Chapter 961
Ma Zhuangjie?
Song He, who was still holding the thin man tightly, immediately turned on the murderer system, and soon found Ma Zhuangjie, nicknamed "Ma Wang Ye" from the task list.

After clicking on the detailed information and counting more than a dozen cases on him, Song He discovered that these cases actually covered many crimes such as theft, robbery, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, extortion and so on!
"Damn! If there are a few more serious crimes, it will be a walking humanoid criminal encyclopedia..."

Song He, who secretly complained in his heart, curled his lips, and looked at Wu Xuerui, who was holding up the cell phone of the sneak shot.

"Who is Ma Zhuangjie?" Wu Xuerui pointed the phone camera at the thin man with a frosty face.

Seeing this, the thin man who was squatting and unable to move turned his head and cursed at Wu Xuerui: "Slap you...uh..."

However, as soon as he cursed two words, a palm containing huge power clamped the back of his neck like an eagle's claw!

While bringing him endless pain, it also blocked all the dirty words in his throat!
"Please pay attention to your wording."

Song He, with cold eyes and gloomy expression, said without any emotion, and the five fingers of his left hand, which were already as steel as steel, continued to tighten under the sudden rising anger in his heart!


And as Song He increased the strength of his palms, the thin man only felt a loud buzzing in his head, and the unbearable pain on both sides of his neck instantly hit his whole body!
Under this kind of pain that he had never experienced before, the thin man lost control of his body in an instant, sobbing in his mouth, his whole body was sore and limp, and he was about to collapse to the ground as soon as he rolled his eyes!

But Song He, who was standing straight, clamped his neck firmly, not giving him a chance to get out of his palm!
Wu Xuerui, who was at the side, was startled when she saw this, and felt that the thin man at this time was like a half-dead antelope whose neck was bitten by a lion, and it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to struggle on the verge of death!
"Song He!" Wu Xuerui, who hastily turned off the camera function of her phone, screamed, and at the same time reached out to grab Song He's wrist!
"Don't worry, I won't die." Song He let go of his palms with a soft snort, allowing the thin, unconscious man to fall to the ground with a plop, and then clapped his hands, as if brushing away the dust that had inadvertently stained his hands: "I will record it on the head of the Xicheng police."

"You... don't need it." Wu Xuerui's heart warmed, and she quickly approached Song He, glanced around to see the passers-by, and at the same time held his arm to comfort him, saying: "It's just a thief who speaks out loud."

"So for him, the tongue is a superfluous thing." After uttering a sentence coldly, Song He let out a long breath, feeling the turbidity in his heart gradually dissipating.

"Call the police." Wu Xuerui gave Song He a push, then took out her phone and muttered, "It seems necessary to delete the next few seconds."

"It's better for us to delete it." Song He took out his mobile phone and called the police with a gesture that he was too familiar with: "Hello, I will call the police..."

Ten minutes later, a police car stopped near the bus stop that Song He had mentioned in his call to the police, and then two police officers got out of the car.

"Spread out, don't surround yourself." The two police officers said loudly with calm expressions, passing through the crowd surrounded by the roadside, and looked up at the place where everyone was watching.

I saw Wu Xuerui, who was pretty and exquisite, standing straight and looking around in the open space of two meters square in the middle of the crowd. While maintaining order, she stared at the thin man squatting at her feet.

However, although the thin man regained his sobriety at this time, his face was ashen and fearful. Not only did he no longer have the arrogance just now, but he also appeared very obedient.

And the reason why he did this, on the one hand, was because of Song He's thunderous method, and on the other hand, it was because Song He's right hand was cutting his arm backwards, and at the same time, the left hand that had caused him extreme pain was still firmly placed on it. On the back of his neck!
"Hello." Wu Xuerui saw two police officers arrive at the scene, stepped forward to pay a police salute, and handed over her and Song He's police IDs.

The two police officers froze for a moment, and their expressions became more serious in an instant. After returning a police salute, they took the police card and opened it.

I rely on!

Two...Second Inspector!

In an instant, a police officer couldn't help but exclaimed in low voice after seeing clearly the two bars and two stars on Wu Xuerui's ID photo, and the look in his eyes towards Wu Xuerui had changed.

