for the murder?
Isn't it murder for money?
Zhou Kai smiled speechlessly when he saw that Song He was starting to play tricks, but all the police officers in Guixian County, including Cheng Jie, had the same question in their minds.

Song He smiled and said, "I know you are wondering why I said that, so now let's discuss the suspicious aspects of this murder motive."

While talking, Song He had already prepared the information on the projector, and the first thing that appeared was the autopsy report of the murdered resident.

"First of all, I have to admit that this autopsy report is well done and has provided us with a lot of help." Song He said, pointing to the results of the wound identification in the autopsy report:

"The deceased sustained several injuries, primarily blunt force and puncture wounds resulting in the deceased's death, followed by scuff marks and abrasions from the murderer's suppression of the deceased's resistance and concealment of the body."

"Among the two fatal wounds, the blunt force injury came from a claw hammer, and the puncture wound came from a double-edged dagger. Then, if these two things were not prepared in advance, would anyone carry them with them?"

The police officers shook their heads slightly when they heard the words, waiting for Song He's next words.

"Since you don't carry it with you under normal circumstances, could this be a premeditated crime?" After Song He asked a question, he brought up the investigation of the murdered guest and the description of his wife. Slowly said:

"According to the family members of the deceased and his relatives and friends, the murdered resident liked to go out for a walk for about an hour at nine o'clock in the evening. Even if he was on a business trip, he would not stop."

"According to the time point at that time, there should be few pedestrians on the street when the deceased was walking, and the forensic doctor determined that the time of death of the four deceased was all in the early morning. Why did the murderer let the murdered residents go out for a walk? Opportunity, choose to do it in the middle of the night?"

"What's more, the murdered guest was on a business trip alone. Compared with doing it in the hotel, is it more appropriate to wait for him to be alone?"

Faced with Song He's question, the police officers in Guixian County didn't know how to answer it, because in their opinion, although Song He's point was questionable, it was still not impossible to explain.

Song He naturally knew what they were thinking, and said with a smile: "I know these questions seem far-fetched now, but we need to look at these questions in combination with some behaviors and psychology of the murderer."

"First, after killing the residents in the same room, the murderer booby-trapped the hotel owner and killed his family members. Second, after the murder, the murderer stole the relevant registers and receipts."

"And we have determined that the reason why they did the above two acts was to prevent the exposure of their identities and kill them. It can be seen that they have a heartfelt fear and rejection of such things as revealing their identities."

"Even the booby-killing behavior they did during the murder process, and the measures to reduce the risk of action such as killing separately, were originally intended to increase the success rate of concealing their identities."

After finishing speaking, Song He looked at the police officers who understood, and asked word by word: "Since they care so much about the secrecy of their identities, why did they choose to do it in a hotel where they can be easily discovered?"

When Cheng Jie heard this, he couldn't help but use his brain to think about the key points. The other Guixian police officers also felt that in Song He's analysis, the murderer's psychology and behavior were extremely contradictory, and began to think about the reason.

Seeing this, Song He said slowly: "Everyone, every criminal act of any criminal is driven by the criminal's motivation and psychological state."

"So no matter when they commit the crime, it is the result of their inner motivation and mental state."

"Therefore, in this case, the murderer who chose to take action at that time thought that killing the roommate in the hotel in the early morning was the best time."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and before they had time to think about the deeper meaning of Song He's words, they heard Song He continue: "However, the time and place chosen by the two murderers to commit the crime are obviously contradictory to their motive and psychological logic. "

"Therefore, there must be a problem on one side. However, the time and place of committing the crime are clearly in front of us, so there can only be a problem with the motive or psychological logic of the crime."

Cheng Jie felt that he had caught a trace of Song He's thinking, but he couldn't think clearly, so he asked, "What could be the problem?"

"People's psychological logic prompts people to act accordingly. Similarly, we can reverse a person's psychological logic through behavior." Song He did not answer directly, but slowly analyzed:
"In this case, the murderer's sequence of actions was to kill the roommate and hide the body, then trap and kill the hotel owner, then kill the hotel owner's wife and children to silence them, and then loot the property."

"From these actions, it can be seen that the logic of the murderer's behavior includes both concealing identity and killing for money, but they also did something, that is, they took away the register and receipts."

"Attention, if the information register and the receipt do not leave their information, or even leave false information, will they still take it away?"

Cheng Jie suddenly realized: "So their real purpose of killing the roommate is to cover up their identities!"

"That's right." Song He nodded and said, "So looking back, the motive of the murder we determined may have been deviated. Although it is not ruled out that there is still a factor of greed for money, but if it is purely greed for money, they have something safer. choose."

Cheng Jie followed Song He's words and said: "If they were the roommates who killed to cover up their identities, it means that the murdered procurement has seen through their identities, and this identity cannot be seen."

"Half right." Song He emphasized: "The time the murderer chose to attack was in the early hours of the morning. At the same time, the scars on the deceased's body and the traces at the scene also indicated that the deceased was killed in his sleep."

"In other words, the murdered person did not know that he had come into contact with key information that revealed the identity of the murderer, so he did not call the police as soon as possible, resulting in his death while he was asleep."

"After the murder, in order to continue to cover up their shady identities, the murderer killed the hotel owner's family."

"That makes sense." Cheng Jie nodded upon hearing this, then frowned and said, "Then what information did the deceased have access to?"

"I don't know about this, but we can find a way to find out." Song He continued: "Now we have made it clear that the reason why the two murderers took away the hotel's information register and receipts was because they left information on them. be able to trace their information."

"In other words, when they check in, the registered identity information can be seen, otherwise they would not be able to leave this information in the hotel."

"Therefore, it can only be that the murderer accidentally saw or heard something, and these things can link the two murderers' visible identities with some invisible things."

"At the same time, this is the only possibility that can explain why they carried two weapons, the claw hammer and the double-edged dagger."

(End of this chapter)

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