While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 85 Oolong Incident

Chapter 85 Oolong Incident
"According to eyewitnesses, this person is more than 1.8 meters tall, overweight, and wears leather shoes and trousers. Based on these descriptions, we found very few footprints left at the door of the deceased and parts of the stairwell, and made a physical guess. The conclusion is An adult male who is over 1.8 meters tall and weighs close to [-] kilograms."

"Then we visited the peddler who sold rat poison in Yucheng at that time, and finally found the peddler who sold rat poison to the criminal. The peddler's description of the criminal was basically consistent with the witnesses in Yuexia Community, and because of the close distance He has been in contact with the criminal, so the information he provided must be more detailed. He claimed that the criminal had an accent from a foreign province and bought rat poison on the day of the crime."

"Then we conducted a large-scale manhunt on the third day after the incident, and the result was that the criminal fled the night the deceased was poisoned. According to the confessions of relevant witnesses, the direction of escape was the DC area of ​​Yucheng. "

"While tracking him, we also conducted an investigation of his whereabouts before the crime, but we did not gain any results. Therefore, all we know about the criminal is the physical information in the documents."

Huo Guang regretfully put down the man's portrait, and picked up another evidence bag, which contained a small notebook, and a copy of the contents in it also appeared in the documents in Song He's hand.

"We found this in the deceased's home, and some information was recorded on it, and all of this information was the anti-false record of the deceased during his lifetime."

"Captain Huo, is the deceased a professional anti-counterfeiting officer?" Ma Xuexian asked.

"Rather than saying he is a professional anti-counterfeiting officer, it is better to say he is an anti-counterfeiting fraudster." Huo Guang corrected Ma Xuexian and continued: "What is recorded above is the amount, time and address of the deceased who extorted counterfeit vendors."

"So we have reason to believe that the deceased offended some people or forces during the extortion process, resulting in his death by malicious revenge."

"Where are these counterfeit vendors?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Based on the information above, we have arrested them." Huo Guang paused and said, "But during their later interrogations, no one admitted to having contact with the criminal."

"That's natural. Murder and selling fake goods are two different sentencing standards." Liu Hui shook his head helplessly.

"We have also taken this into consideration." Huo Guang nodded and said, "So we have offered rewards to members of the gang who sell and manufacture counterfeit goods. Anyone who can provide information about the perpetrator will receive a reduction in sentencing."

"But there's no gain, right?" Lu Jie asked.

"The criminal's information is indeed fruitless, those guys dare to talk nonsense in order to reduce their sentence." Huo Guang nodded and smiled helplessly: "However, the other crimes of the gang bosses have been exposed a lot, which is an unexpected gain."

"So the only information we have about the criminal is his appearance, height, weight, and place of origin." Song He looked through the information and felt a little at a loss.

Huo Guang put away the evidence, closed the case file box and handed it to Liu Huidao: "We did a lot of work back then, and even conducted a large-scale personnel screening. Although we found some people who had common characteristics with the criminals, we couldn't. The comparison is back to square one.”

"Captain Huo, I saw that there are records about the assets of the deceased in the documents, as well as statements from some tenants." Song He pointed to a few pages in the documents and asked, "The reputation of the deceased is not good?"

"Yes. People around the deceased generally didn't think highly of him." Huo Guang nodded and said, "Although the deceased was relatively rich, his money basically came from counterfeiting and extortion. After the houses he bought were rented out, the tenants They also have a unified evaluation of him, saying that he is mean, greedy, stingy and loves to take advantage of small things."

"We also suspected that one of the tenants had a dispute with the deceased and then hired someone to kill him. However, after investigation, we found that none of the tenants was suspected."

Liu Hui frowned, looked at his companions, and found that everyone had a pensive look on his face, unconsciously turned his gaze to Song He, and asked, "Xiao Song, do you have any ideas?"

Song He Wenyan breathed out slowly and said: "I want to meet the peddler who sold rat medicine back then. He had close contact with the criminal. I hope he can give me some hints."

"It's an idea, but I'm afraid that it will be too long and he won't remember it." Lu Jie nodded.

"Speaking of that vendor, he was also unlucky." Huo Guang said with a smile: "When I asked him about the criminal information, I found that he did not have a license to sell rat poison. He would have been imprisoned for a few days because of this, but Because he had a good attitude in cooperating with the investigation of the case, provided key evidence, and the amount of rat poison sold was very small and did not meet the sentencing standards, he was let go."