After all, judging from the age of Song He and Wu Xuerui, this police rank is really scary!
At the same time, while the two police officers were annoyed at the emaciated man's behavior of provoking the Buddha, they also inevitably felt some sympathy for him.

"Officer Wu has worked hard." The lead police officer returned the police card to Wu Xuerui and saluted a standard police salute again, then took out the registration book and asked with implicit respect: "This...for the convenience of talking about things passed?"

"Okay." Wu Xuerui called up the video on her phone, played it to the two police officers and said, "It's like this..."

While Wu Xuerui was communicating with the two police officers, Song He watched with a smile while holding the back of the thin man's neck and said with a smile: "Come on, call me again that your eldest brother is Ma Zhuangjie, and he wants to kill me." .”

The thin man felt a cold air rush directly from the back of his head throughout his body, making him shiver involuntarily.

"Huh? Can't tell?" Song He looked at the thin man who was timid and even trembling, and said calmly: "Actually, if you don't shout that sentence, at most you will be sent to the detention center for a while time."

"But you just want to shout, so I can't do without putting Ma Zhuangjie behind the iron fence. What do you think you have a grudge against him? Why do you want to trick him like this?"

"Okay now, when he is put in the same compartment as you, he will inevitably ask you why you are like this. When the time comes, you have to explain it well and don't let him misunderstand you. "

"I..." The thin man was confused when he heard this. He raised his head and wanted to say something but didn't know how to speak. He could only look at Song He hesitantly and couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"You're welcome, you deserve it." Song He patted the skinny man on the back of his neck with a smile, then ignored him and continued to look at Wu Xuerui who was communicating with the police.

At this time, Wu Xuerui had already told the two police officers what happened.And after the two of them heard that the thin man had called Ma Zhuangjie his elder brother, their expressions turned a little weird.

"Do you know this Ma Zhuangjie?" Wu Xuerui's mind was sharp, and she immediately noticed the strangeness, and asked with a serious expression: "Is this person famous?"

Seeing this situation, the two police officers looked away, and after looking at each other, one police officer evaded the seriousness and said: "Officer Wu, we have already understood what happened."

"Leave the rest to us. Just continue traveling with your lover."

"That's so embarrassing." Before Wu Xuerui could speak, Song He spoke first, and let go of the two palms controlling the thin man, walked up to the two police officers and whispered:

"Recording statements is a very necessary and important police job. We can't speak casually just because of our special identities..."

Seeing this, the two police officers couldn't help but looked at each other, and were about to reply politely, when they saw the thin man who had been squatting on the ground suddenly stand up, and ran towards the direction where the crowd was sparse.

"Oops! He actually ran away."

Song He exclaimed with a surprised expression, then looked at the two police officers who were in disbelief, and asked curiously: "Aren't you going to arrest him?"


"Don't run!"

The two police officers woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and immediately shouted and chased after the emaciated man who was running wildly!

"What do you want to do?" Wu Xuerui looked at the passers-by looking at the direction where the three were chasing and fleeing, approaching Song He and asked in a low voice, "Why let him go on purpose?"

"I want to see if these two police officers will let him go on purpose like me." Song He shrugged and replied softly, and then looked at the three figures who fled and chased from a distance with a calm expression. .

"I don't know who said to ignore things that can be ignored." Wu Xuerui rolled Song He's eyes, and looked at the distance seriously like Song He.

"Since I have encountered such an unavoidable thing, I have no choice but to treat it as part of the trip." Song He said indifferently: "If the Xicheng police can't satisfy me, I don't mind doing something."

"Speak as if you're calm now." Wu Xuerui raised her nose slightly and made a grimace, and was about to say something more, when she saw the thin man throwing the two police officers farther and farther away, her pretty face turned cold: "I Change your mind, don't be soft!"

"Well, they deserve it." Song He responded with a smile, and while he was thinking about how to torment the Xicheng police, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:
"Liuyun, it's time to go to work..."

A few minutes later, after Song He hung up the call with Liu Yun, the two police officers who had finished their pursuit returned to him and Wu Xuerui.

However, to their surprise, the emaciated man was brought back by two police officers, but the person who caught him was not the two police officers who had Xiao Jiujiu hidden in their hearts, but a few passers-by who did their best.

"I'm really sorry, because my negligence made you so hard." Song He smiled meaningfully, and before the two police officers were polite, he asked: "By the way, I'm asking someone, Lu Rong, do you know?"

