While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 921 Cooperative Action

Chapter 921 Cooperative Action
"Director Daniel! Corridor No. [-] on the fourth floor! The signal from the monitoring screens from No. [-] to No. [-] is lost!"

"Director! The passage leading to the deck on the third floor! There is no signal from the monitoring screens of No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-]!"

"Mr. Daniel! The sixth floor..."


In the monitoring room of the Game of Gods, Daniel was deeply troubled by the frequent reports. However, he could not do anything except running in front of various monitors and reporting to Uncle Zhong where there were blind spots in the monitoring!

"Uncle Zhong, if this continues, the monitoring department will become blind!" Daniel took advantage of the gap in the report to complain: "They are crazy now, there are monitoring blind spots everywhere, and many places I can see are no longer coherent. Woke up!"

"This is the fourth day of boarding the ship. If you don't care about it, the blind area will definitely be much larger than the monitorable area on the last day!"

"So what?" Uncle Zhong's voice was very calm, as if he didn't care what Daniel said happened.

But it was this sentence that immediately calmed down Daniel, who was a little anxious tormented by the frequent reports.

In the blink of an eye, Daniel, who had been with Uncle Zhong and the mixed-race man for a long time, understood the meaning of Uncle Zhong's words, his expression changed and he grinned and said, "Uncle Zhong, why don't I ask my subordinates to destroy some monitoring equipment as well?" Come on, catch up with the progress!"

"You dare!" Uncle Zhong scolded with a smile, and then urged: "If you can't meet the conditions for your intervention, you will do my job honestly!"

Daniel nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, and when Uncle Zhong hung up the communication and looked at the slightly chaotic monitoring room, the anxiety in his heart had disappeared, replaced by a kind of leisurely indifference that only a bystander would have.

However, compared to Daniel's ease, most people on board felt extremely uncomfortable with what was happening, and because of this discomfort, they developed various negative emotions in their hearts.

Among them, Carlo was the most angry.

"This is the most chaotic and disorderly event I have ever participated in!" Carlo cursed and walked into the library where the monitoring equipment was still sound, and found Cliff and others who had agreed to meet here.

"You've only participated three times." Bethel Pat glanced at Carlo, who was still furious after taking his seat, and asked calmly, "Calm down, which positions have become monitoring blind spots?"

"See for yourselves!" Carlo snorted and threw a few pieces of paper on the table.

The three of Cliff took a closer look, but saw that each piece of paper had a structural diagram of a first-floor cabin drawn on it, which was very simple and clear, and a little observation could clarify which parts on the diagram corresponded to the positions on the ship.

It's just that on these structural diagrams, there are many shaded areas circled by Carlo with a pencil, which are obviously what he calls the monitoring blind spots.

"My God! There are so many?" Natalia exclaimed, looking at the structure diagrams in disbelief: "It's almost a third more than this morning!"

"This is just the extra part during the day!" Carlo suppressed the anger in his heart: "According to this trend, more monitoring equipment will be destroyed at night! And by tomorrow morning, the shaded part on the drawing is likely to be doubled." Times!"

The three Cliffs were silent for a moment after hearing this. After a while, Bethel Pat asked in a deep voice: "Did anyone come forward to stop or repair it?"

"There is no such sign so far." Carlo shook his head and said, "The information I obtained through special channels shows that unless the monitoring of individual key locations is destroyed, the organizer will not intervene."

"And I suspect that even if they intervene, they will only repair the places they care about. They will not care about the places they don't care about."

"What the organizer wants to see is not in line with our immediate interests." Cliff said coldly: "If this continues, this event will become a chaos involving everyone fight."

"So no matter why the saboteur wants to create this situation, we have to stop him."

"Stop?" Bethel Pat frowned and looked at Cliff, and quickly asked: "You want to induce others to surround them?"

Cliff nodded with a stern face and said: "At present, although there are more than one group of people who destroyed the monitoring equipment, the ones who have not stopped the damage so far and are the most harmful are definitely the organizers of the auction."

"So it is foreseeable that they will still target the surveillance equipment tonight. And as long as we announce this news, someone will spontaneously stop them."

