While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 960 The Beginning of the Journey

Chapter 960 The Beginning of the Journey

Song He was alone when he arrived in Moon City, but when he left Moon City, a large group of people sent him to the station.

Compared with the difference in the number of pick-up and drop-off people, the change in Song He's mentality was greater than he expected, which made him look extraordinarily radiant.

"Although I was disgusted at the beginning, the ending is pretty good." Song He came to Wu Xuerui brazenly, opened his arms and hugged the stunned and blushing policewoman into his arms.

"You...you get the hell out of here!" Wu Xuerui, whose skin became thinner after marriage, was full of embarrassment, and the pedestrians coming and going on the station square and their eyes made her even more embarrassed: "This is the station... There are people all around!"

"It's not illegal for me to hug my wife." Song He smiled lazily, enduring the dull pain caused by being pinched between his waist and ribs, and while letting go of his arms, he gently smirked in Wu Xuerui's ear: "Save up your annual leave .”

"Get lost!" Wu Xuerui, who was blushing, hurriedly took two steps back, pointing in the direction of the station and scolded coquettishly, "If you dare to be presumptuous again, I will break your dog legs!"


"Officer Wu is mighty!"

"Sister Xuerui, come on! I'll buy you a dog-beating stick!"

The moment the two separated, Wu Xuerui yelled several times not far behind, making her cheeks even more rosy.

"Let's go! It's important to protect your legs!" Song He laughed when he saw this, and walked into the station blithely.

After more than 20 days, Song Hefei, who finally completed the task assigned by Shen Jianghe, returned to the Qindu Police Station, respectfully handed over the report he had written to Shen Jianghe, and resolutely applied for leave.

"Hmm..." Shen Jianghe, who was looking at the report wearing glasses, raised his eyebrows slightly, his sharp eyes fell on Song He over the top of the frame, and nodded slowly: "The work is still meticulous, so let's rest."

"Master is wise!" Song He cheered excitedly: "Thank you, old man, for giving me a month's vacation!"

"Made! Where's your face, bastard!" Shen Jianghe scolded angrily, "Up to two weeks, is there more! Get lost!"

"Come on!" Song He chuckled, and exited the office with a smile full of success.

And not long after Song He left Qindu Police Station, Shen Jianghe's cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Lu Jing?" Glancing at the caller's information, Shen Jianghe answered in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Shen, I have a discovery here, and I think it is necessary to tell you about it." Lu Jing's voice came from the mobile phone, and there was a hint of solemnity in his words.

"Big thing?" Sensing that the purpose of Lu Jing's call this time was not simple, Shen Jianghe put down the report in his hand, took off his glasses and said in a deep voice: "Be clear."

"Mr. Shen, it's like this." Lu Jing said after deliberation: "Some time ago, we accidentally discovered that there was a small criminal gang engaged in fraudulent activities."

"Later, after an in-depth investigation, it was discovered that they were very cautious, there was very little evidence left, and few victims reported the crime, so we prepared for a long-term investigation."

"But five days ago, they suddenly made a low-level mistake in a fraudulent activity, which exposed their criminal activities to us."

"And after taking the opportunity to arrest them, we found something unusual, because according to my observation of the members of this criminal gang, I feel that they do not have the ability to complete the previous sophisticated criminal activities."

Speaking of this, Shen Jianghe already understood what Lu Jing wanted to express, and pondered: "You mean, behind them, there are more cunning criminals."

"That's right." Lu Jing continued: "Later, I tried to find out who was behind them, but their chief culprit firmly claimed that there was no such person."

"And what concerns me is that after investigation, it was found that there is indeed no trace of such a person."

"Well, I understand." Shen Jianghe nodded and said, "Let's talk about the result directly."

"Yes, Mr. Shen." Lu Jing said directly: "Yesterday, I managed to pry open the mouth of a confidant of the gang leader, and got a piece of information from him."

"This person said that their boss once inadvertently mentioned a person named Rocky, and he was very awed by this Rocky."

"It's a pity that the leader of the criminal gang at that time quickly covered up this person, and then never mentioned this person named Rocky again."

"Rocky..." Shen Jianghe pondered for a moment, and asked back: "You called me on purpose, and you didn't just talk about some rumors. Tell me, do you have any other information?"

"Actually, it's rumored news." Lu Jing hesitated for two seconds, and then said: "When I was chatting with Xing An, he said that he once arrested someone."

"And the man he caught claimed that all his criminal activities were done under the direction of a man named Rocky."

