Chapter 768
In this way, before setting off for Austria, Song He was designing his own action plan for the trip, while also helping them improve their shortcomings by modifying the action plan designed by Tang Yu and the others.

Finally, three days later, a group of four people boarded a plane to Kansas, Austria under their false identities.

On the plane, Wang Li, who was sitting in the business class, hesitated to speak, but Tang Yu, who was a woman, simply asked, "Officer Song, are we really just doing security when we go this time?"

Song He glanced at the three of them, and saw that they were unwilling, so he laughed and said: "You don't really think that this operation will follow the plan designed by the three of you, do you?"

Cao Peng scratched his head and said, "We just can't turn the corner. After all, you almost forced us to jump off the building in the past few days."

"Hey, are you saying that my teaching method is rough?" Song He stared, and then smiled again: "This time the task is mainly about stability, as long as you can survive, it will be considered a success."

"So no matter what happens, we have to step back in a low-key manner, and on the premise of protecting good people, just sit down and make no excuses or excuses. As for other things, leave them to me."

Wang Li finally asked in bewilderment, "But you haven't said what you will do?"

Song He waved his hands and said with a smile: "You can only know this when you arrive at the destination."

Tang Yu and the three of them looked at each other when they heard the words, but they all knew that there was nothing to ask, so they gathered their minds and took the opportunity to rest, waiting for the moment when the plane landed.

Ten hours later, Song He and his entourage walked out of Kansas Airport, found the vehicle booked by Qindu Longdun Company, and at the same time saw Dr. Tang's daughter, Tang Linshi, who was standing by the car.

"Hello, Ms. Tang." Song He saw at a glance what kind of address the intellectual and calm Tang Linshi liked, nodded and said with a smile: "I am the person in charge of Longshield Company, the security director Sun Xiaohai."

"Hello, Mr. Sun." Tang Linshi sized up Song He and the others, nodded and said, "Thank you for coming here so quickly."

After getting into the car, Cao Peng was responsible for driving, Wang Li sat in the passenger seat, and Song He and Tang Yu sat in the back seat with Tang Linshi.

"Ms. Tang's mental state doesn't seem to be good. Is there any reason?" Song He showed appropriate professional concern.

Tang Linshi hesitated for a moment, but said in a straightforward manner, "It's mainly because of the attack a few days ago."

"Well, we have heard a little bit about that matter." Song He asked with a slightly probing tone: "Can you tell me in detail?"

Tang Linshi glanced at her watch, estimated the time when she would arrive home, and then said, "About five nights ago, I just ate something after I came back from school, because I have to go to school the next day to complete some things that must be done before graduation. Finished things, so I rest earlier."

"But in the middle of the night I was woken up suddenly by the sound of windows being smashed, and then my parents worried that I might be frightened and came to my house. We locked the door and called the police, and opened the door when the police arrived."

Song He asked, "What time was it?"

Tang Linshi recalled: "I went to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, woke up and called the police at two o'clock in the morning, and the police arrived 15 minutes after calling the police."

"When the police arrived, the people who smashed the windows were gone, and there is still no news."

"It's a pity that this happened." Song He sighed: "It's a pity that we don't have the power to enforce the law. Otherwise, I can help you find those who disturbed you and your parents."

"Thank you." Tang Linshi replied politely, and then asked calmly, "What does Mr. Sun plan to do before we return to China?"

"This is Ms. Zhao Jinhua." Song He pointed to Tang Yu who was sitting on the left side of Tang Linshi with an embarrassed face, and said slowly: "She will be personally responsible for your safety in the next month, and will also be responsible for your safety when necessary. Remind you not to be impulsive."

After that, Song He pointed to Cao Peng who was driving the car and Wang Li who was the co-pilot, and after introducing their specialties, he said: "They will be responsible for the safety of your parents, and their responsibilities are the same as Zhao Jinhua's, to avoid conflicts and protect you Lord."

"En." Tang Linshi nodded, then looked at Song He curiously, and asked, "What about you, Mr. Sun?"

"I will take care of the overall situation." Song He made a confident and proud look: "I will try my best to ensure that we will not be disturbed by anyone during this month until the moment we return to China."

Tang Linshi became more and more curious: "What will you do?"

Song He glanced at Tang Yu and the others who also had their ears pricked up, and smiled mysteriously: "Sorry, this is the secret of our company and cannot be disclosed yet."

Tang Linshi stopped asking questions immediately after hearing the words, while Tang Yu and the others withdrew their attention with some regret, and began to subconsciously pay attention to the movements outside the car and around them.

Soon, Cao Peng parked the car in front of a wooden villa smoothly, and then, under the guidance of Tang Linshi, moved the luggage into the villa with Tang Yu and Wang Li.

Song He walked around the villa, looked at the windows that had been repaired, and then looked at the surrounding villas, pretending not to notice the prying eyes in two of the windows, and then Shi Shiran walked into Tang Ruwei A villa for a family.

"Mr. Tang, Mrs. Tang, hello. I am the security officer for this trip, Sun Xiaohai." As soon as Song He entered the door, he saw Tang Ruwei and his wife who were waiting for him, and hurriedly greeted them.

Tang Ruwei's stature was not low, and he was a little fat, but his facial features were delicate and handsome.He Siyan has a slender figure and a beautiful appearance. She obviously cares about her appearance and body shape, and she does not miss exercise on weekdays.

Tang Ruwei nodded back with a smile and said: "Mr. Sun is a talented person, and he must have a complete plan, so I can rest assured."

"Don't take it seriously." Song He simply responded, then made a silencing gesture to Tang Ruwei, his wife and Tang Linshi, and then winked at Tang Yu and the others.

Seeing this, the three of Tang Yu immediately closed the door and closed the curtains, and began to inspect the house inch by inch, not letting go of any corner of the house.

Finally, after a 10-minute inspection, Tang Yu and the three signaled that Song He was safe, and Song He then apologized to Tang Ruwei's family of three: "Sorry, the necessary procedures, I hope everyone can understand."

"Mr. Sun is really professional." Tang Ruwei nodded appreciatively, and then asked, "What do we need to do in the next time?"

"Try to minimize non-essential going out, and if you need to buy something, you can leave it to us." Song He said seriously: "As for the necessary work, my team members will go with you, and I will protect you while doing my best. to keep you out of trouble."

"As for other troubles or accidents, I will keep you out of the house for everyone."

Tang Ruwei nodded in satisfaction: "Mr. Sun is really reliable, thank you for your help."

"Should be." Song He smiled, and then asked Tang Yu and Tang Ruwei's family to discuss security matters by themselves, while he went up to the attic on the grounds of inspection.

After closing the attic door, Song He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Yun's number while turning on the murderer system.

"Boss?" Liu Yun quickly connected.

Song He looked at the task named intimidator and the name of the target in the murder hunting system, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Help me check some people..."

(End of this chapter)

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