Chapter 84
After a pleasant weekend, Song He received a call from Ma Xuexian when he was about to arrive home.

"The health bureau asked you about your team leader's selection preferences?"

"I don't have the intention, and besides, my identity doesn't qualify me."

"To tell you the truth, you know I can't stay in the crime squad for long."

"So let's abstain from voting as the group leader. Unity within the group is the most important thing."

"Old Lubai. He has a steady temper and careful thinking, and the key is his appearance."

"What happened to Zhang Fei? How deterrent."

"Hearing your tone, you look down on Zhang Fei."

"Haha, come on, you can play with Huya."

After hanging up the phone, Song He began to think about how to persuade Liu Hui and Jiang Hai, but fortunately, he had already done all the hints and foreshadowing before, and I believe it would not take much effort.

On Monday, as soon as Song He walked into the Nancheng District Police Station, Qin Yuan greeted him with the expression of seeing a savior.

Seeing this, Song He's face changed, and he stared and said, "No!"

Qin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and continued to speak without giving up: "Consultant Song, this case."

"Don't listen!" Song He simply covered his ears, fearing that half of Qin Yuan's words would get into his ears.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan didn't know what to say, and looked at Zhou Kai's work station.But he found that Kai Zheng, who was black-bellied, was looking at Song He muttering words, as if he was counting down the clock.

And just when Zhou Kai counted to zero, Song He put down his hands covering his ears in frustration, with a curious and helpless expression on his face at the same time, looked at Qin Yuan and said, "Tell me, what is the strange case this time. "

Qin Yuan was overjoyed and said: "Just now a man called the police, saying that something strange happened at home, and every morning he would smell burning things. And..."

After Song He listened, he satisfied his curiosity, nodded with a smile and said, "I won't go, you can contact the parents of the person who reported the crime, and ask them when their sons usually sleepwalk. If so, go to the doctor and ask if there is any good way.”

After Qin Yuan heard this, a look of realization appeared on his face, he thanked him and left.

Song He walked to Zhou Kai's office angrily, and said angrily, "Brother Kai, the bookkeeping book is almost full."

"Really?" Zhou Kai said calmly: "Then let's get a new notebook."

"Uh goo ha!"

While the other policemen still didn't understand what the two of them were talking about, there was a strange voice from Sun Xiaohai not far away who couldn't hold back his laughter.

He coughed lightly twice to cover up the embarrassment of being found out over eavesdropping, got up and walked in front of the two of them and said with a smile, "Don't tell me, this case is very strange when it's Qin Yuan's turn to call the police. It's not unusual. He can almost encounter strange cases that the police do not encounter in a year."

"Is it so mysterious?" Song He asked in surprise.

"That's right, the police orders are issued according to the normal procedure." Sun Xiaohai nodded and said, "Other police officers were either fighting or stealing, but every time he went out, he always had such strange cases, which made him People are very curious."

Hearing this, Song He deeply suspected that the black-bellied Kai knew about Qin Yuan a long time ago, and then specially used it to make him do white work for the police station out of his own curiosity!
After glaring at Zhou Kai with no deterrent eyes, Song He walked into Zhao Congjun's office.

"Who said that, I will report to Zhongcheng District in the afternoon." Zhao Congjun wrote something without raising his head. He could tell who was coming in just by the sound of footsteps.

"Qin Bureau is quite efficient." Song He sat down with a smile.

"In your eyes, are we very inefficient?" Zhao Congjun finished writing the last stroke and threw it to Song He: "To whom did I give it when I went out?"

Song He took it casually, glanced at it, and found that it was a new employee profile.Suddenly, his gaze narrowed, and he pointed to a name on it and asked, "How did you find this person?"

"Who?" Zhao Congjun glanced at the name Song He pointed at, and his broad eyebrows waved proudly. Yun Danfeng said softly: "Oh, who is that? The school recommended it, and he himself also has this wish, so he came ”

Song He looked at Zhao Congjun's sullen look and said with a smile: "It seems that you have an insider in the police academy. You can recruit top students like Wang Zhiyuan."

"Nonsense! It's not because of you!" Zhao Congjun pointed at Song He's nose and said, "Who keeps saying that the team will use that and that in the future? Time to grab it again!"

Song He shook the list with a smile, and said shyly, "If I say that Wang Zhiyuan will be added to the future team, I believe that with your broad mind, you will definitely have no objection!"

