Chapter 983
A few days later at noon, in the square of the central business district of Bocheng City, Tianjin Province, a salesman wearing a doll costume was handing out flyers to passers-by.

And looking at his skillful movements when he stopped every pedestrian who passed by him, and the way he distributed leaflets so that no one slipped through the net, it was obvious that he was already a veteran of handing out leaflets.

At the same time, at the entrance of a restaurant with a chic decoration, about [-] meters away from the doll clothing salesperson, two men dressed in waiter clothes greeted the diners who came to eat, while watching the salesmen rushing in the square. personnel.

"Manager, this new Sun Xiaohai is very powerful." After the lower-ranking waiter of the two sent a diner into the hotel, he pointed with envy at the doll costume salesman who was handing out flyers in the distance: " In the past few days since he has been here, the passenger flow has been at least [-]% more than usual!"

"It's really good." The higher-ranking man glanced at the direction the waiter was pointing at, and then at the interior of the restaurant where the number of diners was gradually increasing, and smiled involuntarily.

But neither of them knew that the salesman in doll costume they were talking about was distributing leaflets to attract customers to eat in the store, while paying attention to a jade shop not far from him:

"Comprehensive comparison shows that jade has greater room for maneuver in terms of selling price, and operations such as money laundering are more convenient and concealed."

"That's why he has the largest number of jade stores, and the sales of each store are high."

"But it's really difficult to sit on the sidelines. I've been working part-time for a week, and the people who love and work hard every day are almost turning regular. When will I be tall..."

A few hours later, when Song He, who seemed to be working seriously, was busy again for the hotel's sales, two men each dragging a small suitcase appeared on the square, and walked into Song He's room with a clear goal. Pay attention to the jade shop!

I saw that the two men were about 40 to [-] years old. They were both wearing cheap plain clothes. When they walked, their backs and shoulders were subconsciously tense.

"Coming!" Song He whispered, quickly turned on the Bluetooth communicator hidden in his ear and whispered quickly: "Attention! The target has appeared!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Xuerui's voice came from the communicator: "Report your appearance!"

Song He, who was disguised in a doll costume, continued to distribute leaflets while approaching the jade shop unobtrusively, and said softly: "Two people, male, aged between 30 and 40."

"One of them has a black top, dark blue jeans, and black sneakers! The other has a gray top, black sweatpants, and brown outdoor shoes!"

"The two targets are extremely vigilant, and there are silhouettes of suspected knives and contraband on the inside of their jackets! It's over!"

"Understood!" Wu Xuerui, after writing down everything Song He said, warned: "Xing An and Lu Jing are leaving now, don't act rashly!"

Song Hewen said with a helpless smile: "I am dressed up now, even if I want to act rashly, I can't do it..."

After finishing the call, Song He walked back and forth not far from the entrance of the jade shop by distributing leaflets to passers-by, secretly observing the situation inside the jade shop with his super vision.

However, after entering the store, the two men went straight to the counter where the high-end jade ornaments and accessories were placed. They simply selected a few exquisite jade ornaments, and then went straight to the cashier to pay.

After arriving at the cashier, the two opened the suitcase directly, took out the neat stacks of red bills, and piled them on the cashier.

The staff behind the cash register seemed to be used to such scenes, counted the cash with a smile all the way, then issued the receipt and invoice to the two, and enthusiastically guided the two to pick up the goods and leave.

"300 million, five jade ornaments." Song He, who had a panoramic view of all the details, walked away from the jade shop nonchalantly, and said with a soft snort, "Those five scraps add up to 3 yuan. I'll swallow them even in the box." Already!"

After all, Song He looked at the two men leaving from a distance, and switched on the communicator again: "The target has left the jade shop and is heading south. It seems that he prepared a car by himself. Be careful when you follow."

"Don't worry, Lao Lu and I can still handle it." This time it was Xing An who was talking to Song He, and while Xing An was talking, there was a sound of traffic, obviously the two had already set off.

Seeing that Xing An and Lu Jing, who had top-notch investigative abilities, were already in place, Song He felt relieved and began to think about when he would quit his temporary job in the hotel.

At night, after Song He, who had dutifully finished his restaurant work, returned to his foothold, it was already ten o'clock at night.

However, Xing An and Lu Jing, who were in charge of following the two men, came back only a few minutes earlier than Song He.

"How's it going?" Seeing the two of them devouring takeaways, Song He knew that they had just walked in and asked quickly, "What's the whitewashing process?"

"Ma De! It's a big detour!" Xing An swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said, "These two guys left the jade shop and went around for a while to a restaurant."

"After they finished their meal, they got in the car again and started to circle around. After more than half an hour, they arrived at the Antique Street. They found a random shop and went in. When they came out, those jade ornaments were no longer in their hands."

"Wait!" Song He raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Whatever?"

"That's right, they just randomly chose a store." Xing An also said with a bit of confusion: "Lu Jing and I also felt something was wrong, but they really just entered a random store."

Song He couldn't help frowning when he heard this. He believed that with the abilities of Xing An and Lu Jing, it would be no problem to distinguish between deliberately looking for a shop and choosing a shop at random.

But it is precisely because of this certainty that the behavior of the stalked is particularly weird.

"It seems that there is something inside that we don't understand." Song He, who was puzzled, shook his head and said, "Old Xing, go ahead."

"After leaving the antique shop, they went around again." Xing An continued, "After more than half an hour, they entered a jade raw material processing factory."

"When they came out this time, they had an extra piece of jade material in their hands. After that, they..."

But before he finished speaking, Song He, who was listening carefully, suddenly lit up his eyes and said in a low voice, "They sold the jade raw materials to Yang Wenyuan!"

"Guess right." Xing An nodded and said, "The store under Yang Wenyuan's name does buy jade for reprocessing, and they are all very formal."

"I really didn't expect that this would be an important part of money laundering."

"It's safe to do this, isn't it?" Song He asked with burning eyes: "There is nothing wrong with buying jade, but this kind of business cannot be limited to money laundering."

"And in order to make these actions seem more legitimate, it is normal to use bank transfers. So, when the target finally came out, he should not have cash, right?"

"That's right." Xing An replied, "They didn't take any suitcases when they went in, and they came out empty-handed."

"That's easy!" Song He sneered: "Of course there's no need to hide legitimate income anymore!"

After that, Song He called Liu Yun directly and asked him to retrieve the transfer records related to the store under Yang Wenyuan's name.

Liuyun's work efficiency was as high as ever, and he quickly sent the relevant information over.

After some comparison and search, Song He's eyes locked on a record: "From the perspective of time and amount, it should be this one."

Wu Xuerui and others heard the words and looked at it, but they saw that it was a transfer record of 210 million, and the time coincided with the time when the targeted target sold jade raw materials to the store under the name of Yang Wenyuan.

"70.00%?" Song He calculated the conversion rate in an instant, raised his eyebrows and said, "Yang Wenyuan is really a conscientious businessman, no wonder no one has confessed him for so many years."

Wu Xuerui and the others also knew what this conversion rate meant, and their expressions gradually became serious.

"But it doesn't matter." Song He squinted and smiled: "No matter what benefits this conversion rate brings him, he won't be able to enjoy it soon."

"And what we should pay attention to now is the owner of this collection account, which is also the breakthrough point we have obtained through untold hardships."

With that said, Song He's finger landed at the end of the transfer record, where a name that everyone saw for the first time was marked:

Bai Songjie.

(End of this chapter)

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