While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 783 Another Dismemberment

Chapter 783 Another Dismemberment
After the interrogation ended, Song He didn't ask about Tian Wei anymore, because he knew that there was no other possibility for Tian Wei except the death penalty, and he also didn't want to contact this obviously mentally abnormal guy again.

So, Song He bid farewell to Chai Wendong and left alone in Rui Province, and returned to the Case Assistance Center in Yucheng without stopping.

"Xiaoxue! I miss you so much!"

As soon as he entered the office, Song He opened his arms with an exaggerated expression and went straight to Wu Xuerui.

Wu Xuerui, who was standing by the printer and waiting for the case materials to be spit out, gave Song He an angry look, snorted coquettishly, and when Song He ran in front of her, she suddenly reached out her hand!

I saw Wu Xuerui's white and beautiful palm instantly pressed Song He's face, and then the pretty policewoman smiled and pushed.

Song He felt the weak force from his girlfriend's palm on his face, and he staggered and backed away in cooperation, and then looked at his girlfriend sadly, with an expression on the verge of weeping.



"Officer Song is crazy!"

"Be normal for me!"

Everyone in the office was immediately disgusted by Song He's expression, and they all protested in disgust.

Song He laughed, and waved his hands indifferently: "I have already accepted your admiration and longing for me, and I will accept it again..."

"If you are more abnormal, we will blow your dog's head off!" Zhou Kai snorted coldly, interrupting Song He: "Hurry up and deal with the case!"

"Brother Kai, I just dealt with a perverted case." Song He shrugged his shoulders to explain a few words, briefly explained Tian Wei's case, and everyone's expressions changed slightly in shock: "How is it? Have you been frightened?"

"It's true that you are disgusting again." Wu Xuerui glanced at Song He reproachfully, and then threw a copy of the case information into Song He's hands: "Since you like to handle this kind of case, I happen to have one here, you go Let's deal with it!"

Everyone smiled when they heard the words, and saw Song He reluctantly took over the case materials, glanced at them and couldn't laugh or cry: "Why is it another corpse case? Haven't we received some normal cases?"

"Who would apply for assistance in a normal case?" Wu Xuerui said as a matter of course, and then gave Song He a glance and began to distribute tasks.

"It's so reasonable, I have no way to refute it..." Song He could only lower his head and look through the file.

After a while, Song He raised his head with a strange expression, and asked in confusion, "Hu Village, Niujue County? Is this a case sent by the county instead of the village?"

"It should be." Wu Xuerui nodded and said: "Because of the cruel means of committing the crime and the bad nature of the case, the county paid special attention to it and specially used an immediate indicator to apply for assistance."

"Well, is that so..." Song He Wenyan frowned in confusion, and suddenly smiled inexplicably: "It can't be said that they wasted indicators, but this matter may be a little more interesting than they imagined."

As soon as the words fell, Song He saw that everyone pricked up their ears to listen, and suddenly became narrow-minded, and said with a smile: "I will tell you the whole story of this case when I arrive in Niujue County. Which one of you will go with me?"

"Boring!" Zhou Kai snorted, ignoring it, but glanced at Song He from the corner of his eye.

The other four people looked at each other, more or less feeling a little scratching in their hearts, and seeing Song He's expression that there was a big secret in this case, their thoughts suddenly became alive.

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

"Brother, you are lying!"

"Eh? Xiao Le, when did you release the scissors?"

"Wang Wang!"

A moment later, at Song He's instigation, everyone in the office sat around and began to compete for the qualification to go to Niujue County with Song He.

In the end, after a fierce battle of wits and courage, Wu Xuerui won the qualification to go to Niujue County with Song He to solve the case as he wished.

"If you can't give my old lady a satisfactory explanation, hum..." Wu Xuerui squinted her eyes and snorted coldly, her tone full of extreme danger.

Song He shrank his neck and flattered him: "How can it be? Don't worry, it's definitely worth the fare!"

Early the next morning, Song He and Wu Xuerui, who had left early, walked into the Niujue County Police Station almost at the time of work.

As soon as they stepped into the gate of the police station, they were invited into the conference room by Han Yong, the serious criminal police captain.

"Officer Song, please." Han Yong said sincerely, and then handed over the lecture to Song He.

Song He looked at the conference room full of police officers, especially the serious faces of the leaders of the Niujue County Police Station sitting in the front row, and couldn't help feeling a little absurd in his heart:

Let me go, engage in such a big battle, and when the result comes out, you will not be able to get down...

However, no matter what Song He thought, he had no choice but to act at this time, indicating that he could only bite the bullet and step up to the main podium to start explaining the case.

In the early morning two days ago, an old man in Niujue County, who was doing morning exercises, suddenly smelled something strange when he passed a roadside.

The old man looked around curiously, and soon found that the strange smell came from a low-lying place on the side of the road.

After approaching cautiously, the old man found that there were four tightly packed large plastic bags, and the strange smell that annoyed him had also turned into a stench with a strong rotten smell.

The well-informed old man suddenly felt bad, and immediately called the police.But when the police arrived and made a preliminary inspection, they found that the four plastic bags contained some body parts, and after splicing them together, they could just form a complete male body!
Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the Niujue County Police immediately sealed off the scene and asked the inspection team to conduct a detailed survey of the scene.

However, due to the many weeds at the scene of the crime and the fact that it had just rained before the corpse was found, it was not possible to collect enough information from the scene.

At the same time, due to the serious damage to the face of the corpse and the lack of relevant documents and identity certificates, the identity of the deceased is still uncertain.

"The methods in this case are indeed cruel." Song He collected his thoughts and began to analyze the case slowly: "But among the problems before us, the most important thing to solve is to determine the identity of the deceased."

"The preliminary autopsy report mentioned that the bones of the deceased were older, the organs were aging, and the muscles had atrophied to a certain extent, and there were some signs of age spots on the skin."

"So the forensic doctor basically determined that the deceased was an old man in his 70s."

Song He magnified the autopsy report and related pictures on the projection, pointed to the position of the deceased's hands and said: "Intersecting with the internal organs, the deceased's hands have a low degree of decay, and we can also use the deceased's hands to determine that he was engaged in work during his lifetime. work."

"Everyone, please look." Song He said, zooming in on the details of the deceased's hand: "From the degree of decay of the palm and the time of death judged by the forensic doctor, we can roughly restore the morphological characteristics of the deceased's hand during his lifetime."

"The deceased's hands had thick palms, short and thick fingers, thick joints, calluses on the palm of the right hand and the tiger's mouth, and some irregular scars on the back of the left hand, which generally fit the occupational characteristics of certain industrial jobs. .”

"We can therefore determine that the deceased was most likely a retired worker."

(End of this chapter)

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