Chapter 851
In the early morning of the next day, Song He got up early before dawn, and under the urging of his parents who were equally excited and sleepless, he had a hasty breakfast, carefully put on the custom-made suit, and then let the makeup artist who came early to fix himself .

Not long after, the sky brightened, and the downstairs gradually became noisy, and friends and relatives of Song's father and Song's mother came to Song He's house one after another, either helping with various matters, or gathering together to chat and laugh.

No matter what you do, everyone has a smile on their face.

After the makeup artist announced that the make-up was finished, a best man who arrived first also came to Song He's house. He was a man of mixed race.

Uncle Zhong, who was inseparable from the mixed-race man, chatted with Song's father and Song's mother with a gentle smile on his face, but listened carefully to the details of welcoming the bride.

"Damn! Are you trying to steal my limelight by making yourself so handsome?" Song He looked up and down at the mixed-race man, and saw that he was wearing an extremely exquisite and elegant best man's dress. With his already sunny and handsome appearance, he was so handsome. Explode on the spot!
"You are also nervous?" The mixed-race man observed Song He with interest, and asked with a smile: "It seems that you really love your wife."

"You are talking nonsense." Song He replied as a matter of course, and suddenly said in a low voice: "We are real friends, don't punish me too hard."

"Which of your eyes can see that I'm going to punish you?" The mixed-race man denied it flatly, but the corners of his mouth curled up uncontrollably, his face full of anticipation.

"I believe you are the one to blame!" The more Song He looked at the mixed-race man's expression, the more he felt bad.Just as he was about to persuade him a few more words, the mixed-race man turned his eyes and changed the subject: "By the way, how did you come up with the idea of ​​using Uncle Zhong as the head of welcoming the bride?"

"Uncle Zhong is more reliable than you." Song He shrugged, looked at his satisfied parents and Uncle Zhong from afar, and smiled triumphantly: "As long as Uncle Zhong is willing, he can become a loyal and kind elder in the eyes of everyone. "

"In this way, the old man on the other side won't be too embarrassing, and the difficulty for us to break through the barrier will be greatly reduced."

The mixed-race man laughed: "You really counted everything."

While the two were chatting, Zhou Kai, Fang Ming, Ma Xuexian and others also arrived one after another. They were all dressed in ironed suits. When they stood there, they were very energetic and bright, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After a while, it was time for the welcoming team to depart. Song's father and Song's mother hand-pinned the corsage with the word "Best Man" on the four people headed by the groomsmen group, and then pinned the bridegroom's corsage on her son, and she smiled happily. He sent a group of people to the car.

And in the home of Wu Xuerui, who was also beaming, Wu Xuerui, who was dressed in a bright red wedding dress, had exquisite makeup and a happy smile on her face.

The several bridesmaids in the house chatted and laughed constantly, and the cheerful and lively atmosphere was three points better than that of Song He's house.

Suddenly, Lin Xuefei, Zhao Ting, Hao Yuqing and Gu Xiaole, all dressed in lavender bridesmaid dresses, took out their mobile phones at the same time.

"let's go!"

"They're in the car!"

"Sister Xiaoxue! Fang Ming told us to prepare!"

"Officer Song is leaving!"

There were quiet and melodious voices or joyful and excited voices, and everyone looked at each other in amazement as soon as the words were said, and then a series of clear and sweet laughter broke out in the room, especially the bride Wu Xuerui laughed the most cheerfully!
"Hahaha! I laughed so hard!"

"How many traitors are there in this guy's wedding party!"

"Hurry up! Get ready!"

Amidst the laughter, the four bridesmaids headed by the bridesmaid group quickly started to prepare, and spread the news that Song He and his party had already set off.

Just as the bride was preparing to welcome the arrival of the wedding party, Song He, who was in the wedding car, was holding a bouquet of flowers, anxious but full of anticipation.

"Officer Song, smile." The photographer sitting in the co-pilot pointed the camera at Song He, took a short shot and said with a smile: "To be honest, I rarely see a wedding as lively as yours."

"Really?" Song He Wenyan smiled, glanced at the convoy behind, and sighed: "Maybe because the job is quite special, there are very few opportunities to be released."

"Understood." The photographer nodded suddenly, and asked the driver to slow down and take some pictures of the scenery along the way as the material for the later wedding video.

More than ten minutes later, the convoy arrived outside the community where Wu Xuerui lived. Before they stopped, Song He saw the crowd blocking the gate of the community, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "The news has leaked."

"It's normal." The photographer chuckled and got out of the car first to take pictures with the team.

Song He took a deep breath, opened the car door and got out of the car, and brought the best man team who followed him to the gate of the community.

"The groom is here!"

"Give the red envelope!"

"Open the door one by one!"

Facing the cheerful and clamoring crowd blocking the door, Song He glanced at the best man group watching the excitement behind him, and teased: "It seems that there are ghosts among you, making the team impure..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Kai, who had a calm smile on his face, snorted softly: "We are all pure traitors, and only you are the unsteady stubborn resister!"


"Brother Kai is right!"

"I'm here to be a traitor today!"

"Officer Song, surrender! You are surrounded!"

The collective betrayal of the best man group immediately made the relatives and friends of the bride's family who blocked the door burst into laughter, and Song He felt helpless.

