While the manhunt is in progress

Chapter 962 Destroying the Heart Defense

Chapter 962 Destroying the Heart Defense
"Isn't it normal for a thief to treat us as a big brother and come to threaten us?" Song Herao asked with interest, "However, is it convenient for Captain Lu to tell us what you know? "

"It's all just hearsay." Lu Rong smiled indifferently: "If Officer Song and Officer Wu are interested, I can pick up some and tell you about it."

"Then I will trouble Captain Lu." Song He nodded and smiled: "We are all ears."

All ears...

Ever since Song He and Wu Xuerui entered the office, Lu Rong, who had been trying to figure out their intention to come, his eyes lit up, and he was sure that Song He and Wu Xuerui intended to deal with Ma Zhuangjie.

It's just that they are inconvenient to act in person due to reasons such as their status and position, so they find themselves, a newcomer who is in urgent need of prestige and achievements, to cooperate with the criminal police captain.

Thinking of this, Lu Rong's heart couldn't help but warm up, he cleared his throat and said with a smile: "When I first arrived in Xicheng, I heard people talking about this Ma Zhuangjie."

"At that time, the person who mentioned him to me said that this Ma Zhuangjie was a rather troublesome character, so I remembered the name."

"Later, because I was new to the job and was not familiar with the work, I couldn't investigate this person in detail."

"But even so, I can still hear a lot of things about this person, both praise and belittling, and the former is much less than the latter."

As he spoke, Lu Rong paused for a moment, then looked at Song He with burning eyes.

"Really? This person is very interesting." Song He naturally understood what Lu Rong wanted to express, nodded and smiled: "It seems that I need to tell my master about this Ma Zhuangjie and let him The old man relieved his boredom."

Lu Rong, who seemed to be indifferent but was actually waiting for Song He's reply, was overjoyed when he heard the words. He felt confident and even straightened his back a little: "Officer Song, then I have to owe you a big favor."

"It's too polite for Captain Lu to say that. In fact, I only came here because I asked for help from Captain Lu." Song He saw that Lu Rong and himself had reached an agreement on their intentions, so he relaxed and smiled sincerely:

"To tell the truth, I'm not afraid of the Army laughing at me. Only if things go smoothly on your side can we both put aside our psychological burdens and relax for a vacation."

"So it's a win-win situation?" Lu Rong laughed and said, "Officer Song can rest assured, I'll arrange someone to take you around."

"You must know that Qinghai Lake and Chaka Salt Lake are both good places. If you don't have fun and stroll around, how can you be worthy of the hard-won vacation!"

"Then I'll thank Team Lu first." Song He saw that Lu Rong intended to show his warm hospitality, and after thanking him, he suggested: "Team Lu doesn't need to pay too much attention to us, just arrange some unusable people."

"Unusable manpower..." Lu Rong muttered silently, and suddenly understood what Song He meant, and said with a serious expression:
"Officer Song, thank you very much."

"It should." Song He smiled: "Then I'm here to wish Army Lu a successful start!"

Lu Rong laughed heartily when he heard the words, "Then I'll borrow a good word from Police Officer Song!"

The two reached a consensus smoothly, and then discussed the next actions.

And Lu Rong soon discovered that Song He provided him with a lot of information about Ma Zhuangjie, all of which were excellent excuses that he could use at this stage.

Therefore, Lu Rong, who was confident that by dealing with Ma Zhuangjie, the new official would be in full swing, while paying more and more attention to Song He, he was also determined to maintain the pie-in-the-sky relationship between himself and Song He. But a crucial connection.

An hour later, Song He originally handed over all the information about Ma Zhuangjie in the murder-hunting system to Lu Rong, and helped him complete the details of the relevant action plan, and then prepared to get up and leave.

And Song He and Lu Rong, who wanted to make everyone else think that they were familiar with each other, even though they didn't communicate in advance, they also had a very tacit understanding and gave each other a warm scene.

"Xiao Guo, please treat Officer Song and Officer Wu well for me."

At the gate of the police station, Lu Rong patted a young police officer on the shoulder with a smile on his face, and introduced to Song He and Wu Xuerui: "Song, this is our very capable police officer, Xiao Guo."

"If you have anything to say, you can tell him, and I promise to handle it properly for you."

"Old Lu, you are here again." Song He also put on a very familiar look and joked: "Although we are not smart, we are not road idiots, so we can't find the scenic spots you mentioned?"

"Warning! Don't be polite to me!" Lu Rong stared, but the expression on his face was very kind: "When you arrive in Xicheng, listen to my arrangement, save time and money if you can, and save you talking about me later Poor hospitality."

After talking and joking, Song and He bid farewell to Lu Rong, got into the car driven by Xiao Guo, and left Xicheng Police Station.

