Chapter 852

The pre-nuptial contract written by the mixed-race man himself achieved the most perfect effect in Song He's affectionate recitation, which easily moved everyone present and even moved several bridesmaids to tears.

However, it was the bride Wu Xuerui in her wedding dress who shed the most moving tears.

Her almond eyes were full of water mist, and there were crystal clear drops of water hanging on her long eyelashes, and she was worried that the tears would spoil her makeup, so she could only keep wiping her eye sockets with paper towels.

Under this kind of atmosphere, everyone had no intention of playing tricks on Song He, and they all expressed their blessings to Song He and Wu Xuerui after being moved.

The time passed quickly amid the sound of blessings, and then the process of offering tea and opening faces was smoothly and naturally completed in one go, and soon it was time to send off the relatives.

So, under the earnest instructions of Wu's father and Wu's mother, Song He carried Wu Xuerui on his back with a smirk, and was escorted by the best man and bridesmaids into the wedding car.

"I finally got my wife!" Song He fixedly looked at Wu Xuerui as soon as he closed the car door, and when he looked at her a little embarrassed, he suddenly leaned into Wu Xuerui's ear and whispered wickedly: "Be patient, There are still five or six links to enter the bridal chamber!"

"A dog can't spit out ivory!" Wu Xuerui blushed, and stretched out her hand to pinch Song He's soft waist.

"Wait!" Song He grabbed Wu Xuerui's palm and said with a smile: "If this position is screwed, the gun will not work!"

"Go away!" Wu Xuerui snorted in embarrassment, and looked out of the window pretending to be annoyed, but Song He still let Song He hold her palm.

The driver and the photographer in the front row were focused on driving while the other was shooting. They seemed oblivious to the small movements of the two.

Not long after, Song He and Wu Xuerui returned to Song's home and began to recognize relatives.

After receiving the blessings from relatives near and far, the two of them rushed to the hotel where the wedding was held with their father and mother Song non-stop, and stood at the door of the hotel to greet the guests and friends from all walks of life who came to the wedding banquet.

"It's much more troublesome than handling a case." Song He took advantage of the time to welcome the guests, turned his neck and smiled bitterly in a low voice: "No wonder most people only get married once, even if there is a second marriage, they won't make a fuss."

"Are you finding it troublesome?" Wu Xuerui looked at Song He with a smile, a cold light flashing in her almond-shaped eyes: "If you find it troublesome, you can regret it."

"That can't be done!" Song He waved his hand without hesitation and said, "As long as I can marry you back, I will admit it even if I go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire!"

Wu Xuerui was so teased that she giggled, which once again dazzled Song He.

At this time, a few figures suddenly walked in outside the hotel gate, the leader of which was walking vigorously. Although he was over fifty years old, he was very energetic. It was Qin Yuanzheng, the head of the Yucheng Police Station.

And behind him, Zhao Congjun, who has a pair of sharp eyebrows, followed closely, and at the same time, the top leaders of various sub-bureaus followed closely.

Seeing this, Song He hurried up to greet him, and Song's father and Song mother also greeted Qin Yuanzheng and others with smiles on their faces.

"You boy!" Qin Yuanzheng said with a hearty smile: "You have drawn a little half of my police force here for holding a wedding. It's so grand!"

"Where is it? Boss Qin is taking care of me." Song He scratched his head and smiled, and said to everyone in a low voice: "The private rooms of all the bosses are arranged upstairs. It is quiet and no one will disturb you. There is enough wine and water."

"It's just right. You are too restrained when we are downstairs, but don't forget to come up and have a drink." Qin Yuanzheng patted Song He on the shoulder, and led Zhao Congjun and others upstairs with a smile.

Not long after sending Qin Yuanzheng and others upstairs, Song He and Wu Xuerui hurried to change clothes.

Because the two chose a Chinese wedding, Song He changed into a vermilion gown with a big red silk flower the size of a basketball on his chest.It's okay if you don't smile, but when you smile, you look like the silly son of the landlord's family.

On the other hand, Wu Xuerui, the phoenix coronet and Xiapei matched with a complete set of golden and red wedding dress, elegant and dignified, with a touch of elegance and luxury.Putting on the hijab embroidered with the auspicious dragon and phoenix, it immediately adds a sense of mystery, which makes people feel amazing.

"I'll go! Am I so bad?" Song He couldn't see himself in the mirror, and felt that Wu Xuerui standing beside him was getting more and more beautiful.

"It's rare that you are self-aware this time." Wu Xuerui smiled coquettishly, and then was urged by the hotel staff to go down and prepare to appear on stage.

Song He shook his head and smiled, and also went to the backstage of the wedding banquet hall under the arrangement of the staff.

In the hall at this time, dozens of dining tables were arranged neatly, and guests came and went to sit at their own seats, and in a short while most of them were full.

Gradually, someone suddenly discovered that among the dozens of tables of guests, there were more than a dozen tables of guests wearing police uniforms. They were obviously Yucheng police officers who had just rushed over from the police station and hadn't had time to change their clothes.

It didn't take long for more and more people to notice these police officers. While their curiosity arose, many people also restrained their expressions. They stopped laughing loudly like when they first entered the hall, and their speech and behavior were much more civilized.

However, the restraint of non-police guests inadvertently set off the noise of the police officers present.

I saw the police officers happily chatting with each other, and some even left their seats and shuttled back and forth in the hall, exchanging and laughing with different police officers, not half as calm as usual.

