Chapter 976 Windfall
The small car with a compartment full of health care pillows had just left Jujia Health Care Company, and before driving a few hundred meters, the two men in the car heard an indescribable noise, and at the same time the car body jerked violently. Immediately afterwards, the small box car veered uncontrollably to the left!

"Damn it! The tire is blown!"


Exclaiming, the man driving the car quickly stabilized the steering wheel and leaned towards the side of the road!After a lot of hard work, the car was finally parked on the side of the road without any danger.

"Damn!" The driving man broke out in a cold sweat and slammed the reverse wheel, cursed and opened the door to get out of the car to check.

However, he had just jumped out of the car, and before he had time to tell which tire had a problem, he saw several off-road vehicles roaring and parked around him, and in the blink of an eye, the small box car was completely surrounded!

Realizing that something was wrong, the man's heart jumped. Just as he was about to take something out of his pocket, he saw a group of plainclothes policemen rushing down from the off-road vehicle that hadn't stopped, and directly put the pistol on his forehead!

"Don't move!"

"get off!"

Amidst the shouts, the man who got out of the car to check was directly pushed to the ground, and the man sitting in the passenger seat was also roughly pulled down and pinned to the ground unable to move!
Until then, the police officers breathed a sigh of relief.

"Search!" Seeing that the situation was under control, a middle-aged police officer immediately shouted at the officers, "Open the carriage!"

The police officers immediately acted according to their words, and quickly found two loaded pistols from the two men, and at the same time sent a health pillow still sealed in the packing box to the middle-aged police officer.

"Take it apart! Take out the pillow!" The middle-aged police officer's very purposeful instruction immediately caused the two subdued men to fall into an ice cellar.

More than ten seconds later, when a police officer dismantled the integrated health pillow, a well-wrapped pillow core that looked normal was exposed in front of everyone.

And as the policeman carefully cut open the outer packaging of the pillow core, a palm-sized lump tightly sealed with aluminum foil appeared in the hands of the policeman.

The middle-aged police officer who has been fighting on the front line all year round is extremely experienced. After taking the lump and weighing it, his heart sank.

Afterwards, he took a little bit of the lump away and took it to the tip of his nose to smell it lightly, his complexion darkened instantly, and he shouted loudly: "Take them all away!"

After shouting, the middle-aged police officer looked at the health care pillows filling the entire carriage, feeling an uncontrollable fear in his heart. He picked up the walkie-talkie and said decisively: "Arrest them!"

As soon as the words fell, teams of police officers ambushing outside the Jujia Health Care Company rushed in unanimously, aiming directly at Chang Long's office and No. [-] factory building!
Not long after, the thin man who was about to bid farewell and Chang Long, who was happy to receive the money, was held down by the police officers who broke in suddenly.

The young workers and others who were still processing health pillows in the No. [-] factory building were also escorted into the police car by the police officers who successfully raided.

When everyone returned to the police station, the partner of the middle-aged police officer who was in charge of arresting Chang Long and the thin man suddenly approached the middle-aged police officer and asked excitedly, "Old Huang, where did you get the news? Such a big fish is enough for you to take care of yourself." It's been a year!"

"What are you shouting about!" The middle-aged police officer glanced at the surrounding police officers, pulled his partner aside and said in a low voice: "The news from above is specifically ordered not to be leaked for the time being, so don't inquire! If you can tell me, I will be the first to tell you." you!"

"Above?" His partner rolled his eyes, raised his brows and glared: "Damn! You're giving away your credit for nothing!"

"Not in vain." The middle-aged police officer shook his head, pointed to Chang Long who was escorted into the interrogation room, and said in a low voice, "Someone wants to interrogate this guy."

"Just to interrogate him? That's equivalent to giving it away for nothing!" The partner couldn't believe it: "Who is so rich?"