Since it was completely dark when they left the police station, Song He and Wu Xuerui went back to the hotel, and after making an appointment for departure the next day, they sent the very attentive Xiao Guo back home.

"When did you find out so much black information about Ma Zhuangjie?"

As soon as she entered the hotel room, Wu Xuerui asked in confusion. It was obvious that she had been holding this question in her heart for a long time.

"It's all found by Liu Yun." Song He took out the toiletries in the suitcase, and at the same time planted the source of the information in the murder-hunting system to Liu Yun who knew nothing about it.

"Liuyun is so powerful now!" Wu Xuerui had no doubts about him, and after exclaiming, she took the brushing cup from Song He: "Then Huang Jiefeng is even more powerful than a tiger?"

"Huang Jiefeng?" Song He suddenly thought of Huang Jiefeng, whose career had accelerated under Liu Yun's stern begging for his help, and couldn't help laughing: "Yeah, it looks like he's about to be promoted again."

"By the way, speaking of promotion..." Wu Xuerui said while walking towards the bathroom: "It seems that Mr. Qin is going to be promoted to the province."

"That's not good?" Song He responded with a smile, glanced at every corner of the guest room as if nothing had happened, and said with a relaxed tone: "In this way, Boss Qin will be promoted as he wished, and Lao Zhao will take over the work in Yucheng smoothly. , Double happiness is a good thing."

"They are promoted, how about you?" Wu Xuerui changed the subject and asked curiously while brushing her teeth: "When are you going to Qindu?"

"I don't know." Song Hewen paused for a moment, and then asked thoughtfully: "Is my master going to retire in a few years?"

"Three years." Wu Xuerui replied quickly, obviously she paid more attention to this matter than Song He: "By then, Mr. Shen will not be in charge of specific affairs, and he should be rehired by the Qindu Police Academy. teaching."

"Three years..." Song He muttered, rolled his eyes and suddenly smiled badly: "At that time, the little people we made will also be called Mom and Dad, right?"

"Bah!" Wu Xuerui was embarrassed when she heard the words, spit out the toothpaste in her mouth and scolded! "Out of shape! Get out!"

The next day, Song He and Wu Xuerui walked out of the hotel together after breakfast, and saw Xiao Guo had parked his car by the side of the road and was looking at the hotel gate with his head.

Seeing Song He and Wu Xuerui appear, Xiao Guo immediately stepped forward to greet them warmly, for fear of being reprimanded by Lu Rong for neglecting them.

"Officer Song, Officer Wu, did you rest well last night?" Xiao Guo asked with a smile on his face after starting the car.

"Very good." Song He nodded, and asked kindly, "Go to Qinghai Lake today?"

"Yes." Xiao Guo is obviously very familiar with the surrounding attractions, and he replied skillfully: "Today, let's go horseback riding and sandboarding by Qinghai Lake, watch the sunrise tomorrow morning, then go to Chaka Salt Lake, and come back tomorrow afternoon."

"Well, not bad, not bad, and the time is just right." Song He ran through the itinerary in his mind, compared it with Lu Rong's plan to establish his authority, nodded and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave it to you, Xiao Guo."

"Officer Song, don't worry, I've made arrangements." Xiao Guo smiled and drove Song He and Wu Xuerui away from the city.

When Song He and his wife were enjoying their vacation comfortably, Lu Rong, who was in his office, while enjoying the reverent eyes of his confidants and police officers, asked vigorously:
"Do you understand what I said?"


"Don't worry, Team Lu!"

"I remember it all!"

Seeing the response from the police officers, Lu Rong felt proud, and said solemnly and decisively: "Action!"


After the order was given, the police officers stood up and saluted one after another, and then exited the office one by one, picking their hands and preparing to leave.

Half an hour later, two police cars pulled up in the parking lot of a hotel.As soon as the police car was turned off, seven plainclothes police officers got out of the car and walked into the hotel lobby.

Immediately afterwards, after the leading plainclothes police officer communicated with the front desk of the hotel for 2 minutes, a customer service staff obediently led several police officers into the elevator.

Two minutes later, a group of people came to a high-end guest room on the eighth floor, and the police officer who led the team ignored the red do not disturb indicator light on the door frame, held the doorknob in the respectful eyes of the customer service staff, and looked away. The chin signaled the other person to open the door.

Seeing this, the customer service staff nodded repeatedly, quickly took out the universal room card and swiped it on the smart lock!


As soon as the notification sounded that the door lock was unlocked, the police officer in charge suddenly twisted the handle, and at the same time slammed the door open, leading a group of police officers into the guest room!
"Don't move!"

"do not move!"


Amidst the sudden shouts, the plainclothes police officers went straight to the bedroom, and the first time they entered the room, they pinned down a middle-aged man who was awakened but still dazed!
"Name!" The leading police officer ignored the naked and frightened woman next to the man as if he was ignoring the light outside the door. He stared and asked sternly: "Say! What's your name!"