"Then he should be quite impressed by these things." Song He said and asked: "Does Captain Huo know where he is now?"

Huo Guang spread his hands. "That's not clear. He is a foreigner. Something like this happened here, and he is afraid of being implicated. I remember that when he cooperated with the investigation, he also said that he wanted to return to his hometown."

"Looks like we have to make another trip, I hope it's not too far." Song He recalled the rush of the last case and couldn't help but asked with a wry smile: "Captain Huo, do you have the identity information of that vendor?"

"Of course, it's all recorded in the transcript." Huo Guang flipped through the case files, took out one and handed it to Song He.

Song He took it, took a look and his face fell: "He is from another province."

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and after laughing, they were ready to fight a protracted war.

Three days later, Song He, Ma Xuexian and Liu Hui walked into the airport and quietly waited for the plane to fly to Juncheng, Nan Province.

In fact, there is no need to go to such trouble. It would be faster for the Yucheng City Bureau to contact the Juncheng police for questioning. However, Song He always wanted to interview the vendors in person and try to get some more valuable clues, so he came up with this idea. This trip was a threesome.

"If it weren't for the case, I could have experienced the scenery of Juncheng this time." Liu Hui waved his boarding pass and said, "Jincheng's jade is famous for its excellent quality and workmanship. Buying a few pieces as gifts for friends is a must. It’s face-saving. And this jade is said to become more effective as time goes by.”

"Really? Then I have to get one for Huya." Ma Xuexian answered with a smile.

"I noticed that your mind is full of tiger teeth. Why don't you buy one for your girlfriend?" Liu Hui was amused by Ma Xuexian.

Ma Xuexian looked at Liu Hui in confusion and said, "Wearing those things will affect your work."

"A person like you can have a girlfriend, I really don't understand what Yue Lao thinks." Liu Hui complained helplessly.

Song He couldn't help laughing while listening to the two chatting. He had only recently discovered Ma Xuexian's straight male attributes. Sometimes he would feel helpless for Ma Xuexian's girlfriend while chatting.

The three of them chatted and laughed all the way, and finally walked into the gate of Juncheng Police Station at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Due to Qin Yuanzheng's attention, the liaison between the police stations on both sides was well done, and the police officers in charge of receiving the three were ready.After a brief exchange of greetings, he took Song He and the others to the peddler's residence.

"The Jiang Yingcai you are looking for returned to Juncheng nine years ago and worked in a jade factory. It is said that he is very down-to-earth and has good craftsmanship. He is already comparable to the old craftsmen under the age of 30." The reception police officer said Introduce while driving.

"It's hard work, brother Luo, for doing so much work ahead of time." Liu Hui responded with a smile.

"No, I just went to their factory to check with the factory manager. Otherwise, if we get the wrong person on this side, you will make a fuss." The police officer surnamed Luo is also very easy-going.

Not long after, Song He and others sat in the office of the director of a jade factory, and the director and Jiang Yingcai were already waiting.

Officer Luo took the lead in greeting the factory director and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Factory Manager Wang."

"Hey, what's the hard work, why don't you cooperate with the work, I understand." Factory Manager Wang stood up with a smile.

After exchanging pleasantries with Director Wang, Police Officer Luo turned to Song He, pointed to Jiang Yingcai who was embarrassed and said, "This is the person you are looking for, just ask if you have anything to do. By the way, we need to avoid him." ?"

"They're all on our own, so what are you avoiding?" Song He thanked with a smile, sat opposite Jiang Yingcai, and asked calmly, "Is that Jiang Yingcai?"

"Yes, it's me." Jiang Yingcai was very cramped and seemed a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, just ask some questions, and you can answer them truthfully." Song He felt that Jiang Yingcai seemed to be afraid of something, but he was not listed as a mission target in the system panel, so what was he afraid of?
Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Song He asked: "We are the police in Yucheng. There was a murder case in Yucheng nine years ago. Our colleagues once asked you for relevant clues. Do you remember?"

"Yucheng?" Jiang Yingcai was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then he came back to think carefully for a moment and asked: "Officer, Yucheng, uh, where is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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