While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 901 3 Million Robbery Case

Chapter 901 Three Hundred Million Robbery Case
With the cooperation of Ishikawa Hayato and the arrangement of Shen Jianghe, Song He came to Sang Country as quickly as possible, and settled in Ishikawa Hayato's detective agency.

"Ishikawa, I have to say that your performance this time really amazed me." Song He looked at Hayato Ishikawa with a warm smile on his face with a smile, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that you are very interested in this event." It's very important."

After skillfully placing Song He's luggage in the office's lounge, Ishikawa Hayato nodded and admitted: "Actually, after I got off the ship, I never stopped investigating that energy company."

"In the past year, I first approached the head of an energy company who also boarded the ship but did not gain much by using the pretext of participating in activities on the ship, and reached an agreement with the other party to form an alliance after boarding the ship again."

"Then, relying on this relationship, I investigated the other party's group in depth and found some very interesting things."

Song He, whose curiosity was successfully aroused, asked enthusiastically: "What?"

"The history of the development of the group under his name." Ishikawa Hayato poured a glass of water and handed it to Song He, sitting on the sofa opposite Song He, and narrated the results of his investigation: "The person I investigated is named Hikaru Nakajima, The energy group under his name is currently ranked among the top five in the country.”

"In the early days of Hikaru Nakajima's business, in our country's energy industry, there were actually many competitors who were very powerful to him."

"However, with the passage of time, these competitors have gradually withdrawn from the industry for various reasons, or simply merged into his group."

"I investigated the ins and outs of these companies from their establishment to their exit from the stage of history, and found that the exit methods of most of these companies were somewhat dramatic."

Song He, who was listening carefully, rolled his eyes and asked curiously, "Is there a shadow of Hikaru Nakajima behind?"

"Part of it." Hayato Ishikawa nodded, then shook his head and said: "Ten years ago, Hikaru Nakajima's methods of dealing with competitors were relatively routine. Although they were not very upright, they were acceptable to the energy industry at that time means."

"However, from ten years ago to the present, if we delve into the reasons why his competitors withdrew from the stage of history at this stage, it will be somewhat intriguing. Because without exception, they were all stumbled by some small problems that seemed extremely inconspicuous at first Fall."

"Some have suffered reputational damage due to the exposure of the leadership's oppression of individual employees, some have had their share prices plummeted because of the management's accidental involvement in power, wealth, and color trading scandals, and some have been involved in equity split disputes due to the company's shareholders' marriage."

"In short, before these companies really fell, no one would have thought that those fatal stumbling blocks would be a thread as thin as a spider's silk to them."

Having said that, Hayato Ishikawa stopped talking, looked at Song He meaningfully, and gave him a slightly teasing look.

"Damn! What do you think I mean?" Song He rolled his eyes and said, "There are many people who are similar to this kind of behavior style. Besides, I have a difference in time and region, how could it have anything to do with me? !"

After some words, Ishikawa Hayato, who tried to arouse Song He's desire to explore, but did not get the expected response, shook his head regretfully and said: "It seems that Mr. Sun is not interested in the person hiding behind Hikaru Nakajima."

Song He smiled and said without answering Ishi Chuan's words, "Ishi Chuan, let's talk about the [-] million yuan robbery case, I am more interested in this unsolved case than Hikari Nakajima, who will be played to death by you sooner or later. "

"That's good." Ishikawa Hayato shrugged, got up and went to his file room to search, and after a while came out with two huge storage boxes, and put them on the tea table in front of Song He.

Hearing the muffled sound of the finishing boxes falling on the coffee table, Song He suddenly realized that the two boxes in front of him were much heavier than they looked, and couldn't help but twitched: "Although I expected that there would be a lot of materials, would this be an exaggeration? Are you tired?"

Hayato Ishikawa, who put down the sorting box, let out a sigh of relief, and sat back on the sofa opposite Song He again: "This is the information I sorted out, Mr. Sun can take a look."

"Because there are too many evidences and there is no way to bring them out, so among the materials for the evidences, there is only one record of all the evidences and some inspection reports."

"As for the confessions and investigation records, I have screened and eliminated the useless parts. Of course, I have also removed those suspects who are unlikely to commit crimes from the materials."

While listening to Hayato Ishikawa's words, Song He opened the sorting box to look through the documents, and quickly constructed the whole story of the case in his mind.

Fifty years ago in December, the Kyoto Trust Bank received a threatening letter.In the letter, the sender made a request that the bank send a bank employee to deliver 50 million to the designated place the next afternoon, otherwise the bank manager's home would be blown up.