"However, to Xing An's surprise, this person retorted in a short time, saying that Loki and related information were all excuses he made up to try to get rid of the crime."

After saying that, Lu Jing stopped talking and quietly waited for Shen Jianghe's response.

But Shen Jianghe fell silent, frowning and thinking about something.

After a moment, Shen Jianghe coughed slightly, breaking the somewhat oppressive silence in the office, and asked, "Do you want to investigate further?"

"Yes, Mr. Shen." Lu Jing said frankly: "This name appeared twice, and it was still the role of the main messenger behind it, so I think he is likely to control more criminal gangs."

"Xing An..." Shen Jianghe was thinking, his eyes involuntarily fell on the report on the table that was so detailed that he had only seen it in his life, and he opened his mouth to say something as soon as his eyes lit up.

But before the words came out, he recalled how Song He fled quickly after asking for leave, shook his head and sighed, and said instead: "You can contact Xing An, and then let's talk about this matter together."

"Remember, this matter is only known to us, don't discuss it with the fourth person. Also, send me a copy of the case information in your hand and the information in Xing An's hand."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I'll take care of it now." Lu Jing responded respectfully, and then hung up the phone.

And in the quiet office, Shen Jianghe picked up the half report again, flipped through two pages and sneered: "It's really lucky, if you walk two minutes late, this job will fall to you again, you bastard. .”


Over there, Shen Jianghe was talking about Song He, and Song He, who was at the airport, sneezed for no reason, then rubbed his nose and said with a shameless laugh: "It seems that Xiaoxue misses me, so I have to go home quickly!"

With a burning heart, Song He decisively bought a ticket for the nearest flight, and then sat in the rest area near the boarding gate, waiting for the moment when the boarding gate opened.

Two hours later, Song He rushed home in a hurry, and saw Wu Xuerui, who had just returned home from annual leave. He laughed strangely, picked up the policewoman who had not yet changed out of her police uniform, and rushed into the bedroom with a roar.

"Song He! You...you have nothing else to do when you get home!"

"That's right! I'm going to wash my hands first!"

"Wait! Today...is not safe!"

"Understood! Don't worry, my wife!"


At dusk, Wu Xuerui lay lazily on the sofa leaning against Song He, and chatted casually with him, with a very pleasant smile on her face.

But Song He, who was put most of his weight on his arms by Wu Xuerui, didn't show any impatience. He chatted with his beloved wife with a smile and said a few nasty words from time to time, which made Wu Xuerui very embarrassed and pinched him from time to time. one time.

"I've taken annual leave. Tell me, what's the arrangement?" Wu Xuerui twisted and lay down, resting her head on Song He's lap leisurely, staring at Song He's eyes full of curiosity.

"How about going to Zang Province?" Song He looked down at Wu Xuerui, who was crossing her legs, and suggested softly: "Now this month, the scenery there is good, the weather is also suitable, and our annual leave is also long, so it's a good time to go and have a look. "

"Then you make the arrangements." Wu Xuerui, who cared more about Song He than the journey, said it was okay, with a bright smile on his face.

But before she could ask the next sentence, Song He suddenly bent down with a smirk!

"Oh! You... um..." Wu Xuerui hurriedly protested, but Song He still silenced her, and only uttered two muffled moans of unknown meaning.


In the early morning of the next day, Song He and Wu Xuerui, who were dressed as couples in casual attire, arrived at the train station early, preparing to go to the first stop of this trip, Xicheng, Jing Province.

"Xi City's altitude is not low, but it's not as high as La City in Zang Province, which is just right for us." Song He thoughtfully handed the brewed broken wall drink to Wu Xuerui: "Drinking this will help you adapt faster .”

"It seems that I have done enough preparations." Wu Xuerui took it with a smile, tilted her head and asked with a smile after drinking a few sips: "Guide Song, is there anything else you should pay attention to during this trip?"

"It really is." Song He's expression became a little serious: "Whether it is Xicheng or Lacheng, it is a multi-ethnic area. So no matter what unsightly things happen, just ignore them if you can."

"Will something happen that I can't see?" Wu Xuerui noticed the key words in Song He's words: "For example?"

"I can't compare it now." Song He said with a smile: "I only know that there will be problems of different beliefs when living in a multi-ethnic group, and there will be ideological conflicts with different beliefs. However, the distance between ideological conflicts and behavioral conflicts is probably only It's just a look away."

