Chapter 769
"Austrians?" Liu Yun listened to Song He's words about the people and the situation he was facing, and said in surprise, "Boss, did you get involved in Austria? It's you!"

"You know what a fart!" Song He cursed back without hesitation, and proudly said: "I am contributing to the prosperity and strength of the motherland!"

"Playing tricks and secretly investigating other people's information are so grandiose, the boss is the boss!" Liu Yun praised, and then added mercilessly: "Transnational services, add money!"

"You have to charge for such a noble thing? Do you still have a conscience?" Song He said sadly.

However, his grief did not move Liu Yun at all, he just heard Liu Yun say unhurriedly: "Boss, your acting skills are still superb, but unfortunately the resources I used are beyond your imagination. Let me tell you a story, once upon a time Lu country..."

"Get out! I know more than you!" Song He rolled his eyes angrily, and stopped entangled in the issue of adding money: "As for the person mentioned just now, let me check the communication records and background information to death. The instigator behind these people was found."

"Then through this messenger, I will find out the people from the Wei country who are behind the scenes, and then you can continue to buy materials to process your RV."

"Boss is bright!" Liu Yun, who was thousands of miles away, began to operate the computer with a smile on his face, and his tone was confident and proud: "I will give you a discount if I can't check it out in a day!"

Song He was relieved after hearing this, hung up the call and returned to the living room. Seeing that Tang Yu and the others were still communicating with Tang Ruwei's family about security operations, he sat aside and listened quietly.

When Tang Yu and the three noticed Song He's return, they who were relatively relaxed at first suddenly felt a little nervous, and they were immediately caught by the sensitive He Siyan and Tang Linshi.

However, in He Siyan's view, this was a normal reaction of subordinates to their superiors, so they didn't pay much attention to it.But in Tang Linshi's eyes, this scene aroused surprise and curiosity in her heart.

Because ever since she picked up Song He and his party at the airport, she was amazed by the professionalism shown by Tang Yu and others.

But because Song He had been present all the time, Tang Linshi couldn't realize the difference in the words and deeds of the three of Tang Yu.But this time when Song He returned suddenly, Tang Yu and the three of them immediately became a little cautious, as if they were students doing their graduation defense.

This reaction directly shows that Song He has a very heavy weight in the hearts of Tang Yu and the three of them.However, Song He has always looked harmless to humans and animals from the beginning to the end, and has not shown any ability to make Tang Yu and the other three admire him.

Suddenly, Tang Linshi remembered that Song He had said that he would keep troubles and accidents out, and her heart couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that his words were not simply polite, but had a deeper meaning?

"Ms. Tang?" Song He instantly saw that Tang Linshi was distracted by her appearance, and because the communication of security matters could not be neglected, he smiled and reminded gently: "Are you feeling a little uncomfortable? Or do you have any doubts?"

"Huh?" Tang Linshi came back to her senses instantly, smiled sheepishly, and took the opportunity to ask: "Sorry, Mr. Sun just said that he would keep trouble and accidents out of my house, so I was wondering what you would do, no? Be careful to get distracted."

"I'm sorry, I blame me for not explaining it clearly." Song He showed a sincere smile: "I will stay here when you go out to prevent someone from sneaking in secretly to do things like tampering with the house."

"After all, the three identities are special, and the attitude of the Austrian side is not very clear. They didn't use some means before, but it doesn't mean they won't use them in the future. So my job is not only to coordinate your actions, but also to protect this building. The house will not be attacked."

Tang Ruwei and his wife immediately praised Song He's impeccable answer, but Tang Linshi, who was already curious, found that what Song He said still had nothing to catch the eye.

Moreover, Tang Linshi thought carefully about the security measures prepared by Song He and others, and felt that they were full of the feeling of running away when nothing happened and keeping a low profile.

There is nothing wrong with this approach now, but if trouble comes to the door, can you still avoid it?

Thinking of this, Tang Linshi looked at Song He's confident smile, and her heart skipped a beat: Unless, you have already made preparations for this...

After communicating the relevant security matters, Song He and others began to arrange the accommodation room.

Because Tang Ruwei's house had so many rooms that it was easy to arrange, Tang Yu was simply allowed to live next door to Tang Linshi, and Cao Peng and Wang Li were on the same floor as Tang Ruwei and his wife.

As for Song He, he took the initiative to live in the attic on the highest floor for the convenience of monitoring his surroundings.

That night, when everyone fell into a deep sleep, Song He's cell phone vibrated suddenly, directly waking him up from his sleep.

Turning on the phone, he saw a message from Liu Yun. After glancing at the content of the text message, Song He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "The whip called money is on your body, and it hurts in my heart..."

After all, Song He started the computer that had been prepared, and began to read the emails sent by Liu Yun.

Attached to the email were more than a dozen files that had already been named, including all the information that Song He asked Liu Yuncha to investigate.

After reading these documents, Song He took out a huge white paper from the ring, and analyzed while drawing a picture: "The window-smashing suspects given by the murder-chasing system are a few local gangsters."

"And judging from the communication records of these gangsters, it is a gang leader who instigated them. At the same time, one of the people in contact with this gang leader is a councilor from Kansas City."

"This congressman has also been in contact with a shareholder of a biomedical research institution in Weiguo, and this institution is precisely the institution that invited Dr. Tang Ruwei."

Having said that, Song He had already drawn a context diagram on the paper, which clearly connected the four main characters and many secondary characters involved around the context lines.

At the same time, Song He also marked the relationship between the various characters based on the information investigated by Liu Yun, and immediately turned the vein map into a weird pattern with too complicated lines to add.

"Although it's not very clear yet, Liu Yun has tried his best." Song He looked at the corner of the context diagram, squinted his eyes and smiled: "And there are already a lot of things that can be used to break the situation."

In the middle of the night, Fiennes was bragging and drinking with his friend Jamie in the bar. Suddenly, the screen of his mobile phone on the wine table lit up.

Fiennes immediately noticed the abnormality of the phone, picked it up and saw it was a text message from an unfamiliar number, Fiennes was a little puzzled, opened the text message and read it.

The message content is simple, only a few sentences:
"Brother, you're my best friend, so I feel like I have to be honest with you. Haven't you noticed that your son looks more and more like Jamie?"

"Huh?" Fiennes frowned in disbelief. His son's appearance appeared in his mind involuntarily, and he suddenly became suspicious.

Jamie, who was sitting across from him, noticed his strangeness, and stopped talking and looked at him.

At this moment, Fiennes raised his head, moved his eyes from the phone screen to Jamie who was looking at him in surprise, and asked in a deep voice: "Jamie, I know about you and Lika."

(End of this chapter)

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