Chapter 982
In the early morning of the next day, Song He returned to Qindu alone, and told Shen Jianghe and others in detail what he and Liu Yun had investigated.

"So, you just need to grab it?" Xing An couldn't believe it.

"It's not that simple." Shen Jianghe, who took time out of his busy schedule to listen to Song He's report, mused: "If we want to catch him, considering his caution and cunning, we must take action by surprise."

"Because of his identity and the resources he possesses, after the arrest is successful, you must grasp his criminal evidence as quickly as possible."

"If you can't get his relevant criminal evidence, everything you have done will be in vain, and Yang Wenyuan will abscond as soon as he leaves the police station."

When everyone heard the words, they all frowned and thought about it, but they couldn't think of where to start.

It turned out that before Song He returned to Qin Capital, they learned about Yang Wenyuan's simple situation from Song He through a routine call.

As soon as they learned that Yang Wenyuan was Rocky, Wu Xuerui and others collected and analyzed Yang Wenyuan's information from multiple angles.

However, no matter what angle they analyzed, Wu Xuerui and the others could not find any clues to prove that Yang Wenyuan had violated laws and regulations!

Seeing that Wu Xuerui and others were silent, Shen Jianghe looked at Song He, who was also meditating, and asked in a deep voice: "Song He, what do you think?"

"I have sorted out his investment records." Song He replied: "The profession of investors is different from other professions. Their achievements depend to a certain extent on the individual's cognition of things."

"Yang Wenyuan, as an independent investor who doesn't rely on the team very much, his personal personality, thoughts, consciousness, likes and dislikes will all affect his investment decisions to a certain extent."

"So if we can thoroughly study his investment tendencies, we should be able to profile him to a certain extent and discover something that cannot be discovered through conventional means."

Wu Xuerui and the others couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this, while Shen Jianghe nodded and said, "It's a line of thought. So have you discovered anything now?"

"I thought of something." Song He pulled up Yang Wenyuan's investment records and showed them to everyone in chronological order: "His first investment was not an investment in the strict sense, it was just a time to help others."

"At that time, a friend of his needed funds to open a restaurant, and he found a circle of people to find him, and then he lent some money to the friend."

"Yang Wenyuan's friends are very grateful to him, and treat him as a stockholder with money, and give him a certain amount of dividends every month, which has lasted for ten years."

"After receiving the first month's dividend from a friend's hotel, Yang Wenyuan, who had relatively superior economic conditions, began to actively look for high-return investment opportunities, and indeed found many..."

Following Song He's instructions, everyone looked at Yang Wenyuan's investment records one by one, and vaguely grasped a thread of thought.

"Did you find out?" Song He, who had read all of Yang Wenyuan's investment records, concluded: "As an investor, the conditions for Yang Wenyuan to consider whether an investment project is worth investing in are not very clear."

"We all know that when investors look at projects, some focus on the industry prospect, while others consider the growth of the project. Although each has its own characteristics, it is rare to invest in those projects that can be achieved in the short term. Projects that benefit, but the revenue is not high."

"However, except for the few projects that Yang Wenyuan invested in at the beginning, what he considered was almost all the short-term benefits and returns of the projects."

"And once he achieves his expected income and return, he will quickly realize the equity he holds in the investment project, and then look for the next project."

The experienced Shen Jianghe easily followed Song He's train of thought, and pondered: "You mean, compared to other investors, Yang Wenyuan pays more attention to collecting money, and then turns the collected money into his own business?"

"Yes." Song He nodded and said, "This is basically how he got his rich assets. First invest, then realize, and finally turn the realized money into assets under his own name."

"And this is also the reason why besides the equity obtained through investment, the total assets under his name will still reach [-] million."

"However, when I analyzed it here, I found a little incongruity."

When Wu Xuerui and the other three heard this, they looked at each other and said nothing. On the contrary, Shen Jianghe nodded slowly and said, "It's uncoordinated. Tell me what your guess is."

"Okay." Song He responded, and seeing that Wu Xuerui and the others were a little dazed, he explained: "Yang Wenyuan is Luo Ji, and it is already a certainty."

"But as an extremely cautious and cunning criminal, his behavior in purchasing assets is not like a criminal who would abscond at any time."

"You must know that any criminal, even a thief, will have some sense of insecurity in his heart, let alone a criminal of Yang Wenyuan's level."

"Therefore, buying too many properties that cannot be taken away when fleeing is contradictory to Yang Wenyuan's underlying psychological logic."

"Based on this, I think there are reasons why Yang Wenyuan bought those properties."

After listening to Song He's explanation, the three of Wu Xuerui suddenly realized that they also focused on Yang Wenyuan's property, and began to try to analyze the possible secrets in it.

Song He smiled when he saw this and said slowly: "I found that except for a few properties under his name, all of them are shops."

"Jade stores, jewelry stores, and gold and silver stores are all high-consumption places, and they are all located in prosperous areas."

"At the same time, I also believe that you have also checked the bank statements of these stores and found nothing tricky..."

"Don't beat around the bush." ​​Shen Jianghe, who had already guessed what Song He was going to say, interrupted Song He, smiled and lightly knocked on the table: "Just tell the conclusion."

Song He nodded, took a deep breath, and slowly uttered two words: "Money laundering."

As soon as the words came out, Wu Xuerui and the others immediately realized, Xing An suddenly realized and exclaimed: "No wonder I think those jewelry stores are doing good business! So there is a reason!"

"Yes." Song He sighed: "I have also seen the sales of his store. At first I thought it might just be that the store is in a good location and the business is very good."

"But then I felt that it was necessary to make a comparison with other stores, so I compared the flow of other jewelry stores and jade shops in the same area."

"And this comparison made me realize that Yang Wenyuan's store has a lot more bulk business than other stores. At the same time, his store does not follow the laws of the market's off-season and peak season."

(End of this chapter)

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