"It's feasible." Bethel Pat nodded: "What about us?"

Hearing this, Cliff took out the illustrated auction booklet he had received, and said in a low voice: "I studied the perspective and background of the screenshot above, combined with the structural diagrams of Carlo's cabins on each floor, it is easy to find where they shot the blackmail video. Location."

"There should still be relevant traces left at those locations, and after finding these traces, it will be up to Bethel."

Bethel Pat glanced at Cliff, raised his eyebrows with an inexplicable smile, and said, "Cliff, I don't think you are much worse than me in the study of traces."

"That's it." Cliff said noncommittally: "After confirming the location of the recording, we will investigate in groups of two, and we will contact you when we have the results."

"Alright. As for who is in the group..." Bethel Pat nodded, then turned to Natalia and nodded slightly as a gesture of invitation: "Ladies first."

Natalia looked around with her charming bright eyes, and seeing that Cliff and Carlo had no objections, she smiled coquettishly and stretched out her hand to Bethel Pat, saying gently: "Mr. Bethel Pat , I hope you don't refuse."

Bethel Pat stood up freely, bowed slightly and held Natalia's hand, and said in a graceful and soft voice: "My honor."

"You guys are still in the mood to play this kind of drama." Carlo grumbled with a straight face, split half of the cabin structure diagram and threw it to Bethel Pat, and said angrily, "Your."

"Carol, jealousy doesn't make you more elegant." Bethel Pat took over the messy structure diagram, bent his arms so that Natalia could hold them, and walked calmly with Natalie Ya left the library.

Carlo was about to retaliate when he saw that Cliff had already sorted out the rest of the cabin structure diagram, stood up and said decisively: "Carlo, let's go too."

"Okay..." Carlo shrugged when he saw this, got up and followed Cliff out of the library.

Not long after, Bethel Pat and Natalia appeared outside a guest room, and in front of the guest room was a monitoring blind spot caused by the destruction of the monitoring equipment.

"It should be here." Bethel Pat compared the auction book in his hand, and his eyes fell on the cat's eye of the guest room door. After observing for a while, he said firmly: "The camera that was shot at that time should be in this position."

"Looking at the traces, it has indeed been dismantled. But if you want to go in and investigate, it will take some trouble."

Natalia smiled and came to the door: "Maybe I can help."

While talking, I saw Natalia take out a room card without any logo from the small handbag she was carrying, lightly swiped it on the room card reader, and then the electronic door lock sounded a prompt to open it sound.

Universal room card!

With a flash of thought, Bethel Pat, who understood the purpose of the room card in Natalia's hand, raised his eyebrows, and praised in surprise: "Ms. Natalia always makes people feel very mysterious."

Putting away the room card gently and skillfully, Natalia turned the doorknob and opened the door with a smile on her face: "Actually, it's just an ordinary room card that was copied by chance."

"Ms. Natalia is modest." Bethel Pat followed in with a smile, and closed the door behind her.


The lights are turned on and the entire room is illuminated with bright and soft light.

"Ms. Natalia, please wait at the door for a moment." Bethel Pat put on her gloves, squatted down elegantly, put her face close to the carpet covering the entire room, and changed the angle to look at the carpet back and forth. imprint on.

Soon, Bethel Pat discovered that the fluff in individual places on the carpet, because the falling direction was inconsistent with the entire carpet, seemed a bit abrupt from a special perspective.

After a while, Bethel Pat stood up calmly, straightened out the wrinkled clothes, and said calmly: "From the difference in the direction of the pile of the carpet, it can be confirmed that someone has come in after the cleaning of this room. .”

"And she came in the opposite direction from ours, coming in from the balcony."

"Her?" Natalia's expression changed slightly after noticing Bethel Pat's words: "The infiltrator is a woman?"

"That's right." Bethel Pat pointed to some places on the carpet, and his tone was affirmative: "The height is about 1.7 meters, and the weight is 65 to [-] kilograms."

"The footprints on the carpet indicate that she stayed by the coffee table for a while after sneaking in from the balcony, and then stood behind the door of the guest room. After finishing filming, she left from the balcony again."

