Chapter 900
Back in Yucheng, Song He rushed to the library immediately, met Calf who was waiting for him, and got the beautifully packaged package.

After seeing the invitation letter and the boat ticket in the package, Song He immediately decided that the game mentioned in the invitation letter inviting him to the Gods Game is definitely the one mentioned by Ishikawa Hayato that made him feel so touched. longing for activities.

"Really." Song He looked at the package in his hand tangled, his eyes glistened and said depressedly: "Why is this kind of bait that can only be thrown out by demons sent to me?"

Calf, who looked at Song He respectfully, said doubtfully, "Mr. Song, you..."

"I happen to know something related to the invitation letter." Song He saw from Kalf's expression that he didn't understand the story behind the invitation letter and the ticket. He couldn't help laughing and said: "How should I put it? It's just a sorority party." Bar."

Calf saw that Song He didn't mean to explain in depth, so he stopped asking and asked instead: "Then will you go?"

Song He, who was hesitating, thought for a moment, shook his head and sighed: "Not necessarily."

The experienced Kalf only heard these three words and knew that Song He would probably go. He thought about it and said, "If you need me to do anything, please don't be polite."

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you." Facing Calf's loyalty, Song He took it with a smile, then picked up the invitation letter and boat ticket, and left the library.

Not long after leaving the library, Song He took out a mobile phone from his ring and dialed a number.

"Mr. Sun?" A magnetic male voice came out from the phone: "It's rare that you would take the initiative to call me. Do you need my help?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Song He looked up at the blue sky, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and then his eyes lit up and said: "Stop talking nonsense, do me a favor."

After more than ten minutes, Song He hung up the call, took a deep breath to calm his mind, and Shi Shiran walked towards his home.

The next day, Song He, who had spent the night alone because Wu Xuerui was out on a mission, woke up from his sleep and came to the Nancheng District Police Station after a simple breakfast.

"Huh?" Zhao Congjun, who came to work on time, saw Song He arriving. His eyebrows jumped in surprise: "Why are you back? Have you dealt with the troublesome matter at hand?"

Song He sat lazily on the sofa in Zhao Congjun's office, and said lazily, "Isn't my master considering my loyalty, bravery and diligence, and specially gave me a vacation?"

"What the hell? Loyalty, bravery and diligence?" Zhao Congjun laughed disdainfully when he heard the words: "Which of these four words can be related to you? You are also loyal, courageous and diligent. Who have you ever seen who use loyalty and diligence to describe shameless people? "

"Damn! Old Zhao, you are so eloquent!" Song He blinked and looked curiously at Zhao Congjun, who was now sharp in words.

"Stop messing with me, what are you doing here today?" Zhao Congjun plucked his ears: "I'm very busy, so just fart!"

Song He waved his hand and said: "Actually, I just come out to relax. After all, I will be busy with Cambodian affairs in a few days. If I get so busy that I feel like a spinning top, I think it will be difficult to go back to Yucheng."

"You want to have fun, right?" Zhao Congjun saw through Song He's plan at a glance, pointed to the outside of the office and said, "That whoever is on duty today, if you have nothing to do, just help him!"

Song He smiled when he heard this, turned around and walked out of the office.

Since Song He seldom appeared at the Nancheng Police Station in recent days, the police officers who hadn't seen him for a long time were particularly enthusiastic.

And when Qin Yuan saw Song He walking towards him with a meaningful smile, he guessed Song He's intention after a moment of daze, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Officer Song, I'm working on a case and I won't be on duty today."

Song He Wenyan looked at Qin Yuan regretfully, and said with a tusk, "It's such a waste of talent. What case are you working on?"

Qin Yuan picked up his cell phone, shook it and said, "Several victims called the police, saying they encountered a fairy dance, but it was a little different from a normal fairy dance."

"Are you saying you're fishing?" Song He suddenly wondered, then became curious: "What's different?"

"The suspect of Immortal Dance is a bit of a drunkard." Qin Yuan explained honestly: "Two days ago, someone called the police, saying that they had encountered a fraudster, so Brother Xiao Hai asked me to investigate."

"Then during the follow-up process, I discovered that there was indeed a woman who took the man she was dating to a store to make a large purchase under the pretext of dating. Then the woman used various excuses to have sex with the victim. 'separate'."

"And this store only sells one type of product, and that is snacks."

"Snacks?" Song He laughed and said, "Since when did snack shops play the game of serving wine?"

Qin Yuan scratched his head and smiled: "I also think it's quite interesting, but the amount involved is indeed a bit exaggerated. The man who fell into the trap spent more than 1000 at least, so now I'm chatting with that woman."

Song He, whose curiosity was satisfied, patted Qin Yuan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Have a good time fishing! Try to open this snack shop, and let the brothers in the bureau have a try..."

"I want a life in full bloom..."

While chatting with Qin Yuan, Song He's long-lost cell phone rang suddenly, but it was Shen Jianghe who had just bid farewell for less than 24 hours called.

Picking up the mobile phone and coming to a secluded place, Song He had a faint smile on his lips, and then he answered the phone with a smile: "Hey, Master, I have only been home for less than a day, are you sure you want to arrest young men again?" ?”

"You can't rely on me this time." Shen Jianghe snorted softly and said, "Hayato Ishikawa of Sang Country suddenly sent an application for a joint investigation, asking you to go there by name."

"Ishikawa Hayato?" While secretly praising Ishikawa Hayato for his high efficiency, Song He was also curious about what excuse the other party used for him to join the investigation, so he asked, "What the hell is he doing?"

"It's not an ordinary case." Shen Jianghe's tone suddenly became a little more serious: "Have you heard of the 3 million yuan robbery case in Sang Country?"

As soon as Shen Jianghe finished speaking, Song He was startled, his pupils contracted undetectably, and then he said in surprise: "According to Sang Country's legal provisions, hasn't the statute of limitations for this case expired?"

"It's over, but the investigation work has not stopped, it just turned into a dark place." Shen Jianghe seemed very satisfied with Song He's reaction, and asked with a smile: "How is it, are you interested in going over to take a look?"

"Do you believe me when I say I'm not interested?" Song He licked his lips with gleaming eyes: "When will we set off?"

"I knew you kid couldn't help it." Shen Jianghe sneered and said, "As soon as possible. Ishikawa Hayato is quite eager. I'm afraid he has made some new discoveries, so you can just set off when you are ready."

Hearing this, Song He secretly praised Ishikawa Hayato again and immediately responded: "I'm ready!"

Shen Jianghe, who was on the phone with Song He while he was busy with work, listened to Song He's slightly excited response, only thought that Song He was interested in the case, and didn't think too much about it.

After Song He hung up the phone with a small calculation in his heart, he looked at the direction of Sang Guo and said with a smile: "Before boarding the ship, there are still cases of this level to appetize. It seems that there will be unexpected surprises when going out this time." Surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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