The middle-aged man who was pinned down couldn't move at this moment, he could only force a name out of his throat: "Ma Zhuangjie..."

"Ma Zhuangjie, right?" The leading police officer snorted coldly, pointed at Ma Zhuangjie and the panicked woman and shouted: "Take them all away!"

Soon, Ma Zhuangjie, who was slightly sober, was escorted into a police car by the police officers, and until the police car drove into the police station, Ma Zhuangjie couldn't figure out what he was arrested for.


"Ma Zhuangjie."



"Do you know why they arrested you?"

In the interrogation room, the leading police officer followed Lu Rong's instructions and tried his best to shorten Ma Zhuangjie's thinking and reaction time. He just entered the police station and started the interrogation of Ma Zhuangjie.

"I don't know." Ma Zhuangjie, who was sitting in the interrogation chair, shook his head.

In his opinion, let alone not knowing the reason why he was arrested, even if he knew, it was the right choice to pretend to be stupid and delay the time or even let things go.

"Don't act for me!" The police officer leading the team stared at Ma Zhuangjie, pointed out his finger and nodded fiercely: "Just to remind you, two weeks ago, someone saw you stealing a piece of clothing from a shopping mall. "

"Tell you! Don't tell me you don't know. We have witnesses, physical evidence, and even surveillance video. The proof is the one you wore to the hotel. You can't deny it!"

"Clothes?" Ma Zhuangjie was stunned for a moment, and instantly remembered that he had indeed picked up a piece of cheap clothes from the mall.

After understanding the reason why he was arrested, Ma Zhuangjie felt unlucky but also heaved a sigh of relief.

It’s just a piece of clothing. If you admit it proactively and pay an increase in compensation, you should be able to regain your freedom soon...

"Remember, I forgot to pay." Ma Zhuangjie sat with his head tilted indifferently: "I was just trying it out, but I forgot to pay when I put it on. When I got home, I was busy dealing with all kinds of things. If something goes wrong, I won’t have time to make up the money.”

"Forget? Your behavior has already involved theft!" The leading police officer snorted coldly and said, "Tell me what's going on honestly."

Ma Zhuangjie pursed his lips, covered up the fact that he walked away with the clothes in the mall, and then signed the record.

However, before he could stand up, a police officer suddenly walked into the interrogation room, approached the leading police officer and whispered something in his ear.

Ma Zhuangjie watched curiously, but saw that after the police officer finished speaking, the leading police officer who had stood up and was about to leave actually sat back behind the interrogation table, frowned and asked, "What's the matter with that woman in the hotel? "

"Huh?" Ma Zhuangjie's heart jumped, and he said with a blank face: "He is my girlfriend! I just met two days ago, and I plan to take her shopping in the afternoon."

"Oh, really?" The police officer in charge snorted as if hearing some funny joke, looked at Ma Zhuangjie with interest and said, "That's not what she said."

"She said that you have already negotiated the price, and gave a deposit of [-] last night, and you will open the room."

"She's talking nonsense." Ma Zhuangjie blinked, shook his head and leaned back on the chair: "She's slander and blackmail, don't you care?"

"It doesn't matter if you say it's slander or extortion." The police officer in charge knocked on the table and said, "There are surveillance cameras in the hotel, we'll find out when we check."

Ten minutes later, Ma Zhuangjie, who had not eaten breakfast and felt tired, bowed his head slumpedly, and finally couldn't bear the highly targeted interrogation by the leading police officer, and stopped wrangling and nodded to admit himself.

And when he signed the record again and thought that today's bad luck was finally over, another police officer walked into the interrogation room.

After the police officer walked into the interrogation room, he gave him a pitiful look, and then whispered in the ear of the leading police officer!
Finally, this familiar scene aroused Ma Zhuangjie's vigilance.

However, when the police officers left, the leading police officer got up again and sat back at the interrogation table again. Ma Zhuangjie found that the leading police officer had a dumbfounding expression on his face.

"There's one piece of bad news, uh...it should be two pieces for you." The police officer in charge couldn't help laughing after finishing speaking, and then suppressed his smile and coughed lightly:

"The first one is that there is a blackmail case a month ago that requires your assistance in the investigation. The amount is not large, only 3000 yuan. You recall it."

"The second is the woman who provided you with illegal services last night. She claims to be a carrier of... er... some kind of virus, so... you know what I mean?"

In an instant, Ma Zhuangjie's complexion changed slightly, and he felt his scalp go numb: "What... virus?"

"Uh..." The police officer leading the team glanced at Ma Zhuangjie's crotch, raised his hand, rubbed his chin and said with a suppressed smile, "That...a virus that needs to be cut into parts."

As soon as the words fell, Ma Zhuangjie collapsed in the interrogation chair with empty eyes as if struck by lightning!

(End of this chapter)

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