While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 813 Causes of Death

Chapter 813 Causes of Death
A series of questions immediately made it difficult for the police officers in Hakka County to respond, but Song He didn't seem to intend to give them time to think this time, and continued: "According to the forensic identification, the deceased did not die by drowning, and the specific cause of death is still unknown. "

"However, we can also see that in the place where the wax has been generated, the organs of the deceased are intact and there are no physiological lesions, the skin and body have no damage or bleeding, and the bones have no scars at all."

"In the part where a large amount of soft tissue was lost, there was no trace of puncture injury or blunt trauma. Taken together, we can rule out suffocation, traumatic blood loss, poisoning, and pathological sudden death."

"But in this way, the real cause of death of the deceased is worth digging deeper."

Song He released the autopsy report of the deceased: "After the autopsy, it was confirmed that the deceased was right-handed. At the same time, the lower part of the deceased's clothing, shoes and socks were relatively complete, and the characteristics of the clothing were in line with the characteristics of going out. It can be determined that the deceased was not at home."

"At the same time, judging from the fact that there were no traces of trauma or restraint on the deceased, the deceased was in a state of free movement when he died."

At this time, Yang Minghao suddenly raised his hand to signal that he had something to say, and after seeing Song He nodded in agreement, he slowly asked, "Why can't they be killed after being in a coma?"

"Captain Yang's insight is very keen." Song He nodded in praise, knowing that Yang Minghao was helping the police officers under him, so he said in detail: "Of course, we don't rule out the possibility that the deceased was killed after being stunned." .”

"But what was the cause of the deceased's death after he fell into a coma? We have determined from the details of his body that the deceased did not die from suffocation, internal injuries, poisoning, traumatic blood loss, or pathological death."

"We must know that there are various indications that the two suspects who sank the corpse were in a panic at that time. If they were facing a comatose deceased, they would choose a more efficient and direct method of killing based on the idea that they must sink the corpse and their emotional state at the time. Wouldn't it save time?"

Seeing everyone nodded suddenly, Song He continued: "Since the deceased was in a state of free movement when he died, and there were no obvious signs of homicide, then we must consider two possibilities, that is, suicide and accidental death."



After saying a word, everyone immediately exclaimed, because no one expected that Song He would divert the direction of the case of the dead body to these two directions.

"I know that you all have doubts." Song He gestured for everyone to be quiet with empty hands, and then said solemnly: "But, who told you that the suspect who drowned the dead in the water is the one who killed the dead the murderer?"

In an instant, a needle could be heard in the meeting room!

A gust of wind that shocked the soul suddenly passed through the minds of almost all Hakka police officers, creating faces mixed with shock and bewilderment.

Yang Minghao, who had vaguely guessed the result, looked around and saw that the police officer under him had a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't help but secretly smiled and shook his head, thinking whether he should have the cheek to ask Song Heduo to come to Hakka County for several training sessions.

"To make a fool of yourself!"

Zhou Kai, who knew in his heart but was always on the sidelines, despised Song He with a voice only he could hear, but he also understood that the reason why Song He deliberately created such a contrast in thinking was to really bring the Hakka police officers into the cracking of the case. in thinking.

On the podium, seeing that everyone has entered the state he expected, Song He smiled and said loudly: "First, let's see if there is any possibility of suicide."

"As we all know, suicide is an individual behavior, and the methods are various. However, the ultimate goal of the suicide is to end his own life, but in the process of ending his life, most of the deceased's clothes remain intact, and various traces will inevitably be left."

"But looking at this case, not only did the deceased not have the characteristics that are unique to traditional suicide methods, his body was even sunk into the river by two suspects to destroy the body..."

At this moment, a dedicated police officer raised his hand and asked, "Officer Song, could it be some kind of ceremony?"

Song He paused for a moment, seeing that besides this police officer there were one or two other police officers looking at him with approval, he smiled and waved for him to sit down.

"I have to say that your thinking is very unique." Song He praised with a smile, and then asked: "But if it is some kind of ceremony, shouldn't they have prepared it?"

"However, in this case, the knots used to fix the deceased were messy, and the binding method was irregular. At the same time, the whole body sinking process was also very hasty and hasty, obviously not well prepared."

The questioning police officer was stunned when he heard the words, scratched his head and smiled, and said embarrassedly: "I understand, thank you, Officer Song."

"Don't be embarrassed. Analyzing the case is just a matter of trial and error." Song He smiled kindly: "Actually, the above analysis is not particularly convincing. After all, there may be some extreme situations."

"And the most important basis for us to judge whether the deceased committed suicide is whether the deceased wants to die or not."

Everyone chewed on the meaning of Song He's words, but they saw that Song He released some photos of the deceased's clothes, shoes, socks and body.

"This is all the evidence collected at the scene." Song He pointed to the underwear, shoes and socks in the photo and said: "Judging from the body shape of the deceased, all the clothes fit the body of the deceased very well, with excellent comfort, and The most valuable of these were his belt and shoes."

"In addition to these two branded products, the deceased's well-preserved teeth, body and internal organs also show that he likes sweets, tobacco and alcohol products, and belongs to the category of people who are greedy for enjoyment."

"This kind of people is not uncommon in daily life. Their living habits and concepts determine that they are not easy to commit suicide. Therefore, the last possibility left now is accidental death."

As he spoke, Song He zoomed in on the photo of the deceased's right body on the projection, pointed his finger at the palm of the deceased, and extended all the way to the right chest of the deceased.

"From the palm to the chest, there are no traumatic lesions." Song He said while moving his fingers: "Except for these positions, most of the deceased's body is covered with corpse wax."

"And combined with the physiological characteristics of the deceased's right hand, we have reason to suspect that the deceased had touched something with his right hand, which made it difficult for this part of his torso to form postmortem wax after his death."

"At the same time, combined with the fact that the deceased's body has no obvious scars and signs of struggle, we can determine that the cause of the deceased's death should be an external cause that can kill quickly in a short period of time..."

However, before he finished speaking, a police officer suddenly interrupted loudly: "It's an electric shock! A high-intensity electric shock is fatal!"

All of a sudden, all the police officers in the conference room were stunned!
"Very good." Song He smiled appreciatively: "It is true that only high-intensity electric shocks can kill the deceased before he can react."

"At the same time, although electric shock marks will be left on the skin at the site of the electric shock, without the protection of corpse wax, the skin at these sites will dissipate due to corrosion and loss of soft tissue, making it difficult to confirm the cause of death."

As soon as the voice fell, one of the excited police officers who had clarified the cause of death of the deceased stood up and asked curiously: "Officer Song, since the deceased died accidentally, why was his body destroyed by two suspects?"

(End of this chapter)

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