"Now is the peak tourist season in Lacheng, Zang Province. People from all over the country travel there. And when there are more people, there will be more things to do, so you understand."

"That's it..." Wu Xuerui frowned and thought for a while, then smiled and patted Song He on the shoulder: "Let's leave these troublesome things to you, I'm going to be a fool."

"Then don't be so stupid as to get lost." Song He laughed and teased, "It's hard to find such a good husband once lost!"

While joking, the bullet train pulled into the station, and the two boarded the train together, embarking on the journey full of expectations.

More than nine hours later, at dusk, the hungry Song He and Wu Xuerui walked out of the Xicheng Railway Station in the afterglow of the setting sun, dragged their suitcases and stopped the car, and went straight to the special restaurant that Song He had already inquired about.

"Huh." After drinking and eating, Wu Xuerui sat on the chair with her hips akimbo in satisfaction, but seeing Song He who had finished eating and drinking, he was gnawing his teeth with a tangled expression, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"Do you still remember what I told you before I came here?" Song He asked while shaking his head helplessly.

"Which sentence?" Wu Xuerui blinked her eyes, and asked if she had realized something: "Ignore things that can be ignored?"

"Yes." Song He curled his lips and pointed to the direction of the bus station outside the window, and asked dejectedly, "Can I leave it alone?"

Puzzled, Wu Xuerui looked along Song He's fingers, but saw many people standing on the bus platform across the road, all of whom seemed to be waiting for the bus.

However, Wu Xuerui, who has been a police officer for many years, soon discovered that one of the thin men had a wandering gaze, always looking back and forth on the backpacks of several out-of-town tourists!
"Of course!" Wu Xuerui raised her eyebrows and immediately stood up, turned around and walked out of the hotel.

Song He, who had known it would unfold like this earlier, shook his head and smiled wryly, and hurriedly checked out and dragged his suitcase to follow.

Wu Xuerui, who walked out of the hotel first, glanced at Song He who was following closely behind her, and made a look with the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

Song He immediately understood and followed Wu Xuerui across the street. When he walked onto the platform, he took out his wallet and checked the banknotes in it, as if looking for change for the bus.

This action immediately caught the eyes of the thin man, and he glanced at Song He's wallet indiscriminately, and saw that there were a lot of red banknotes in it, and he couldn't move his eyes away from his heart.

Song Hezi, who was observing the thin man, would not let go of all the subtle movements and eyes of the other person, so he naturally knew that the other person was eyeing him.

So after taking out the change, he put the wallet in the back pocket of his trousers, and stood there waiting for the bus to come in.

Seeing this, the thin man was even more pleased. After all, the pockets on the back of his trousers were notoriously incapable of storing wallets, so it was very convenient for him to do it himself.

After a while, the bus pulled into the station, and the people waiting for the bus swarmed towards the open door.

Song He, who was determined to lure the pickpocket, was no exception. He pulled the suitcase and squeezed forward.

Seeing this, the thin man knew that the opportunity was coming, he stared at Song He's wallet pocket and followed.

After a while, most of the people on the platform got on the train.

And when Song He and Wu Xuerui were about to board the car, the thin man suddenly leaned forward to Song He, and at the same time secretly stretched out a hand, squeezed and twitched, and in the blink of an eye, he pulled Song He's wallet, who was about to lift his legs to get on the car. out!
The thin man who got the wallet turned around with a flat face and was about to retreat, but at this moment, he suddenly found that his wrist, which had not been retracted, was tightened suddenly, and it was actually being grabbed by someone!
"Take it and run? It's inappropriate." Song He snorted while clutching the thin man's wrist, and retreated to the platform under the horrified eyes of the bus driver and some passengers. With a twist of his hands, he was about to drag the thin man to his side !

"Henima!" The skinny man refused to admit his fate, and shouted while struggling, "Let go! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

"I don't believe it." Song He chuckled and suddenly retracted his iron-like palms, and immediately dragged the thin man back to his feet!

Immediately afterwards, he flipped his right hand and pushed his left hand sharply, and cut the thin man's arm back in an instant!

"Oops!" The thin man cried out in pain, squatting on the ground uncontrollably, but when he was powerless to resist, he still shouted viciously: "Do you know who I am! You are dead!"

Wu Xuerui, who was in charge of recording the evidence, frowned at the arrogance of the skinny man, and was about to say something when the skinny man yelled loudly!
"My eldest brother is Ma Zhuangjie! Let me go! Otherwise I will kill you in minutes!"

(End of this chapter)

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