"The balcony..." Natalia frowned and thought: "The difficulty of climbing the balcony is not high, but if it is placed on a woman, the difficulty is not small."

"It's the same for men. After all, the cruise ship we take is sailing all the time, and we have to overcome the height and the fear of falling into the sea." Bethel Pat came to the balcony door, observed and twisted Follow up:

"The balcony door lock is a mechanical lock. Not only does it not show any signs of damage, but it is now locked, which shows that the other party is very proficient in unlocking."

"In the list of passengers obtained by Carlo, there are actually not many women boarding the ship, and even fewer of them meet these conditions. A simple screening can narrow the target range."

When Natalia heard this, her eyes flashed for a while, and then she smiled slightly and said, "It seems that luck is on our side, right?"

"As you said, Ms. Natalia." Bethel Pat also smiled with satisfaction: "For the investigation of other locations, it is very likely that you will need to use the room card in your hand, I hope you don't mind. "

Natalia smiled coquettishly, nodded in return and left the guest room first.

A few hours later, Bethel Pat and Natalia, who returned to the library, met Cliff and Carlo, who had returned earlier. The four of them did not exchange greetings, and directly began to exchange their gains.

However, the four of them suddenly discovered during this exchange that all the traces of the recording location were left by the same woman!

"The same woman?" Carlo hesitated to say, "Those shooting locations are not close. Even if she installs the camera once and for all and leaves, it still requires a lot of physical strength."

"Among the women who boarded the ship, there are no more than three who meet the physical requirements and have such physical strength and climbing ability!"

"This is better." Cliff turned to Carlo, and said seriously: "Carlo, can you confirm which one of them is the one we are looking for?"

"It's possible, but it will take time." Carlo thought for a while and said, "In fact, instead of asking me to conduct an investigation, try to figure out a way to quickly confirm whether they are the people we are looking for..."

"No! There is a possibility of alarming the enemy." Cliff said decisively: "There are a lot of people who want to confirm the identity of the auction organizer, and they will definitely be cautious."

"If you touch rashly, it is easy to arouse their vigilance. Especially the few of us, let alone be noticed by them."

Carlo thought for a moment, and felt that what Cliff said was indeed reasonable, so he nodded and said, "Then let me figure out a way."

After agreeing on the follow-up actions, the time was getting late, so the four of them decided to separate and go back to rest for the time being.

But at this moment, Carlo's expression suddenly changed. He took out a vibrating mobile phone from his pocket and walked to the corner to answer it.

Seeing this, the three of Cliff stopped in their tracks, but saw Carlo hang up the phone with a complex expression, and returned to the crowd with a frown, saying, "Someone blocked a person who came out to destroy the monitoring equipment."

After saying a word, the three of Cliff immediately raised their spirits and waited for Carlo's next words.

"The person was found in the corridor in the public area on the sixth floor." Carlo organized his words: "When he was blocked, he was dismantling the surveillance, and when he found someone coming, he ran away."

"However, during the escape process, someone chased after him anxiously, tore off his hat, and saw his face."

Bethel Pat happily said, "Have you confirmed your identity?"

"Confirmed." Carlo nodded and said, "It's Liu Zhengjun."

At the same time, Song He, who turned into the house from the balcony, took off his disguise. Just as he sat down firmly, Lena's report came from the walkie-talkie: "Mr. Sun, I have notified Carlo as you requested."

"That's enough." Song He smiled and said, "By the way, you have to be careful recently. Bethel Pat and Carlo have started to track you down according to the plan. Find a place to hide where no one can find you. Hide."

"Okay, Mr. Sun." Lena asked after a moment of hesitation after speaking: "Mr. Sun, how are you sure that the people surrounding you will regard you as Liu Zhengjun?"

Song He wiped off the cosmetics on his face, smiled and said: "In four days, everyone has interacted with others, and there are no fools on the ship, so they will naturally recognize them."

"Besides, the person who chased me was specially selected by me. He was a person who had a lot of intersections with Liu Zhengjun. In addition, I always imitated Liu Zhengjun's accent to greet him when I was taken off my hat, so he will help me. Finish the follow-up work."

(End of this chapter)

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