Since the bank would not be threatened, it immediately called the police and assisted the police in deploying a large number of police forces at the delivery location mentioned by the sender.

However, nearly fifty police officers waited until nightfall, but no suspicious persons were found, and there was no explosion at the bank manager's home as mentioned in the letter sender's threat.

Thus, this bluffing bomb threat came to an end.At the same time, because there were too many similar threatening letters in the whole year, the police believed that this time was also a prank, so they did not pay attention.

Then, four days after the prank happened, a banknote van carrying nearly [-] million won in wages from the trust bank drove towards the factory in the early morning rainstorm.

However, when the cash transport vehicle with three boxes of money was driving halfway, a policeman stopped the cash transport vehicle by driving a motorcycle, threatening to find a bomb in the bank manager’s house, and claimed that he had received information that the cash transport vehicle might contain Bomb notification, urgent inspection.

In this way, the four bank employees in the car who had experienced the threatening letter incident four days ago got out of the car with great cooperation and allowed the police to board the car for inspection.

However, shortly after the policeman got into the car, smoke suddenly appeared from the cash transport van. At the same time, the police shouted that they had found a bomb that was about to explode. After dispersing the four panicked bank employees, they drove the cash transport van away at high speed. on site!

As a result, within 3 minutes of the policeman's appearance, the cash transport vehicle was driven away by him, and three boxes full of nearly [-] million cash were taken away at the same time!

Then, with the passage of time, the four bank employees who were still impressed by the bravery of the police at the beginning gradually realized that something was wrong, and reported what happened to the group to the bank and the police.

The police, who realized the seriousness of the situation, sealed off the entire capital in only 10 minutes, preparing to find the cash truck and arrest the suspect in the shortest possible time.

As a result, this arrest led to the arrest of an unsolved case involving the largest amount of money in the history of Sang Country.

"Actually, in my opinion, making such a case unsolved is a shame that the Sangguo police will never erase."

Ishikawa Hayato suddenly gritted his teeth and said something, which made Song He, who was serious about the case, shook his head and laughed: "Indeed, especially since it was a crackdown day, the efficiency of the police closing down the city was extremely high."

"Combined with the witnesses, crime tools and a considerable amount of clues and evidence left behind by the suspect, even if the criminal investigation technology was not developed at that time, it was enough for the police to find the suspect within three days."

"As for the reason why this case will become an unsolved case, now it seems that I can only say that good luck tricks people."

At the beginning, after the suspect pretending to be a policeman drove away the armored vehicle, he not only left behind four bank employees who had seen his face up close, but also left behind his self-made smoking device and the money he used for chasing and intercepting the armored vehicle. motorcycle.

However, in the subsequent investigation work, the police officers who restored the suspect's appearance actually gathered four witnesses in a room for memory restoration, which caused the four people to interfere with each other's memories, and failed to restore the suspect's appearance.

Immediately afterwards, when collecting fingerprints, limited by the lack of technical personnel and too many people touching the evidence with bare hands, the fingerprint collection also failed.

At the same time, in order to recover the huge sum of money, the police tried their best to collect evidence for the suspect from sending threatening letters to carjacking and absconding.

During this process, the police not only determined the suspect's blood type and writing habits through the saliva residue and related handwriting on the back of the threatening letter stamps, but also collected no less than a hundred pieces of evidence.

Therefore, the Sangguo police launched a vigorous investigation based on the evidence and clues they had in hand!

The entire investigation process used 17 police forces, spent 12 million funds, and listed nearly [-] suspects in three years!
Then, a speechless thing happened. During the investigation of these nearly 12 suspects, the Sangguo police created a large number of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases and then rehabilitated them one after another.

In the end, No. 20 years after the incident, the Sangguo police announced that the time limit for litigation in this case had expired, which meant that even if the suspect was exposed, he would no longer be held accountable by Sanguo's laws.

"It's really a case that promotes social development." Song He read Ishikawa Hayato's information, and said in admiration: "A robbery case actually made Sangguo's enterprises take the initiative to end the tradition of paying wages in cash, and promote society to move towards modernization. .”

"I have to say that this suspect has made a lot of contributions to society."

Hayato Ishikawa ignored Song He's out-of-the-ordinary emotion, pointing to the materials Song He put back in the sorting box and asked: "Mr. Sun, what do you think about the fact that the lost cash has never been circulated in the market?"

(End of this chapter)

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