"It will be there in a while." The middle-aged police officer pointed to the direction of the gate of the police station, and said: "Secret interrogation, no video or written materials will be left, and we will not be on the sidelines."

The partner was surprised when he heard it: "A big deal?"

"Probably so." The middle-aged police officer knew that his partner was very curious, so he seriously told him, "Don't try to eavesdrop and peek!"

"Don't worry, you can't." The partner readily agreed, but his eyes kept moving between the gate of the police station and the interrogation room where Chang Long was.

More than ten minutes later, Song He, dressed in casual clothes, came to the police station, directly found the middle-aged police officer Daoming, and was brought into the interrogation room.

"Officer Song, don't worry, we've arranged all the things you explained." The middle-aged police officer said seriously before leaving: "Also, no one will disturb you during this period, you can rest assured to interrogate."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged police officer left the interrogation room and closed the door tactfully.

So, after the sound of closing the door, only Song He, who was calm and composed, and Chang Long, who was at a loss, were left in the interrogation room.

"I know you are very uneasy." Song He looked at Chang Long and smiled, then walked to the one-way mirror in the interrogation room: "But you still need to hold back for a while."

At this time, in the observation room separated from the interrogation room by a mirror, the middle-aged police officer's partner was curiously looking at everything in the interrogation room, waiting for the start of the interrogation that would not leave any information.

However, what surprised him was that after Song He said those words, he stood in front of the one-way mirror with a smile on his face, his eyes were meaningful, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"What are you doing..." The middle-aged police officer's partner frowned and muttered, and moved slowly.

But immediately after, Song He's gaze shifted a little with his footsteps, and he stared straight into his eyes!

In an instant, the middle-aged police officer's partner felt chills all over his body, and he froze in place without daring to move!
"Damn..." After a while, seeing Song He's eyes still staring at him without blinking, the middle-aged police officer's partner muttered coldly, "I can't really see me..."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the smile on Song He's face suddenly became wider. At the same time, he tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, and whispered two words:

"you guess."

In an instant, two clearly spoken words were transmitted into the observation room along the turned-on radio equipment. The middle-aged police officer's partner was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly, and did not stagger to a stop until he bumped into a table!

"Is it such a big reaction?"

In the interrogation room, Song He listened to the faint movements coming from the observation room, easily deduced what happened, and smiled calmly: "I thought you were mentally prepared when you decided to eavesdrop."

"I... am not..." The middle-aged police officer's partner was extremely panicked at this time, and he was in a panic and had no idea how to deal with this situation.

"Please turn off the equipment that should be turned off." Song He pointed to his ear, and then pointed to the position of the door of the observation room: "Also, close the door when you go out, thank you."

In the observation room, the middle-aged police officer's partner was already chilled by Song He's sight. Hearing the words, he felt as if he had received an amnesty. He agreed without a word and at the same time quickly turned off the radio equipment, and then left the observation room as if fleeing!

Following the expected sound of closing the door and the sound of hurried footsteps going away, Song He finally nodded with satisfaction, sat opposite Chang Long, and said lightly:
"It's time to start."

At this time, Chang Long had no idea what was going on in the observation room next door, but was made more and more uneasy by Song He's inexplicable one-man teasing after entering the door: "Start...uh...what?"

"Take a statement." While speaking, Song He leaned back on the chair comfortably with Erlang's legs crossed. He didn't intend to record anything at all, but just stared at Chang Long with a smile and said, "Tell me about Loki."

"Why..." Chang Long exclaimed, but seemed to remember something, his face changed and he said: "What Loki?"

"It's the guy who once signed an agreement with you." Song He tapped his fingers on the table and made a sound: "Wear a mask, use an old computer to contact you, and give you advice..."

Following Song He's description, whenever the characteristics of a man with coagulated blood were mentioned, Chang Long's expression turned ugly. ,

And when Song He finished speaking, Chang Long's small eyes were already wide open, and a large white of his eyes was rarely exposed.

