Chapter 784 Three Doubts
"Elderly worker, retire." Song He raised two fingers: "Based on these two conditions alone, we cannot determine the specific identity of the deceased."

Song He changed the topic: "However, the forensic doctor concluded that the death of the deceased was five days ago, and within five days, no one reported that any residents similar to the deceased were missing."

"At the same time, after the initial release of the case, until today, no one has come to confirm the identity of the deceased. This shows that the deceased may have lived alone during his lifetime."

"Or, his family doesn't care about his life."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Wu Xuerui noticed that Song He's eyes flickered, as if he didn't quite agree with this conclusion.

So what exactly did you say first?
Puzzled, Wu Xuerui was thinking about it, while carefully recalling the case materials and Song He's analysis, while continuing to listen carefully to Song He's explanation of the case.

"In the autopsy report issued by the forensic doctor, the deceased died of suffocation." Song He enlarged the autopsy report: "So the preliminary inference is that the suspect dismembered the deceased after strangling the deceased."

"And the forensic doctor also found that there were still some small wounds on the deceased, which were identified as abrasions and stick wounds, so it was determined that the deceased had been abused before his death."

"In the inspection of the internal organs, we can see that there is no food residue in the deceased's stomach, and there is no digestive material in the intestines and related digestive tracts, which proves that the deceased has not eaten for a long time when he died, and there is a possibility that he was detained before death. sex."

"Therefore, in summary, the deceased experienced detention and abuse before his death, and was subsequently strangled to death by the suspect, and then dismembered and discarded."

Song He paused after finishing speaking, looked at the police officers in Niujue County with burning eyes, and suddenly said solemnly: "After the routine analysis, let's count the abnormalities in the case."

The police officers in Niujue County were taken aback when they heard the words, and felt that Song He seemed to have changed a lot, and became much more serious than before, so they couldn't help but also became serious.

"The first doubtful point is the non-fatal injuries on the deceased." Song He enlarged the photo of the deceased's legs and arms: "Because the deceased was decomposed when it was discovered, it was difficult to inspect certain parts. Some of them are non-fatal wounds, or longer-term, early-period scars."

"In the photo, both the legs and arms of the deceased have strip-shaped bruises caused by being whipped during his lifetime. Judging from the shape of these bruises, it is likely that they were caused by a wooden stick slightly thinner than the little finger .”

"In my opinion, these bruises all over the arms and legs of the deceased took an unreasonably long time span."

Song He said, zooming in on the two photos respectively.

I saw that the purple-black streaks on the first photo were very coherent and obvious, but there were no obvious streaks on the second photo.

"Pay attention to this photo that doesn't seem to have streak marks." Song He repeatedly zoomed in and out of the second photo, pointed to a certain position on it and said, "Look carefully here."

Everyone heard the words and looked carefully, but suddenly saw a faint strip of shadow during the zooming process of the photo!


"what is that?"

"how come……"

The scene that happened in front of them suddenly made everyone shout in unison, and many people looked at Song He incomprehensively, with doubts in their eyes.

"Judging from the position and shape of the shadow, it is also the bruise caused by the wooden stick hitting the dead." Song He stopped zooming in on the photo, and the shadow in the photo suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Forensic medical assessment showed that the deceased was around seventy years old." Song He said and looked at the analysis of others: "A seventy-year-old man's organs are aging and his metabolic function is slowing down."

"It takes much longer for an elderly person of this age to go from bruises to complete disappearance after suffering a blow than everyone here. It is conservatively estimated that ten days are possible."

"However, why is the time span of the scars that were also caused by the suspect so long? Could it be that he detained the deceased for more than ten days? If so, what is the purpose?"

"Most importantly, during the time the deceased was detained, why were there signs of abuse but no signs of restraint? The suspect is so sure that the deceased will not run away or hurt him?"

After Song He finished speaking, he left some time for everyone to think, and then continued: "The second doubt is the time of dismemberment."

This time, Song He released the death time of the deceased marked on the autopsy report, and also released part of the targeted inquest report.

"The time of death of the deceased was five days ago, there is no doubt about it." Song He pointed to the inquest report on the body fracture of the deceased and said: "In this inquest report, it is said that when the deceased was dismembered, the blood had coagulated , so not much blood flowed from the wound."

"That is to say, the suspect waited a long time after the death of the deceased before starting to dismember the body. So, what is the suspect waiting for?"

"We all know that whether it is long-term detention or long-term storage of corpses after the murder, there will be a great risk of exposure for the suspect."

"And what is the reason for the suspect to take the risk to do so?"

Song He stopped talking again, looked at the people who were lost in thought after listening to the question, and asked again: "The third question is the abnormality of the strangle mark on the neck of the deceased."

In the photo released by Song He on the projector this time, it was the neck of the deceased: "The cause of death given by the forensic doctor is undoubtedly suffocation."

"However, we need to pay attention to the fact that the deceased did not have any marks of blunt instrumental blows on the head that could cause him to lose consciousness, and there were no drug residues in his body that could make him lose consciousness. At the same time, the deceased was not bound or restrained before his death."

"Then, near the strangle marks on the neck of the deceased, why are there no scratches caused by the struggle?"


Struggling scratches!
In an instant, Wu Xuerui, who had always been following Song He's thinking, suddenly realized, her eyes were radiant, and she obviously understood what Song He wanted to express.

But all the police officers in Niujue County showed incredulous expressions after a moment of contemplation. The expressions on their faces were as complicated as they were, but none of them dared to speak rashly.

"The logic doesn't make sense, there's no way to explain it, right?" Song He nodded in satisfaction and said, "In all murder cases, the deceased who was not unconscious and restrained would struggle desperately when strangled to death, while the Scratches are an important criterion for judging homicide."

"In this case, the fact that the body was dismembered really made the case look like a homicide. In addition, the head of the deceased was chopped off, which made it difficult to confirm the strangle marks and corresponding scratches. Therefore, it is possible to determine it as a homicide case. Understood."

"However, only if the deceased committed suicide first and was discovered and dismembered by the suspect after a period of time, can the above three questions be perfectly explained."

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Yong, who was tangled in confusion, frowned and wondered: "But... if you commit suicide, you can just report it to the police. Why do you need to dismember the body?"

Song He sighed, and said in a deep voice, "Because it is good for the suspect to create the illusion that the deceased is still alive."

When everyone heard this, they became more and more puzzled.


What good is there in concealing the death of the deceased?
(End of this chapter)

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