"Now I find that your face is really big and thick. You are already worried about me before the person comes." Zhao Congjun laughed angrily at Song He's shamelessness, looked at the list in his hand and said: "Look Come here, Wang Zhiyuan is indeed a good young man, he can let you be so shameless and shameless with me."

"I knew you would agree." Song He took advantage of the situation and wanted to finalize the matter.

"Promise? I'll blow your dog's head!" Zhao Congjun said angrily, "Get out of here! If you want to poach people in Nancheng District, be careful, I won't let you go!"

"Is it easy to talk and discuss? Look at your frantic look."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Song He quickly stood up and left, directly handing the list to Cheng Bin.

When Zhao Congjun saw Song He leaving, he quickly put away his feigned anger, frowned and began to think about what kind of work to arrange for Wang Zhiyuan, who was about to join the job.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Song He arrived at the police station in Zhongcheng District on time, and joined Liu, Lv, Jiangma and the other four who rushed over.

Sitting in the small conference room of the Zhongcheng District Police Station, Jiang Hai couldn't help but admire: "The conditions in Zhongcheng District are really good. Look at this chair, look at this table, look at this."

"Don't look at it!" Liu Hui, who was sitting opposite him, interrupted: "They are all purchased together. What's the difference between it and your guys?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hai scanned one side of the conference room carefully, pointed to a corner and said, "There are more green plants than us!"

Ma Xuexian: "There are indeed many."

Song He: "More than ours."

Lu Jie didn't speak, but nodded in approval.

After a while, a middle-aged police officer walked into the conference room. Seeing this, Liu Hui quickly got up and introduced, "This is Huo Guang, the deputy captain of our Zhongcheng District Criminal Investigation Team." Then he introduced Song He and others to Huo Guang.

Song He looked carefully, and found that Huo Guang's appearance was vicissitudes and his figure was tall and straight. He was missing a part of his little finger on his right hand, but he didn't hide it at all, and his gestures were hearty and generous.

"I'm sorry everyone, I was in charge of watching this case when I was in the Serious Crime Squad back then, and I didn't handle it quickly, which caused you trouble." Huo Guang had a free and easy expression, and his words were kind.

"Captain Huo, don't say that, there are many things that need your attention in this case." Jiang Hai quickly replied.

Although Huo Guang seemed unconcerned, Song He still noticed the stubbornness in his eyes. He must have been transferred from the crime team to Zhongcheng District because of this case.

"Then let me talk about this case." Huo Guang didn't turn on the projector and didn't look at the documents. He opened the case file box casually, picked up the photo report inside, and said while showing it: "The Yuexia case happened in Yuexia Community nine years ago. , the deceased was a man living alone. On the day of the incident, he felt unwell after dinner, so he called the hospital for help, but died on the way to the hospital. Later, because the state of the dead body was different from that of ordinary people, the hospital suspected that he died of poisoning, and then called the police We conducted an autopsy after obtaining the consent of the relatives of the deceased, and found that the deceased was indeed poisoned."

"Combined with the hospital's feedback, the behavior of the deceased in the last period of time before his death did not seem to be suicide, so we suspected that he was poisoned by others. During the investigation of the case, we first inspected his house, and then This was found in a trash bag at his house."

Huo Guang said as he picked up an evidence bag and a report. Inside the evidence bag were some vacuum-packed eggshells, and the report was a relevant inspection report.

Song He instantly found the photocopied report from the documents in his hand, and the poisonous conclusion at the end was particularly eye-catching.

Huo Guang continued: "Actually, some preserved eggs were found at the same time, but they couldn't be preserved until now, so we just made a report and didn't include them in the evidence. And among those preserved eggs, we also detected The same toxins. These toxins were widely used to kill pests such as rats and cockroaches nine years ago, so the sources are relatively wide and it is not difficult to obtain."

"According to the deceased's neighbors, he loved eating preserved eggs, so we speculate that the perpetrator should be someone familiar with the deceased's eating habits."

"At the same time, we did not find any traces of the second person's activities in his home, so we expanded the scope of investigation and visited the residents of the community. We found that a stranger had indeed entered and left the community that afternoon, and the time happened to be at dinner. Not long ago."

"Our colleagues drew a portrait of this individual based on eyewitness accounts."

Huo Guang picked up a portrait of a character and showed it to Song He and others.

I saw that this person had an oval-shaped face, and his facial features were very inconspicuous, only the eyebrows that were almost connected together and the round cheeks were extremely conspicuous.

(End of this chapter)

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