Chapter 975
At three o'clock in the morning, after quickly installing some small devices, Song He quietly quit the Jujia Health Care Company with the collected raw material samples and account information in his head, and shared the information he had investigated with his own after breakfast. The speculation was told to Wu Xuerui and others.

"New materials?" Wu Xuerui paused after hearing this and said decisively: "I understand, I will help you contact the testing agency."

"My wife is reliable." Song He chuckled, and then seriously warned: "Every one of those guys in the account book must be checked, and no one can be let go."

"Understood." Wu Xuerui responded, and then asked: "All the investigation conclusions you have now are just speculations."

"And even if it's true, we won't be able to grasp the specific criminal facts of Chang Long in a short period of time, so do you have any plans?"

Song He pondered: "Yes, there is, but it depends on my luck and the cooperation of the local police."

"I'll help you get in touch right now." Wu Xuerui, who trusted Song He in every possible way, agreed without saying a word: "Do you need any other assistance?"

Song He thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's gone for now."

After hanging up the phone, Song He followed Wu Xuerui's instructions, came to the Ancheng Inspection Center, and handed over the things he had collected to the staff for inspection.

With the cooperation of strong network resources provided by Shen Jianghe, Song He quickly got the inspection report.

"This is the first time we have seen the sample you sent." The staff in charge of the inspection handed the inspection report to Song He and praised: "This synthetic substance has many advantages, and it should be someone with a professional background. Developed."

"The airtightness is very good?" Song He quickly flipped through the inspection report in his hand, but his brows became more and more wrinkled: "The thermal insulation function, flexibility and light-shielding performance are also excellent?"

"Yes." The staff member nodded, then pointed to the many advantages in the report and praised them a few words before laughing: "Actually, according to what you said, this kind of material is perfect for pillow cores."

"However, I can also see that the synthesis of this kind of material should be difficult, and the cost may not be very affordable, so it will be difficult to promote it."

After asking some more questions, Song He smiled and nodded his thanks, left the testing center and returned to the hotel, took out a small display screen from the ring and turned it on.

The display flickered for a while and then stabilized, and the two screens clearly showed that it was Changlong's office and the No. [-] factory building of Jujia Health Care Company that Song He had sneaked into at night.

Looking at the condescending perspective of the monitoring screen, it was obvious that Song He had installed the two monitors in positions similar to air vents.

"The protracted war is about to begin."

After checking the monitor and finding nothing unusual, Song He stretched out, took out snacks and ate while staring at the display screen, seemingly casually, but actually very focused.

Two days later, Song He, who was still staring at the surveillance video, suddenly had his eyes lit up, and he leaned closer to the monitor to take a closer look.

At this time, in Chang Long's office, Chang Long with a pair of small eyes was leaning back in the boss's chair, with his legs resting comfortably on the desk, and talking on the phone with a smile on his face.

What Chang Long didn't know was that his every move at this time was clearly transmitted to the monitor on Song He's hand by the surveillance camera facing him.

At the same time, Song He, who is proficient in lip language, read every word he said clearly.

"Brother Jin, don't worry." Chang Long patted the armrest of the chair with one hand, held the phone to his ear with the other, and said with a smile:
"It's still the same, I promise to wrap it up for you..."

"No problem, just drive the car directly to the No. [-] factory building, and I will send someone to pick it up..."

"Okay, see you later!"

After all, Chang Long hung up the phone triumphantly, then got up and lit a cigarette in his mouth.

After a while, the cigarette burned out, and Chang Long picked up the phone again to dial, but his tone became much more solemn: "Glasses, Boss Jin has a batch of goods coming, please pack them."

"Follow the usual practice, give it to him after finishing it neatly, don't let him pick faults with his gang of lunatics..."

While Chang Long was on the phone, Song He, who had been paying attention to the monitoring all the time, suddenly noticed that a young worker wearing glasses in the No. [-] factory was writhing from a secret place while answering the phone.

Not long after, the young workers put away their mobile phones, dragged out several paint cans, and placed them next to the machine that made the packaging bags.

"No wonder I couldn't find it." Song He, who was paying attention to every move of the young workers, sneered: "So it's because it's hard to distinguish, and it's mixed with other raw materials!"

While talking, the young worker had already started the machine, opened a jar, stirred a few times, and poured the beige viscous colloid stored in it into the machine.

While the young worker was controlling the machine, a small box truck drove straight into the delivery room and stopped in the unloading area.

The young worker who was secretly watching the entrance and exit of the factory saw this and immediately called two workers to unload the goods.

After a while, two unloading workers, under the supervision of two men with unfriendly faces, pushed the unloading truck with two suitcases to the young worker.

"..." The young worker glanced at the suitcase, wanted to say something but held back, just swallowed his saliva and continued to operate the machine.

The two workers were waved away by the man with a sullen expression and continued to inspect the assembly line that produces health care pillows.

"It's still the same size as last time." Seeing the two workers walking away, a man walked up to the young worker and whispered, "One hundred pillows."

"Oh." The young workers obeyed Chang Long's instructions, didn't talk much, and just worked honestly.

At this time, in Chang Long's office, a thin, dark-skinned man sat across from Chang Long, chatting and laughing with Chang Long carelessly, with a hearty look.

However, Chang Long seemed to be calmly responding with a smile, but in fact he was very scared. After all, he clearly knew how cold-blooded and ruthless the thin man in front of him was.

"I'm talking about Xiao Chang, why don't you just sell me a set of these things in your factory." The thin man stared at Chang Long's small eyes with a smile on his face, and said generously: "You make a price, and I will never say anything else! How about it?"

"Ouch! Why don't you say that Brother Jin is so generous?" Chang Long laughed and said, "Brother Jin, who knows you on the road, who doesn't say that you are moral?"

"Just for these three words, I have to satisfy you! Tell me a day, and I will pack up my set and transfer it to you."

"But I have to remind you that this set of things is not visible, you have to find a way to build a small factory to cover it, so that it is safer."

"Do you want to set up a factory like you?" The thin man smiled and waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I have no intention of running a stall like you. I have enough to worry about right now."

Chang Long let out a long breath in his heart, and flattered with a smiling face: "Indeed, you are doing big things. We can help you with such small things. You don't need to worry about it..."

Chatting and chatting, an hour passed, and the machine in the No. [-] workshop also stopped working.

Next to the machine, a hundred newly packed small pillows were neatly stacked together.As for the suitcase that had been valued before, it was suddenly opened and thrown aside, and there was nothing in it.

At this time, the two workers who had unloaded the goods hurried over and quickly put one hundred pillow inserts into the semi-finished pillows and sealed them.

Then, under the supervision of two men, they packed the pillows one by one and moved them into the small van.

"Good, let's go."

When the two men saw this, one of them nodded at the young worker, then got into the minivan without looking back, started the car and drove out of the factory building.

However, neither the two men in charge of driving, the young worker who didn't speak much during the whole process, nor the Chang Long and the thin man who were still talking and laughing at this time, didn't know that the moment the car started, someone sitting in the hotel A icy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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