"Why? Don't tell me?" Song He shook his head in disappointment and said, "Well, according to the investigation, you are suspected of manufacturing, transporting and selling [-] kilograms of illegal drugs, which is a capital crime. Prepare to write a suicide note .”

After all, Song He turned around and said loudly to the surveillance camera that was not working at all: "Please call the brother from the anti-narcotics department. Chang Long is one of the leaders of this illegal drug trafficking group. He will be shot immediately."

"No... wait!" Chang Long, who was a little frightened, hurriedly shouted, and said in a panic, "I said! I know!"

"Wait for now." Song He waved his hands at the monitor pretendingly, then turned to Chang Long and smiled gently: "That's right, why resist? You hurt yourself for no reason, let's talk about it."

Shocked by Song He's unemotional smile, Chang Long nodded quickly, pursed his lips and said, "Rocky contacted me two years ago, and I was just a salesman on the street at that time, and I didn't have much money. "

"Suddenly one day, I received a text message saying that a product I sold was out of order and a user was injured."

"I didn't believe it at the time, but I still inquired about it and found out that what was said in the text message was true. I was terrified, and then Mr. Rocky told me that there was a way to settle it."

"I did what he said, and the matter was smoothed out. Then he asked me if I wanted to make money, and if I wanted to, I would go to the place he designated to buy a designated computer..."

In the next hour, Chang Long, who started the game, didn't hide any more, and told everything about how he gradually became rich according to the mixed-race man's instructions. Once again, Song He expressed his sincere admiration for the mixed-race man's ability to control people's hearts.

And after Chang Long said that the mixed-race man took the initiative to end the agreement with him some time ago, he looked at Song He with hope, and said cautiously: "That's all."

"Hmm." Song He snorted noncommittally, and then asked with a complicated mood: "Then, was it Loki's idea to help Boss Jin pack and transport prohibited drugs?"

"Uh...yes!" Chang Long licked his lips and replied immediately: "He also said that he could help people smuggle, and then he introduced me to someone who did research on new materials, and got those who made pillow cores. Material."

"Well." Song He nodded and continued to ask: "Then what level of agreement did you sign with him? High level or low level?"

"Advanced agreement." Chang Long, who felt a little parched, licked his lips again: "After signing, he asked me to find that person to get new materials."

"So that's it." Song He sighed with an unclear expression, then looked at Chang Long with burning eyes and said, "Did you know? You purse your lips when you tell the truth, and lick your lips when you lie."

"Ah?" Chang Long, who didn't know why Song He said that suddenly, was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses, his expression changed and he said: "No... I didn't lie..."

"It doesn't matter." Song He spread his hands and smiled: "I will find out the facts, so it doesn't matter what you say."

"Now let's move on to the next step. Which of the account books you treasure and put in the safe are engaged in illegal activities..."

Half an hour later, Song He stood up, looked at Chang Long who was terrified and nearly collapsed in the interrogation chair, and smiled disdainfully: "Although you still consider yourself a porter, the things you did That's enough to shoot."

"So, prepare to write a suicide note."

After saying that, Song He stood up and walked out. As soon as he reached the door, Chang Long, who was sitting slumped in the interrogation chair, suddenly sat upright, leaned forward and stared at Song He's back, breathing rapidly and panicked. shouted urgently:
"Officer...officer! I...know who Loki is!"

Suddenly, Song He's eyes flashed slightly, and his right hand that had already grasped the doorknob froze!
After taking a breath, he turned around slowly, with an extremely serious expression, and his gaze shot directly into Chang Long's eyes like lightning: "Do you know... Loki's identity?"

"I know! It's not..." Chang Long knew that he had the only chance to reduce his sentence, so he pursed his lips and said eagerly, "I...I have a way to contact him!"

"Interesting." Song He Wenyan grinned, sat back in the chair he had just left, and said with great interest, "Tell me about your method."

(End of this chapter)

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