"It seems that you are really busy at ordinary times." The mixed-race man sat at a dining table near the stage, looked at the crowd in the hall with a smile, and chatted with Zhou Kai beside him.

"It's inevitable." Zhou Kai also has a good impression of the wise and casual mixed-race man, and replied with a smile: "What I usually come into contact with is all kinds of troublesome things, and happy things are rarely seen, especially happy things in my own system. It will naturally release a little bit when it arrives.”

"Song He is very annoying, isn't he?" The mixed-race man joked with a smile, "There must be a lot of people who want to slap him."

"If you want to feel this way, then he really regards you as a friend." Zhou Kai nodded and replied, and then added with a smile: "But even if you are a friend, you still want to hit him very much!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Haha!" The mixed-race man laughed and nodded in approval.

While the two were chatting and laughing, the background music in the hall suddenly changed, and cheerful and festive rhythms flowed from the speakers hanging everywhere, instantly quieting everyone down.

Immediately afterwards, the hall suddenly went dark, and the stage was brightly lit, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

In the dazzling lights, the wedding host walked to the center of the stage, raised the microphone with a smile on his face, and shouted loudly: "Dear guests, friends and guests, today is a day of great joy, God bestows a good relationship between Song and Wu, and it is a talented man lady..."

While the experienced host was reciting the opening speech of the wedding very familiarly, Song He, with a big red flower on his chest, stood quietly in the background, waiting for the other party to let him take the stage.

However, as the opening words fell into his ears, Song He became nervous when he thought that he would complete the wedding ceremony with Wu Xuerui in a short while!

But with the slow passage of time, the nervous Song He found that his heart was beating faster and faster, and countless inexplicable thoughts came and went in his mind, making it more and more difficult for him to think effectively, even Not even a whole thought can be formed!
Finally, when the host shouted the words "The groom is invited to appear," Song He, whose mind was almost blank, walked onto the stage subconsciously, with no other expression on his face except a silly smile!

"We can see that the groom's officer is already very happy at this time..."

Song He, who was so nervous that he was at a loss, had lost his ability to think, and only knew to follow the host's words.

So, amidst the cheers and blessings of many guests, Song He shot arrows obediently, beat the gong obediently, beat the drum obediently, and then walked into the simple flower hall where Wu Xuerui was.

In an instant, Song He woke up when he saw Wu Xuerui standing in the flower hall with his head covered, tenderness and sweetness welled up in his heart, and he naturally took the red silk in Wu Xuerui's hand.

"Standing over the brazier leads to good luck! Good days are red and hot! Please invite the bride to step over the brazier—"

"Crossing the saddle on the road to happiness! Peace and auspiciousness passed down from generation to generation! Please invite the bride to straddle the saddle—"

The host's voice sounded again, and Song He firmly pulled Wu Xuerui, slowly crossed the brazier and saddle, and came to the stage.

At this time, Song He, who had regained his sobriety, still had a smirk on his face, staring at Wu Xuerui who was right in front of him, and was reluctant to move away for a moment.

Wu Xuerui, who was covered with a hijab, seemed to feel Song He's gaze. Her jade hands trembled slightly, but she tightly grasped the red silk in her hands without relaxing at all.

In this way, the two immersed in happiness obeyed the instructions of the host, worshiped flowers, uncovered their hijabs, lit candles to make wishes, exchanged tokens, drank together wine, and completed the knot and hair ceremony.

Finally, the host announced the success of the ceremony. Song He and Wu Xuerui left the stage amidst the cheers and applause of all the people. As soon as they got backstage, they hugged each other tightly regardless of the eyes of the staff.

After a while, Wu Xuerui, who came to her senses, made a slight struggle, retreated from Song He's arms, walked towards the changing room with a flushed face, and muttered as she walked, "I still have to toast..."

Song He sniffed the scent lingering in his nose, and the silly smile on his face became more and more silly.

Afterwards, Song He and Wu Xuerui, who had changed their clothes, hurriedly put some food on the table, and began to toast at the table.Dozens of tables came down one by one, and the wedding banquet was coming to an end.

But when they finally stopped, the mixed-race man, Zhou Kai and others pulled them to their table.

"You haven't started eating yet?" Song He looked at the table full of fresh wine and dishes, and was extremely surprised.

"We are going to measure your drinking capacity on the spot." Fang Ming looked at Song He maliciously, and pointed to the eight bottles of liquor opened in front of him: "We don't bully you either, half of it belongs to you, and half belongs to us!"

"What are you talking about?" Song He was taken aback. He counted the number of people and protested: "Eight of you, each of you counts half a bottle! And I only have four bottles, treat it as my wine barrel!"

"This is called evenness!" Fang Ming shamelessly pushed four bottles of liquor in front of Song He.

Everyone who had seen Song He's amazing drinking capacity burst into laughter, and shared another four bottles of wine together, even the mixed-race man got a cup.

Song He laughed, and immediately put the four bottles of wine at his hand, and shouted arrogantly: "Today, I will let you see what is Dionysus!"

A few hours later, Song He, who had let go of his rhetoric, was carried back to the new house by Fang Ming and others.

And when Fang Ming and the others left contentedly, Song He Yigulu jumped up from the sofa, his eyes were very clear, not like he was drunk.

Wu Xuerui, who was about to sober up Song He, was taken aback, but before she could recover, she was picked up by the strangely smiling Song He, and rushed into the bedroom!
(End of this chapter)

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