"Song He, let me come." Uncle Zhong's gentle and generous voice sounded, and as soon as he finished speaking, he smiled and came to the gate with his leather bag in his hand: "Do you want red envelopes? If you have them, let's have one!"

After all, Uncle Zhong has already counted the number of people blocking the door, and from the leather bag, he points out the red envelopes that match the number of people. in that person's hands.

"It's all in his hands, go get it with him!"

Before Uncle Zhong finished speaking, the man who got the red envelope had already run away quickly.However, the thick stack of red envelopes has attracted everyone's attention. After one person shouted and chased after him, the others followed suit, and the door was suddenly emptied.

Seeing this, Song He and the others burst forward laughing, and in the blink of an eye, they passed by the door and rushed downstairs to Wu Xuerui's unit.

This time, there were still many people blocking the door of the unit. Uncle Zhong once again sacrificed the red envelope method, smashing the people blocking the way with red envelopes, and breaking a passage for Song He and his party.

In this way, Uncle Zhong opened the way in front, and Song He advanced behind.Along the way, a lot of red envelopes were thrown out, smashing away all those who stood in the way, and for Song He, he successfully pried open the room where Wu Xuerui and the bridesmaids were hiding.

Song He, who had gone smoothly and complacently, coughed lightly, walked into the room with his head held high, and saw Wu Xuerui sitting on the bed for the first time, and his heart skipped two beats in an instant!

Wu Xuerui was seen wearing an exquisite and gorgeous bright red wedding dress, her pretty face lightly painted with powder was as white and moist as mutton fat, her carefully painted eyebrows were soft and pretty, her red lips were like fire, and her teeth were like jade, she was incomparably beautiful.

And what surprised Song He the most was Wu Xuerui's eyes that seemed to be able to talk.

Looking at each other, Song He felt the tenderness from Wu Xuerui from those warm and pure almond eyes.I just felt that there were thousands of words pouring into my heart, making him instantly feel unprecedentedly happy!
Wu Xuerui, who was sitting upright on the bed, saw a silly smile on Song He's face, her pretty face blushed and she covered her mouth with a smile.

But at this moment, a figure in a lavender bridesmaid dress jumped out, standing between Song He and Wu Xuerui arrogantly.

"Tell me, how many red envelopes do you want!" Song He raised his head and looked around, not paying attention to Hao Yuqing.

"Red envelopes? Do you think my mother is short of money!" Hao Yuqing looked down on Song He with his hands on his hips, and said proudly with a soft snort, "What my mother lacks is fun!"

Song Hewenyan's heart skipped a beat, and as soon as he was about to say something, Hao Yuqing waved his hands and shouted, "Get the props!"

In the blink of an eye, the other bridesmaids put props hidden everywhere in front of Song He.

Everyone looked carefully and saw long mops, sexy cheongsams, women's swimsuits and other sundries among them, and they were a little confused for a while.

"Choose two!" Hao Yuqing giggled excitedly, "Give us a dance, there will be rewards for dancing! It's not good to dance again!"

Song He's eyelids twitched, and just when he was about to ask the groomsmen behind him for help, he heard Fang Ming and Ma Xuexian take the lead in cheering: "Dance one! Dance one!..."

As soon as the voice was spoken, the booing of the two was echoed by everyone, and soon everyone began to cheer and agitate, showing their true nature of watching the excitement without showing the seriousness of the matter.

Song He had no choice but to look at the sundries in front of him, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet to choose a cheongsam and a long mop, then simply put on the cheongsam amidst the cheers of the crowd, and twisted around the long mop.

"Hey, it's disgusting." The mixed-race man was disgusted, but he pointed his mobile phone at Song He, and recorded the rare scene in front of him with great interest and meticulousness.

Others also took pictures with their mobile phones, and some even played music to make time. The atmosphere was warm and cheerful.

Finally, after dancing three dances, Hao Yuqing let Song He go, and handed Song He a pre-marital contract written earlier.

"Read it aloud, and then sign it! Sister Xiaoxue can go with you!" Hao Yuqing urged with a smile.

Song He took a look and saw that there were promises of housework in it, and he couldn't help being amused.

But when he was about to open his mouth, the mixed-race man who never showed up suddenly said loudly: "Wait a minute! We have a more sincere pre-nuptial contract here!"

As soon as the words fell, Uncle Zhong, who was helping Song He open the way just now, put a huge contract in front of Song He, and at the same time put the prepared signing pen and ink pad together.

Song He glanced at it with a helpless smile, feeling dumbfounded.

It was only because the mixed-race man had prepared a prenuptial agreement for him that could be called a contract of sale.In comparison, Hao Yuqing's was simply immature.

However, Song He also knew that this contract was only a prop for entertainment, and his task at this time was to provide entertainment for others, so he knelt down on one knee to make a marriage proposal without hesitation, and recited aloud according to the contract .

And this mixed-race man's carefully prepared lines, combined with Song He's eloquent and emotional recitation, frequently made everyone laugh.

Gradually, however, the wording in the contract changed from humorous to full of tenderness, which also made everyone hold their breath unconsciously.

"... Beloved wife Xiaoxue, the love of this life. I promise, I will stay with you for the rest of my life, never leave, never abandon. Together in the long river of time, show a love that runs through our lives."

"I love you, Xiaoxue."

(End of this chapter)

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