While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 922 The Eve of the Storm

Chapter 922 The Eve of the Storm
As time went by, the fifth day after the cruise ship sailed came on time.

However, what worries Cliff is that although the siege operation triggered by the induction last night confirmed the identity of a saboteur, it failed to curb the momentum of the blind spot in surveillance.

And after the four of them had a delicious breakfast that didn't make them happy, the mysterious person who had contacted Carlo many times sent a message when they agreed on a new day's action.

"Mr. Carlo, how was your day last night?" Although the distorted and weird male voice sounded awkward on the phone, the words were clearly pronounced, allowing the three of Cliff to hear them clearly.

"It's okay." Carlo looked at the hands-free mobile phone he put on the table, his face darkened and he was very upset, but his tone seemed relaxed and indifferent: "You know, the service on the ship is very good, and the guest rooms are also very good. comfortable."

"Of course, I'd sleep better without the rats scurrying around and chewing on the wires of the equipment."

"I'm sorry that our activities have disturbed you." The distorted and strange male voice said casually without any apology, and then smiled and said: "I heard that Liu Zhengjun's behavior of sabotaging surveillance last night was discovered by you?"

Carlo, who was on guard, glanced at the faces of Cliff and the others, and smiled without hesitation: "I don't want to spend my rest time doing these meaningless things. Why? I feel that you are very nervous about this matter .”

Facing Carlo's temptation, the weird male voice admitted generously: "Yes, after all, he is our member, and you can find us by following him, so naturally you have to be nervous."

The frank and unhesitating admission made Cliff and others suddenly suspicious, but before they could think about the truth or falsehood of this sentence, the strange male voice spoke again: "But it is not for the purpose of contacting Mr. Carlo today. this matter."

Carlo heard the words and put aside distracting thoughts, frowned and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"Some very interesting things." The weird male voice had a cheerful tone, and he seemed in a good mood: "From now on, we will not send anyone to intentionally destroy the monitoring equipment."

"The main reason for this is that not only Mr. Carlo and your three companions are investigating us, but other people involved in the auction are also trying their best to track us down."

"Given your efforts, we decided to put all our energy into hiding ourselves. So, if you want to get the coins in our hands, you have to work harder."

The content contained in the cheerful tone made the four of Cliff change their expressions. While looking at each other, the strange male voice continued: "Also, I want to remind you."

"While hunting us, don't forget that you are also prey in the eyes of others. If you lose your vigilance because you pay too much attention to us, you may fall into the trap of others."

"After all, each of us needs coins, and people like you who are swaggering around with coins in their pockets are perfect targets."

Carlo's expression changed again, but he said in disdain: "Instead of worrying about us, it's better to be careful about yourself. Compared with others, you are the biggest piece of fat."

"Thank you Mr. Carlo for your advice, we will try our best to hide it." The weird male voice laughed, and suddenly said mysteriously: "The last thing is my personal advice."

"The library's monitoring is indeed still sound, but the corridor outside the library door is already a monitoring blind spot!"

"So, take care, everyone! Hahaha..."

Amid wild laughter, the communication was hung up by the other party, but the complexions of the four of Cliff became uglier and uglier.

"I'll go check it out!" Carlo left a word, then got up and walked out of the library door.

"Carlo!" Bethel Pat stood up helplessly, took out his phone and turned on the camera function, and followed, obviously worried that Carlo would be attacked.

And the moment Carlo and Bethel Pat walked out of the library gate, Natalia, who was frowning in thought, suddenly reached out and grabbed the cell phone that Carlo had left on the table!

Suddenly a powerful hand grabbed Natalia's white wrist, but it was Cliff with a stern face!
The beautiful Natalia turned her head slightly to look at Cliff, and there was a hint of questioning in her innocent and pure eyes.

Cliff pointed at the phone and shook his head slowly. He gently but firmly put Natalia's hand back on the armrest of the chair, then withdrew his hand and continued to think about the meaning of the strange male voice's words.

Seeing this, Natalia shrugged her snow-like shoulders slightly, and continued to frown and meditate while resting her cheek on one palm.

A moment later, the gloomy Carlo and the frowning Bethel Pat returned to the library.

"He's right!" Carlo quickly and covertly glanced at the cell phone he left on the table. After sitting down, he gritted his teeth and said, "The means of destruction are exactly the same as those of the person who took action on the first day. It was this guy who did it!"

"And I'm sure, he has definitely sold this information to others!"

Bethel Pat, who was still frowning after taking his seat, let out a deep breath, said nothing, but shifted his gaze to Cliff.

"In this case..." Cliff thought: "Either the four of us don't separate, or everyone hides the coins in a place that only they know."

"I personally prefer the latter, because we have no way to determine which locations in other public areas other than the library have become surveillance blind spots that we don't know."

Carlo, who quickly calmed down, nodded, reached out to pick up his mobile phone on the table and put it away, and said nonchalantly: "There is one more thing I haven't had time to say, but it's not too late to say it now."

"After I learned yesterday that Ryu Jung-jun was surrounded by people, I went to investigate the surveillance equipment that he destroyed, and found that the destruction method was almost exactly the same as that of the person who took action on the first day."

"Almost?" Natalia looked at Cliff, then at Carlo, and asked curiously, "Do you mean they were done by the same group?"

"Not sure." Carlo shook his head and sighed, "I can't find any traces of deliberate camouflage, but I also can't find any traces of deliberate imitation."

Carlo's seemingly vague answer clearly explained his struggle on this issue and caused everyone to fall into silence.

"If I remember correctly, Liu Zhengjun only received three coins last time." Cliff suddenly asked, "What kind of person is he?"