The two police officers were stunned when they heard this, but they didn't know what Song He's intention was. After looking at each other, one police officer considered and said: "You are talking about..."

"Oh, let me think about it..." Song He recalled: "I remember he told me that he would be transferred to Xicheng to take charge of criminal investigation work, when will it be..."

The police officer was shocked when he heard this, his heart pounded and he confirmed: "Are you talking about Captain Lu Rong of the Criminal Police Team?"

"Huh? Has he already been on duty?" Song He said with surprise: "He really came! You said that he has been promoted to the captain of the criminal police of Xicheng Police Station, right?"

"Uh... yes." The policeman's back slumped a little: "I just took office a month ago."

"That's great!" Song He pretended to be very familiar and said casually: "Zhengchou can't find him, he keeps talking about getting together, but there is no chance, this time we have to have a good drink with him! "

"Officer Song and Captain Lu know each other?" The policeman rolled his Adam's apple and asked curiously.

"Yes, he still owes me a big favor." Song He waved his hands indifferently, glanced at the thin man under the escort of the two police officers as if unintentionally, and grinned coldly: "I have to talk to him. Tell me what happened today."

After hearing this, the two police officers felt a chill on their backs and the hair on their backs stood on end. At the same time, they were extremely happy that the emaciated man was delivered to them by the brave passers-by. Naturally, they forgot that they had criticized the people who caught the emaciated man for meddling in their own business.

Not long after, the two police officers who learned that Song He and Lu Rong were acquainted enthusiastically brought Song He and Wu Xuerui back to the police station. say goodbye to both

"What are you looking for with Lu Rong?" Wu Xuerui was surprised by Song He's familiarity with the personnel of the Xicheng Police Station, and said in puzzlement, "You don't know Lu Rong at all, and it's even less likely that he owes you favors."

"How could I possibly know him?" Song He spread his hands, snorted and said with a smile: "However, if you don't know him, you can know him, and if you know him, you can know him again."

"Besides, although he doesn't owe me any favor now, I believe that he will be very happy to owe me a big favor."

The thoughtful Wu Xuerui immediately understood Song He's plan, and while shaking her head and laughing, she teased, "You deserve to be a chicken thief."

"I'll just be my wife, why are you praising me?" Song He smiled triumphantly: "I don't want our vacation to be completely ruined, so let's try to achieve this Lu Rong."

While talking, the two had already arrived outside Lu Rong's office. Song He restrained his voice and knocked on the door lightly. Not long after, he heard a loud and generous male voice: "Come in."

Song He didn't hesitate, and pushed the door together with Wu Xuerui, and then saw Lu Rong sitting behind the desk full of doubts.

"Hello, Team Lu." Before Lu Rong could ask, Song He, who closed the door casually, introduced himself first with a smile: "I am Song He from Ling Province Case Center, and this is my lover Wu Xuerui, who is also here. case center work."

"Song He?" Lu Rong's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and at the same time his brows were raised slightly, all the doubts in his eyes turned into surprise: "Old Shen's... apprentice?"

"Team Lu is very well informed." Song He keenly noticed that the word "successor" actually flashed in Lu Rong's mind, so he walked to Lu Rong's desk with a warm smile and held out his hand.

"Oh, hello." Lu Rong stood up politely while pondering Song He's purpose, reached out to shake hands with Song He and said, "Why did Police Officer Song come to Xicheng?"

"Actually, it's just a trip." Song He said unabashedly: "However, just after getting out of the car, it was stolen by a servant. You said how lucky we are."

"Thief?" Lu Rong nodded thoughtfully, followed Song He's words and asked, "Did you get caught?"

"I caught it, I caught it myself," Song He said, taking out his mobile phone, finding the video Wu Xuerui sent him, playing it to Lu Rong and saying:
"But after he was caught, he said a name that made us care more, Ma Zhuangjie."

Upon hearing the word "Ma Zhuangjie", Lu Rong's complexion changed, and his brows frowned uncontrollably.

"The Lu team knows?"

Lu Rong, who pondered Song He's Huatou carefully, vaguely understood Song He's intention, suppressed the involuntary excitement in his heart, and said tentatively with his usual expression:

"I heard that this person seems to have a lot of negative reviews."

(End of this chapter)

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