Chapter 812
When Song He learned that Liu Yun was almost exposed in the process of tracking down Ian Bird, he just walked out of the airport in shock.

After learning the details, Song He decisively let Liu Yun go into the dark, and only kept on the sidelines, waiting until he had a thorough understanding of the information he had before making a decision.

Seeing that Song He didn't forcefully go up, Liu Yun also heaved a sigh of relief. After all, he also needs to do some preparations before continuing to investigate.

Thus, the two extremely insidious people hit it off immediately, and decided not to show their heads for the time being, and then went to their own business.

"So you followed your heart?" After Song He told the story, Zhou Kai said with contempt: "It's you."

"Damn it! It's me who is brave and resourceful!" Song He protested dissatisfied: "Anyone of you would have to be caught blind, and you're still dealing with Ian Bode. In 15 minutes, you can get out of Kong Yundong's body." Even if you squeeze out a fart, you are all amazing!"

Wu Xuerui, who was on the sidelines, looked at Song He's arrogant appearance, and said with a smile: "Brother, can you bear it? Anyway, I can't bear it."

"If you can't bear it, don't bear it." Zhou Kai said unmoved: "Next month, I will arrange for you to go abroad for further study, the kind that will go for three months."

Some inexplicable arrangements made Wu Xuerui stunned for a moment, but in an instant she understood what Zhou Kai was talking about, and immediately blushed.

"Brother Kai! No, Lord Kai!" Song He said very straightforwardly: "Bad people will be punished for marriage! I'm ready to apply for a legal license to hold a gun. You can't transfer the boss of the shooting range away!"

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the people laughed, and Wu Xuerui's blushing face became even more bloody, and the shame and annoyance were beyond words, and she stretched out her hand to grab Song He's ear!

After laughing for a while, the office gradually became quiet while everyone was talking and laughing. Song He, with his two twisted red ears, began to study the case seriously.

"It shouldn't be too difficult. I can go anywhere." Song He said and put the case materials in his hand on the conference table, signaling to everyone to choose first.

After a while, everyone chose the case and left the two case materials to Song He and Zhou Kai.

"Well, it's another case where the identity of the deceased is unclear." Song He, who had already read all the case materials, knew what was left of the case with a glance: "You really take care of me."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Zhou Kai put away the case materials and urged, then turned to the crowd and said, "Hurry up too, don't accumulate the case to the future, so that you won't have time to deal with some shameless person."

Ma Xuexian and the three of them laughed loudly, and surrounded Wu Xuerui, who was still blushing, and left the case center.

A few hours later, Song He and Zhou Kai, who came to the Hakka County Police Station in Mengcheng, were immediately invited into the meeting room, and the captain of the Hakka County Criminal Police, who had been waiting for a long time, Yang Minghao also quickly greeted them.

"Team Zhou, Officer Song." Yang Minghao and Song He shook hands and said with a wry smile: "I'm going to trouble you again this time. It's really difficult to confirm the identity of the deceased."

"Captain Yang, you're being polite." Song He had read all the case materials before coming here, so he went to the podium with a few polite words: "Let's start..."

Three days ago in the morning, a river cleaner cleared a men's shirt from the river while cleaning the river channel of the landscape river in Ke County.

Realizing that something was wrong, the river cleaner immediately chose to report the crime, and after the police arrived, he assisted the police in salvaging the location where the man's shirt was found, and soon picked up a small cement boat wrapped in snakeskin cloth .

After removing the cloth, a male corpse fixed in the cabin of the cement boat appeared in front of everyone.

Upon seeing this, the Hakka County police immediately arranged for personnel to conduct on-site investigations, but difficulties also followed, that is, it was difficult to confirm the identity of the deceased.

After salvaging the deceased, the police found that the upper body of the deceased was unclothed, while the lower body was well clothed and there was no sign of damage.

But neither the jacket nor the trousers found any valuable clues that could prove the identity of the deceased.

At the same time, because the deceased had been soaked in water, although the bones had not turned white, the skin and soft tissues of some parts of the body had rotted and fallen off, and the most serious situation was the head of the deceased.

"Because all the soft tissues of the deceased's head have been lost, the facial features cannot be identified, so we can only determine the deceased's appearance during his lifetime through facial restoration."

After Song He finished speaking, he put a portrait he had drawn in advance on the projection: "This is the restoration I made after seeing the body of the deceased, and the accuracy is guaranteed."

Everyone looked, but saw a portrait of a man with a square mouth and wide nose appearing in the projection, with small eyes and protruding ears, and he looked about 30 years old.

"After the on-site investigation, the deceased had no obvious external injuries." Song He released the autopsy report, paused after saying something, and then continued: "At the same time, the forensic comrades at the scene found something special on the corpse. That's corpse wax."

The police officers in Hakka County nodded when they heard the words, and some people showed some incomprehensible expressions on their faces.

"We all know that the formation of corpse wax requires special environments and conditions, the most critical of which is water." Song He analyzed in detail: "Although corpse wax is more disgusting, once formed, it will not continue to rot. .”

"It is precisely because of this characteristic that many physiological details of the corpse can be preserved almost intact, which is of great help to us in solving the case."

"In this case, most of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the corpse formed wax, and the parts that did not produce wax were the right arm, chest and head. At the same time, the right arm and chest of the deceased were similar to the head of the deceased. , there is a large amount of soft tissue loss."

"Then I hope you will think about it, why do these three parts of the deceased not form corpse wax? Are they any different from other parts of the deceased's body?"

Everyone who listened attentively to the lecture quickly wrote down these two questions, and Song He waited for them to stop writing before continuing: "When the deceased was found, the upper body was not wearing any clothes, while the lower body was fully clothed."

"And after the dead were salvaged, we can confirm through the binding method of the snakeskin cloth that the men's jacket salvaged by the river cleaners at the beginning should have accidentally floated out from the gap between the snakeskin cloth and the cabin. "

"But in this way, the men's jacket is more intriguing. Because if it was originally worn on the deceased, it would not be possible to float out. But if the deceased was not wearing it, then for what reason and by whom it was taken off Woolen cloth?"

Everyone was puzzled when they heard the words, but they didn't expect that there was such a way behind a piece of clothing.

Song He standing on the podium looked at the slightly confused faces below, smiled and said: "There is also the way the deceased was bound, which was fixed in the cabin by rubber wires."

"But things like rubber wires are rarely used to bind things. At the same time, judging from the knots, there are obviously two styles of binding, and both are tied in a hurry."

"So on the whole, it seems that the suspect who tied up the deceased didn't have a suitable rope at hand, and had to choose to use rubber wires to complete the process as a last resort."

"But why would they have an astonishing length of rubber wire handy when they don't have the proper rope?"

(End of this chapter)

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