After hearing Cliff's question, neither Bethel Pat nor Natalia spoke, because they knew that although Cliff didn't call the name, the question was for Carlo.

Sure enough, Carlo also knew that only he could answer this question. After thinking about it, he said, "You all know that I will conduct a survey on all boarders."

"The more experienced players are among them, the longer I have been investigating. I have been following you for two years on and off, and Liu Zhengjun boarded the ship for the first time last year, so naturally I will start investigating after he got off the ship last time."

"This person was originally a student in medical school, but he was expelled for repeatedly misappropriating other people's papers and research results. As a result, he did not have a license to practice medicine and could not practice medicine."

"However, he is still a smart person after all, relying on his college background to start pharmaceutical sales. With his professional knowledge and his style of doing things in order to achieve the goal, he became a salesman of a pharmaceutical company in a short period of time. pillar of the Ministry."

"Later, he got carried away with his complacency. Because of a negligence, the scandal between him and his female subordinate was exposed. Although it took a lot of effort and a lot of money to settle the matter, he lost his job because of it."

"But who knew that this guy stole a lot of the original company's confidential research project materials during his work. With these things, he directly defected to the original company's hostile company and even became an executive."

Carlo paused here and looked at Cliff, who had the ugliest expression among the three.

"Cliff, there are such things as stains in every industry, including in the medical field, and in the legal field." Bethel Pat waved his hand, as if to repel flies: "This is a greedy and shameless person who is engraved in his bones." Villain, of course, plus meanness and cunning."

"But rather than who he is, I want to know what he's doing now."

Carlo shook his head and said, "He went out today pretending that nothing happened, and it seems that he will keep pretending."

This answer left the three Cliffs quite speechless, and they all felt that they didn't know how to start.

"What about the other three suspicious women?" Bethel Pat frowned and changed the subject.

"Checking." Carlo said, suddenly took out his phone and shook it, and smiled wryly: "But even if we found it, with the call just now, do you think we still have a chance to get coins from them?"

For a while, Cliff was silent, Bethel Pat shook his head in silence, Natalia frowned, and no one spoke for a while.

After a while, Bethel Pat suddenly said with a bit of sigh: "Thinking about it now, the moment we walked into the concert hall to participate in the auction, we fell into their trap."

The three Cliffs looked at Bethel Pat, only to see him minding his own business and saying: "The 25 coins attracted the attention of everyone present, and we were never able to escape from the impact at that time. "

"Later, when we investigated them and traced their identities, we were led by the nose with the 25 coins invisible, causing us to ignore those who held one or two coins in their hands."

"Do you know? These people are the existences that we can easily deal with, but we voluntarily gave up the coins in their hands within these two days. Is there anything more ironic than this?"

Those words stunned everyone, even Cliff was stunned for a moment.

"Not only that, they have also completed their plans and arrangements." After more than ten seconds of silence, Cliff said: "They are pulling everyone to their preset stage step by step."

"What do you mean?" Bethel Pat asked in confusion: "Please explain it clearly."

"Now I have four coins in my hand, and each of you will definitely not have less than three coins." Cliff said slowly: "Adding the 25 coins in their hands, just the two of us have created 35 coins." A person who desperately needs coins to turn over."

"If you count other people holding two or more coins, half of the people on this ship have already lost their coins. And this half of the people, everyone is very eager, but their chances are slim."

"And in this case, the monitoring equipment has been destroyed, and a monitoring blind spot has appeared that would not be discovered even if it was robbed by hand. What do you think these people will do?"

None of Bethel Pat and the others spoke, but everyone knew what the answer was.

Cliff sighed when he saw this, and continued: "They have already anticipated this situation and will definitely prepare in advance, but what about us who have been chasing after them?"

"Are you trying to say that we also have to use violence to snatch other people's coins?" Bethel Pat said slowly and noncommittally: "But have you ever thought about it, maybe this is what they want to see."

"Think about it, all the invitees are reduced to brainless people who use violence to solve problems, not to mention how chaotic it will be, this will be a shame to every one of us on board."

Carlo and Natalia couldn't help being silent when they heard the words, and looked at Cliff in unison.

"I know." Cliff calmly waved his hand and said, "They are trying to force everyone into mindless people who only know how to use violence to solve problems. They must have their purpose."

"But in any case, the purpose ultimately falls on the coins in our hands. So what I want to know is, when the people on the cruise ship become violent, how can they take the coins from our hands .”

Bethel Pat pondered for a moment and said, "Cliff, do you know what you're doing?"

"I know." Cliff nodded heavily: "Since the other party wants us to use our fists to solve the problem, then I will gather a fist that is strong enough to smash all his plans."

"Cliff, you are an accomplice in pushing everyone into chaos!" Bethel Pat shook his head firmly and said: "I'm sorry, I can't approve your approach, I quit."

Cliff looked at Bethel Pat with burning eyes, and said slowly: "If you quit now, you will be regarded as a prey by everyone including me. You know what the final result will be."

"This is the difference between us, Cliff." Bethel Pat stood up, straightened his clothes calmly and said, "No matter what you think of me, I will continue to track down the other party's identity."

"Abandoning wisdom and becoming a beast who only knows how to swing his fists, for a gentleman, is a complete degradation from spirit to body."

After finishing speaking, Bethel Pat raised his head slightly, walked out of the library with a hint of arrogance.

When Bethel Pat disappeared, Cliff let out a long breath and sighed in a low voice: "I'm very glad that he will never let go of his extremely pedantic gentleman style, otherwise, he will be a very annoying person." dreaded opponent."

Carlo and Natalia stared at the direction Bethel Pat was leaving with complicated eyes, and nodded slightly at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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